Meta-cinema, that is, "movies about movies," is a movie that uses the movie itself as the object of expression. The most famous meta-movie in film history is "Eight and a Half" by Italian director Fellini. This film tells the story of a famous director who encountered an emotiona

yuan movie, that is, "a movie about movies", a movie that uses the movie itself as the object of expression. The most famous meta-movie in the history of film is Italian director Fellini's " eight and a half". This film tells the story of a famous director who encountered an emotional crisis and a creative crisis. The film's market performance at the time was mediocre, but as time went by, the public slowly felt its charm. Although meta-movie genres are easy to receive widespread acclaim in the industry, they are also prone to falling into the position of "industry self-pleasure", which makes it difficult to arouse public empathy and results in unsatisfactory box office results.

For example, the movie " Galaxy Writer " released on March 30 tells the story of two screenwriters who "unappreciated their talents." The film was previously shortlisted for various film festivals, and caused a sensation when it was screened for the first time at the Xining First Youth Film Festival. Tickets were sold out at the Golden Rooster Film Festival, and Yan Fei, Peng Damo, Jiang Wen, Stephen Chow, etc. all gave positive reviews. However, this movie, which was highly regarded by industry insiders, has been sluggish in the market. It only collected 4.239 million box office in one month after its release. This is in sharp contrast to the praise it received in the industry. This strong contrast makes people wonder: Why are meta-movies highly praised in the industry, but difficult to resonate with audiences in the market?

html Why do 9-yuan movies always get rave reviews? The reason why

yuan movies are well received in the industry is mainly due to its unique creative techniques and profound connotations. Meta-film focuses on the fictional nature of the film and the production process behind it, and has the characteristics of self-examination and analysis. This kind of introspection and exploration of film art can give priority to the attention and discussion of practitioners, "hard-core" movie fans, and critics.

For example, in the movie " Auspicious Ruyi ", the two parts "Auspicious" and " Ruyi " echo each other. The first half of the story provides the background and emotional foundation for the second half, and the second half reveals the filming process and family Real emotions, adding more layers and depth to the first half. This mutually mirroring structure makes "Auspicious Ruyi" richer and more three-dimensional in terms of narrative and emotional expression.

and the like, usually in the process of watching a "meta-movie", the audience will witness the creator deconstructing his own creative process while delving into the real-life prototypes behind the fictional characters and the lives of the actors who will play these characters. and emotional dilemmas. This narrative technique not only demonstrates the fictional nature of the film, but also introduces the audience into a wonderful world full of intertwined reality and fiction.

In addition to revolving around the shooting of a certain movie, movies involving other movie texts and realizing self-recognition based on movie creation also belong to the category of "meta-movies". For example, director Spielberg's " Dream House " and director Giuseppe Donatore's " Cinema Paradiso ". In the former, the protagonist gradually embarks on the path of film creation; in the latter, every life experience of the protagonist is always inseparable from the film. In meta-movies, the director shows the charm of the film through the personal experiences of the characters to express his love and respect for the film.

Secondly, meta-cinema allows directors to break the framework of traditional films and communicate with audiences in a more direct and candid way. In the movie " Ruan Lingyu ", the director constantly added scenes such as actors' understanding of the characters, real people's self-narrations, shooting scenes and historical objects into the feature film. This technique not only enriched the narrative space of the film, but also made the audience better Understand the ideas and emotions conveyed by the movie. This innovative approach provides more possibilities for film creation and brings a richer movie-watching experience to the audience.

The director will also directly criticize the film industry, social phenomena or human nature through the dialogue or behavior of the characters. In the movie "Mr. Red Carpet ", the protagonist Liu Weichi, played by Andy Lau, went to shoot a rural-themed movie in order to win the grand prize, but he was accidentally involved in a public opinion storm.This ridiculous farce and many plots that satirize the entertainment industry not only vividly reveal the operating mechanism and the stories behind the film industry, but also show the audience the complexity of the entertainment industry, the uncontrollability of public opinion, and the role of individuals in it. helplessness and struggle.

" Yong'an Town Story Collection " uses the four perspectives of director, screenwriter, actor and town residents to tell an absurd story. When facing the fictional beauty of the movie, each group will be tortured by the ruthless reality. , this separation between reality and ideal is the biggest highlight of this film. This kind of clear-cut point of view output allows the audience to more directly feel the director's intentions during the movie watching process, thus triggering more in-depth thinking and discussion. On the whole, meta-films incorporate more of the creator's self-expression, with stylized lens design and expressive techniques that deconstruct the norms of film creation. Its professionalism and artistic innovation can easily arouse positive responses in the industry. However, it is also more difficult for this kind of niche movie that is biased towards movie fans to resonate with the public.

htmlWhy do 9 yuan movies always perform poorly at the box office?

