Sister E went to Shanghai to meet Guo Jingjing again. She wore a light gray suit and ponytail, and was smart and chill. It's only been four months since we last met, and I feel like her condition has improved to another level. Sure enough, pursuing a career is the best medical be


e went to Shanghai to meet Guo Jingjing again. She wore a light gray suit and ponytail, and was smart and chill. It's only been four months since we last met, and I feel like her condition has improved to another level.

Sure enough, pursuing a career is the best medical beauty treatment for women.

What we met this time was the "Healthy Shanghai Action: Let AED Move!" public welfare event. Guo Jingjing, who is enthusiastic about public welfare, attended as the charity ambassador of Volvo Cars AED Road Messenger Alliance. For this reason, she also specially accepted the "Help Life" The use of the artifact "aed" and first aid skills training.

Volvo, as the only car company in the automotive industry that has officially established the AED Alliance, has also worked with Guo Jingjing to promote the popularization of AED and the improvement of the social first aid system, delivering a full sense of "security" to the whole society.

After the sudden change to a wealthy family, Guo Jingjing switched to a career mode

Since Guo Jingjing married into a wealthy family, she has always left everyone with a low-key and pragmatic impression of a wealthy family, a 3 yuan headband and 50 yuan white shoes, all kinds of informal civilians The daily life of a noble lady.

It may be because in the past ten years, she has appeared in public more often as a "mother", taking her children to the fields to plant rice, riding bicycles, shopping in supermarkets... As long as her dress meets the needs of comfort and convenience, she Always pragmatic.

If you have paid attention to Guo Jingjing’s movements in the past year or two, you will find that Guo Jingjing has appeared more often in formal occasions, her dress has become more and more refined and sophisticated, and she has many new positions.

For example, the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Diving Association, the Technical Officer of the International Diving Competition, the President of the Nansha Cultural Association...these positions are not like the Chairman of the Opera Center where the sisters-in-law competed to be named in "Family Glory". They are just for the limelight. It requires rigorous examination.

In order to pass the FINA referee exam, Guo Jingjing stayed up many late nights, and this international referee has a qualification exam every year. Guo Jingjing said that before the exam, she had to read books and study hard to review her homework, hoping that her grades would not be too bad.

At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, she returned to the competition as a member of the FINA Diving Technical Committee. Her main job is to evaluate whether the referee's work is competent and whether the on-field referee is fair. She is also known as the legendary "referee's referee", and she can speak English without any problems. Communicating with people on obstacles is also a prerequisite for joining the FINA Diving Technical Committee.

After the identity change, Guo Jingjing said: "When I was a player, I only focused on diving. Now I know that there are many things behind the scenes, such as how many points will be deducted for turning (body) a little."

Guo Jingjing can be seen every time he returns to the competition. She is so excited and excited that she cheers for every perfect entry of the athletes, runs all the way to various technical meetings, and even rushes to take photos with the swimming pool springboard even if she is pressed for time.

She is also like an old mother to her junior sisters. Concern, at the Montreal Diving World Cup, Quan Hongchan had a nosebleed due to the temperature in the venue. Guo Jingjing, who was passing by, saw it and wiped it off with Chan Bao. Chan Bao was flattered.

Guo Jingjing felt that after doing this for so long, she was still the same. There's a lot of enthusiasm for wanting to continue to be involved and feeling like this is her mission and she needs to do it "Hopefully I can keep doing it (if) no one kicks me out"

She's always modest about herself. The level is not enough, but I am still learning." This constant state of learning and self-improvement can also keep people young and energetic.

The experience of athletes often affects Guo Jingjing's way of thinking and permeates her way of life.

The reason why she serves as the AED charity ambassador is precisely because she knows the importance of reaction speed in competitive sports, and for patients with cardiac arrest, the rescue time is only 4 minutes. If everyone knows first aid, knows first aid, and dares to give first aid, we can knit An efficient social emergency network.

Before calling on the society, she must first master it.

The sense of security in Guo Jingjing has never been given by wealthy families. In addition to the glory of the Olympic champion and the sports will honed through many years of athlete experience, Continuous self-study and enriching skills can also continuously improve your inner confidence and sense of security.

