Big S and Wang Xiaofei started a lawsuit again. Big S couldn't get the money to seize the painting, so he set his sights on Wang Xiaofei's shares in the hotel. Zhang Lan revealed live broadcast that Big S has sued Wang Xiaofei again, and the court will be held on the 20th. This i

Das and Wang Xiaofei started a lawsuit again. Big S wanted money to seize the painting but failed, so he set his sights on Wang Xiaofei's shares in the hotel.

Zhang Lan revealed live broadcast that Big S has sued Wang Xiaofei again, and the court will be held on the 20th. This is the 17th time that Big S has sued Wang Xiaofei. Zhang Lan felt sorry for his son, and said that even a good person would go crazy, but he did not clearly disclose the prosecution. Content.

Recently, the Taiwanese entertainment industry seems to have received the news. It was revealed in the live broadcast that Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the equity share of the hotel. Big S believes that while she was married to Wang Xiaofei, helping Wang Xiaofei promote, endorse, and build momentum for the hotel was a formal business act, and she should enjoy the treatment of a celebrity endorsement and should be given a certain share of the hotel shares.

The industry also said that if this is the reason, then Big S may not get a penny. In fact, this is easy to understand. Big S promoted the hotel while he was married to Wang Xiaofei. In the end, Big S did not use the money earned by the hotel.

even borrowed the convenience of the hotel, and entrusted the driver to send the tattoo machine to South Korea, which was suspected to be the hotel's public account. Now that she has been divorced for so long, the hotel has changed its name, and its management no longer relies on big S, she has gone back to wanting the remuneration from celebrity endorsements, or even shares, which seems difficult to convince the public.

The industry also broke the news that part of Big S's current property has been secretly transferred to his mother Huang Chunmei, and S's mother now controls part of Big S's property. So even if Big S has to undergo some assessment, her property balance will not be what it seems on the surface.

As said in the industry, Big S is suspected of having many lawsuits with her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei. She may be closely watched on financial issues and may face various situations that may affect some accounts, so Before she sued Wang Xiaofei, she transferred part of the property to her mother's name, so that even if something happened later, the property in S's mother's name would not be affected.

Netizens speculated that if Big S fails to ask for hotel shares this time, maybe it will ask for Ma Liuji shares next time. But Wang Xiaofei doesn't seem to be unprepared. Zhang Lan said during the live broadcast that he was reluctant to spend his son's money before, but this time he understood that he had to keep it out of his pocket.

At that time, everyone thought that Zhang Lan was guarding Ma Xiaomei and fearing that Wang Xiaofei would be deceived by his fiancée. Now it seems that there may also be considerations in protecting property. Both parties seem to have made some preparations for the lawsuit, and Wang Xiaofei will no longer be tricked into signing an agreement in a daze.

At the same time, the industry also revealed that Big S and Gu Junye have been in contact for a long time. Friends in Korea have also known about it for a long time. He is now exposed because he can't stand poachers, which has once again aroused everyone's concern about Big S's marital infidelity. discuss.

When Big S bought a tattoo machine before, she found various people to defend herself. Later, she personally posted an angry message against Wang Xiaofei, saying, "You are the one who cheated on me in marriage, not me." But now it has been exposed by an insider. She is really a bit tough. The feeling of being slapped in the face.

It has been more than two years since Das and Wang Xiaofei officially announced their divorce, but the divorce lawsuit has not stopped until now. When Wang Xiaofei was exposed as having an affair during marriage, she was scolded by netizens and became a hot search topic. But after her second marriage to a has-been artist, Big S made netizens bow by demanding money and not being allowed to visit her children. Most of them are married for the second time, and they still keep an eye on their ex-husband's wallet, which is one of the reasons why netizens complain.

I just hope that Da S and Wang Xiaofei can end this divorce farce as soon as possible, stop wasting public resources, and give their children a clean life.

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