Although meta-movies have won high reputation and praise in the industry, their box office performance is often difficult to match this praise. This phenomenon highlights the challenges that meta-films face in terms of market popularity and audience acceptance. The occurrence of this phenomenon can be attributed to the following reasons.

First, there is a certain threshold for watching Yuan movies. Meta-films are often unique and in-depth in terms of subject matter and content, paying more attention to the fictional identity of the film and its creation process, and are reflexive in nature of self-referential and self-deconstruction. This relatively niche and professional nature often requires the audience to have certain film knowledge and aesthetic abilities in order to fully understand and appreciate its profound meaning. This high threshold has discouraged some viewers, thus affecting its box office performance.

Secondly, it is difficult for Yuan movies to give the audience a fully immersive viewing experience. For ordinary audiences, they are more accustomed to immersing themselves in the fictional world created by movies and enjoying the emotional resonance and entertainment experience brought by the story. Meta-movies are more inclined to break this boundary, bringing the audience behind the scenes of film creation, showing the complexity of film production and the hardship of artistic creation. This approach of "jumping out" of the movie itself may confuse or make some viewers feel uncomfortable, which in turn affects their acceptance and resonance with the movie.

The characteristics of Yuan movies themselves make them face certain challenges in publicity and promotion. Today, as the film market becomes increasingly segmented, the market positioning of meta-films is not clear or precise enough. It may be difficult to be clearly classified into a specific market segment. Fuzzy market positioning will not only make film distributors face difficulties in promotion and publicity, but also confuse audiences when choosing movies.

For example, "Mr. Red Carpet" has faced many reschedulings and withdrawals, largely due to its poor publicity strategy. Before the film was released, the promotional team focused on black humor and relied on director Ning Hao's identity as a comedy director to successfully arouse the audience's expectations. However, when the audience actually went into the theater to watch, they found that there was a big difference between the actual style of the movie and the promotion. This gap led to the audience's disappointment and dissatisfaction, which in turn affected its box office performance.

Coincidentally, "Galaxy Writer" also has similar problems in the promotion and distribution. The film focuses on the "worker" comedy label that is close to social hot spots, hoping to resonate with a broad audience. But after watching the movie, the audience discovered that the so-called "workers" are actually film and television practitioners in a narrow sense. Although "Galaxy Writers" is a film that deeply analyzes the world and frustrations of screenwriters, and its emotional depth and artistic value can well impress the screenwriter community, its response among the wider public group is limited, and among them A large number of experimental shots and expression techniques are not easy to be accepted by the audience in a short period of time. As a Douban netizen commented on the film: "It captures the screenwriter's daily routine very accurately, and there are a lot of laughs, but it is too industry-oriented."

html Where should the 9 yuan movie go?

Yuan Movie, with its unique perspective and depth, presents the audience with a wonderful world about the movie itself. However, how to make meta-movies truly enter the public eye and transform industry reputation into actual box office performance has become a question worth exploring.

First of all, meta-film, as a film type that explores the art of film itself, has irreplaceable value and significance. Creators should continue to insist on its uniqueness and depth; at the same time, more attention needs to be paid to audience acceptance and market demand. The development of meta-film must find a bridge with the audience, so that this unique and profound art form can cross the gap between art and technology and resonate emotionally with the public.

To address this, blending the form of meta-cinema with other film genres is a strategy worth trying. The movie "'s Great Night" released last year is a successful example. It uses meta-cinematic techniques to deconstruct a thriller movie and use a small cost to leverage the box office. This innovative approach not only attracts the audience's attention, but also allows a larger circle of users to have a deeper understanding of meta-movies.

In the future, producers can learn from the experience of successful cases such as "The Great Night" and try to integrate more with other film types, such as science fiction, comedy, romance and other different types, so that the work can maintain its uniqueness while also Sufficiently attractive and ornamental.

Secondly, Yuan Film needs more investment and innovative attempts in publicity and promotion. On the one hand, we continue to cooperate with film festivals and film exhibitions. These activities often bring together many film lovers and professionals. They are an excellent platform for the display and promotion of meta-films and an important way for the promotion and promotion of meta-films. On the other hand, new media platforms such as social media can be used to create topics and hold offline movie viewings for different user circles to strengthen interaction and communication with the audience. By cooperating with these activities, Yuan Film can gain more exposure opportunities and attention, further increasing its visibility and influence. Film is a popular art, and meta-films should not be limited to circles. More possibilities for it to resonate with the public exist in real social life.