Dong Mingzhu wants to launch an anchor talent show nationwide. On May 14, Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, launched a live broadcast in Zhang Qi’s new commercial live broadcast room. The live broadcast lasted about one hour and was watched by nearly 2 million p

Dong Mingzhu wants to launch an anchor talent show nationwide.

html On May 14, Dong Mingzhu, Chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, launched a live broadcast in Zhang Qi’s new commercial live broadcast room. The live broadcast lasted about one hour and was watched by nearly 2 million people. During the live broadcast, the two mentioned the "Gree Good Anchor" plan many times, saying that they wanted to launch an anchor audition nationwide. The top ten winners could attend Chairman Dong Mingzhu's family dinner, and Dong Mingzhu would cook for everyone personally.

Image source: Screenshot of Zhang Qi’s new business live broadcast room video on May 14th

Dong Mingzhu also responded to the phenomenon of entrepreneurs becoming Internet celebrities, saying that he stood at the front desk just to allow consumers to contact the company when they have questions. Many consumers If you know your phone number, you can contact yourself directly to solve the problem.

Image source: Video screenshot

According to Jiemian News, on May 10, Dong Mingzhu delivered an important speech at the 2024 10th China Brand Economy (Shanghai) Forum. Dong Mingzhu said that creating a personal IP is not to pursue the Internet celebrity effect, but to convey a firm commitment to consumers. Dong Mingzhu emphasized that although some people believe that the trend of entrepreneurs becoming Internet celebrities started with her, her original intention was not to become an Internet celebrity, but to establish direct contact with consumers to ensure that consumers feel at ease when purchasing and using products. , and find corresponding support when you need to defend your rights.

In May 2023, the resignation of Dong Mingzhu’s Internet celebrity secretary Meng Yutong triggered heated discussions across the Internet.

According to Guangdong Satellite TV's "Financial Eyes" column, on the evening of November 7, 2023, the second episode of Guangdong Satellite TV's "Financial Eyes" column invited Dong Mingzhu, Chairman of Zhuhai Gree Co., Ltd., and well-known financial media figures and columnists Dialogue with Zhang Chunwei and find a new way of looking at the world together.

Dong Mingzhu said that whether Internet celebrities are Internet celebrities, I think it is still inseparable from your true own quality. It has nothing to do with Internet celebrities. Some people think that they use an Internet celebrity to think they are valuable, and that is a source of no foundation.

Source: Daily Economic News, Guangdong Satellite TV's "Finance Langyan" column, interface news, public information