On May 17th, Beijing time, the well-known host Tu Lei was exposed by an internet celebrity that his private life was chaotic and he often had different young girls. The whistleblower initially called Tu Lei "Tu" and later directly named Tu Lei. Just now, Tu Lei responded positive

On May 17th, Beijing time, the well-known host Tu Lei was exposed by an internet celebrity that his private life was chaotic and he often had different young girls. The whistleblower initially called Tu Lei "Tu" and later directly named Tu Lei, And just now, Tu Lei responded positively to this matter.

Tu Lei previously updated his social media. He said that he had reported the crime and posted his receipt of the case. He said that he must go to court with her to the end. He said that the Internet celebrity's remarks about him were slanderous. At the same time, Tu Lei also said that there are even accounts with tens of millions of fans that repost the reporter's content, and these reposters may also be legally responsible.

Tu Lei said that the internet celebrity was spreading rumors, and was so shameless in order to gain traffic. Tu Lei guessed that there was probably someone behind her, but Tu Lei said that as long as she is under the supervision of the law, everything will be revealed. , Tu Lei said that if netizens do not agree with his views, it is okay to scold him a few words, but there should be no insulting words or slanderous content.

Tu Lei said that he has known his wife for more than 20 years. He and his wife have had some minor conflicts, but their relationship has always been very good. Her wife just finished chemotherapy yesterday and still needs radiotherapy, but after he saw the slanderous video Tu Lei said he felt guilty after not sleeping all night, but comforting and supporting him.

Tu Lei said that after his wife became ill, he had no time to pay attention to these rumors and slanders, but he did not expect that the slander against him would intensify. However, he did not expect that the slander against him would reach such a limitless level. Tu Lei said that as long as his family was involved, he would definitely This is intolerable and we will definitely get to the bottom of this matter.

As a well-known host, Tu Lei is actually not the first time he has been rumored. He has been rumored before. However, he did not expect that he would be rumored again this time, and the content of the rumor was so unbearable that Tu Lei really suffered. I'm under a lot of pressure. Tu Lei's reputation has been bad recently, and his reputation has taken a turn for the worse.

Thanks to Tu Lei for standing up and responding as soon as possible, otherwise people who don’t know the truth will definitely spread it. Being spread rumors is a very painful thing. Only by standing up and responding positively can the outside world dispel their doubts, otherwise All they can do is help the tyrants to do more evil.

In fact, just after Tu Lei released the rumor-refuting video, some people were still forwarding the woman's rumor-mongering video on social media. As the saying goes, good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles. This is the terrible thing about rumors, which can cause good people to suffer unwarranted harm. I hope the woman will take responsibility for her rumors.

To be honest, although some of Tu Lei's speeches have indeed caused controversy from the outside world, this does not mean that Tu Lei can be spread rumors. To be honest, there are still many netizens who are sensible. Some netizens said that although they do not like Tu Lei very much, I hope the whistleblower can provide evidence, otherwise it is just a rumor.

But other people believed it after hearing it, so the rumor mongers must be brought to justice. This is a must, otherwise some good people will definitely be harmed. I hope Tu Lei can take up the weapon of law to protect himself. Legal rights, let the rumor mongers pay the legal price, and clear Tu Lei's innocence to prove to himself.