The most important skills that ordinary people should master

Guo Jingjing is not the only one who loves learning. Nowadays, many young people are interested in relearning a new knowledge and mastering a new skill. For example, first aid training courses have been popular among the post-90s generation in recent years.

First aid classes in many cities are public welfare courses. If you sign up, you can learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Heimlich, AED use, emergency bandaging, etc. It is completely free and there are small gifts.

Some variety shows will also arrange for artists to go to hospitals to learn first aid, using star influence to promote science popularization. During "Sister Lang 3", some people met sisters Myolie Wu, Zhu Jiejing and Tang Shiyi learning first aid knowledge in a hospital in Changsha.

In addition to thinking about having too many skills rather than being overwhelmed, everyone pays more attention to using scientific methods to improve the ability to love themselves and their families. Zhang Weijian once said that he wanted to learn first aid because if something happened to someone around him, he could save a life or even a family. It is a skill that can be used throughout his life.

His own mother also experienced drowning in a swimming pool. Her heartbeat stopped twice. Fortunately, she was rescued in time and escaped.

The training that Guo Jingjing participated in this time was mainly to learn the first aid method of AED, the automatic external defibrillator, that is, how to use the red box that we often see in the subway but are ignored in a hurry.

Children in Hong Kong dramas should often see the use of AEDs in dramas, such as "Airport SWAT" and "Jumping Lifeline". SWAT and emergency team members can always rush to the scene quickly and use the equipment calmly and calmly to treat sudden heart attacks. Rescue patients.

tvb has its own set of workplace dramas, and the AED operation method in "Airport SWAT" is comparable to a professional textbook.

But because every time the AED is used by either special police or medical staff, the audience is subconsciously made to think that AED is not a tool used only by professionals?

Actually no, aed is a life-saving tool that everyone can master.

It is worth praising Teacher Jin's "Seeing Deers in the Forest". In the play, Teacher Jin's colleagues quarreled with him in the lobby. The colleague who was so angry suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest and fell to the ground. Teacher Jin immediately called his colleagues to bring him an AED (company There is one right next to the front desk).

It can be seen that Teacher Jin is not very good at first aid, but the advantage of AED is that it is easy to operate. You only need to open the cover or press the power and follow the voice prompts to operate. In the

drama, Teacher Jin listened to the voice prompts throughout the whole process, performed defibrillation for his colleagues, and followed the beat compressions to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation until the 120 ambulance arrived. In the end, he successfully saved his colleague's life, which not only turned the company's situation around, but also improved its image.

This AED famous scene has been forwarded by many medical accounts, asking netizens to ask "Does your company have AED?"

Indeed, the penetration rate of AED in our country is not high. There are only about 15 units for 100,000 people, which is far behind the 200-300 units for 100,000 people in developed countries. However, if a person suffers cardiac arrest, the prime time for rescue is only 4 minutes.

During the Shanghai Half Marathon last month, a runner suffered a cardiac arrest. Fortunately, the security staff immediately brought an AED for defibrillation and continued compressions, and the runner soon woke up. According to the medical expert "Emergency Nighthawk", such a short cardiac arrest will not bring any neurological sequelae.

On the day of the charity event, a Shanghai marathon master also mentioned that such cardiac arrests would happen from time to time in marathon events, but because of on-site resuscitation and on-site defibrillation, the safety of the runners was truly guaranteed.

He said that if everyone had this kind of reaction speed and awareness in daily life, many lives would be saved and the whole city would feel safer.

Nowadays, some cities have begun to implement the "mobile AED" plan. For example, Shenzhen Bus Group has installed AED on taxis and buses, and has also asked hundreds of drivers and passengers to complete first aid training.

Guo Jingjing also advocated that everyone can be equipped with an AED device in the car: "If our citizens know first aid, know first aid, and dare to give first aid, then there will be countless "mobile emergency life-saving vehicles" on the road, and the owners of the vehicles and Citizens have tightly knitted an efficient social emergency network to bring more life opportunities. "

The sense of security

In January this year, Volvo Cars launched a call for the "aed Road Messenger Alliance" to all car owners and formed the automobile industry. It is the only officially established AED alliance in China. Currently, it has subsidized professional AED configuration to vehicle owners who have passed the official professional first aid training and AED operation training assessment, and completed the on-board configuration, turning each vehicle into a mini mobile ambulance.

When more and more people join the aed Road Messenger Alliance, the sense of security in the city becomes ubiquitous.

The reason why Guo Jingjing serves as the public welfare ambassador of Volvo Cars AED Road Messenger Alliance is that she agrees with Volvo Cars' practical actions to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities. Secondly, the "security" she values ​​​​is also consistent with Volvo's brand philosophy.

Ten years ago, when Guo Jingjing became a mother for the first time, she chose Volvo, which has the highest safety factor, as her childcare partner. She was also the first owner of the xc90. Her eldest son Huo Zhongxi’s birthday is “827”, which is also her car. unique number.

At that time, the media photographed Guo Jingjing, who had just been discharged from the hospital a few days after giving birth, lifting the stroller with one hand and following Huo Qigang who was trotting. The family of three quickly got into the xc90, showing great physical strength.

There is no shortage of luxury cars in wealthy families, but when it comes to transporting her children to and from school every day and traveling with the whole family, she will most often choose Volvo, which can bring a sense of security.

Because of her experience as an athlete, she is particularly strict about details. As a pragmatist, her requirement for cars is "no safety and no luxury."

For her, the so-called high-end and luxury cars should have the ultimate in safety. Whether it is passive safety or active safety, whether it is parts or auxiliary systems, they should be absolutely in place.

Just like when she was an athlete in the past, she would make every move of hers meticulous. Now as a diving technical committee member of FINA, she will also analyze the scores corresponding to every move of athletes. Her requirements for cars are also about paying attention to safety details.

Netizens commented that the xc90 is "rock solid" because the xc90 uses high-strength steel to build the body frame. The strength of the material is enhanced in key parts such as side beams, a-pillars and b-pillars to build a solid passenger protection cabin. In the actual crash test, the XC90's passenger compartment deformed very little, showing excellent passive safety.

has been with her for nearly ten years, and Volvo xc90 has witnessed her transition from the spotlight to her return to the family, from a diving champion to a wife and mother. As her childcare companion, xc90 has always given her a sense of security.

Guo Jingjing is now a mother of three children. She said that with each increase in family members, her need for safety will increase. With the increase in family members and the increase in business activities, Guo Jingjing’s travel plans have also increased. My son also changed from xc90 to Volvo em90, a pure electric luxury MPV.

During this business trip, she took the em90.

Volvo has never launched an MPV before, because car companies, which have always put safety first, have been thinking about how to maintain the rigidity of the entire vehicle while meeting the ultimate demand for interior space.

Until the em90 was born, the rigidity of the car body was said to "help you withstand even if the sky falls", which perfectly met the safety needs and also met Guo Jingjing's increasing business needs.

Sister e and the beautiful girls have tried and tested the em90 during their self-driving experience in Yunnan before. The same type of seats in Emirates Airline’s first-class cabin are luxurious and comfortable, equipped with ventilation, heating and massage functions, plus Bowers & Wilkinson audio and multimedia smart speakers. screen, coupled with comfortable ambient lighting... For business people traveling, em90 provides a good rest environment.

In addition, the hidden independent small table next to the seat can also be switched to "office mode" with one click to cope with some unexpected work.

From a diver to a wealthy wife, from a mother of three children to now Guo Jingjing, who has returned to the world to pursue sports and public welfare undertakings, she has always been pragmatic, rigorous and full of enthusiasm. She has been striving to assume more social responsibilities and convey her own values ​​​​to the society. Sportsmanship also conveys a real and reliable sense of security.

"Advancing can help the world", the public-spirited Guo Jingjing and Volvo have opened up a new world.

Today’s topic is:

Do you have any plans to learn first aid?

Does your company have an AED?

Let’s talk in the comment area~