"My Altay" has such great stamina. After watching it for the second time, I still want to watch it three or four times. Every time I watch it, I will have new feelings and understand the hearts of every character. The relationship between Ba Tai and Wenxiu is the most charming, a

"My Altay" has great stamina. After watching it for the second time, I still want to play it three or four times. Every time I watch it, I will have new feelings and understand the heart of every character. The relationship between Ba Tai and Wenxiu is the most charming, and the pure hearts like deers colliding with each other are vividly performed by Yu Shi and Zhou Yiran. Token, who astonished the audience because he wanted to make a washboard, plays the role of the foodie in the play as the grandmother with confused memory. There is also Zhang Fengxia who misses her husband and occasionally gets drunk.

In fact, after the second play, I had a mixed love-hate relationship with a character. I could neither love nor hate him. He was Gao Xiaoliang, played by 32-year-old Jiang Qiming.

Gao Xiaoliang appeared for the first time, chatting with Li Wenxiu on the rooftop. At that time, Li Wenxiu was working in Xinjiang, with a dream of being a writer in her heart. She would write whenever she had time, because her job was as a waiter, that is, serving customers. She didn't have a lot of time at all, so she could only write some random thoughts during meal breaks. If time is tight, it will be difficult for her to quickly put away the words she has written, and she will be laughed at by the girls who work together. At that time, Li Wenxiu was fragile, sensitive, and powerless. Those girls had no dreams themselves, and they did not allow her to have dreams.

Li Wenxiu had the idea of ​​​​resigning, and soon she decided to find her mother. At this moment, Gao Xiaoliang came to chat with Wenxiu. It seemed that he helped Wenxiu get back 100 yuan of severance pay, but in fact he took away 200 yuan himself. "200 Yuan" has already explained that Gao Xiaoliang is greedy for money and is greedy for money. This is also a foreshadowing.

After Gao Xiaoliang was defrauded of money, he was about to die, and Zhang Fengxia rescued her. He was very grateful to the woman who saved him, and then he lived in Li Wenxiu's house. Does he really love Zhang Fengxia? Not exactly. At that time, was desperate. By talking to Zhang Fengxia, he could have food and a place to stay in the ranch.

Later, he dug up black fungus, and the place he dug was a mess. It can be seen from this that Gao Xiaoliang does not love this grassland at all. Zhang Fengxia has lived in this land for many years, and she has integrated into this land. Li Wenxiu, who wanted to go to Beijing to become a writer, was also healed by this land. Only Gao Xiaoliang still feels that the bed in the city is comfortable to sleep on.

Gao Xiaoliang went to the county town to help Zhang Fengxia buy goods, and then encountered a scammer and was penniless. Friends in the pastoral area said that Zhang Fengxia heard that your man ran away.

Gao Xiaoliang harvested Cordyceps at the horse race, which is not allowed by friends in pastoral areas, because digging Cordyceps destroys the land. Once the grassland is destroyed, it is difficult to restore, and it also causes harm to the herders. Cattle and sheep cannot eat the lush aquatic plants. They will also lose financial income.

It is true that Gao Xiaoliang loves money, and it is true that he deceived Zhang Fengxia about his feelings, but he did not dig up cordyceps, and everyone including Zhang Fengxia misunderstood him. Love of money is deep down, it is the exposure of human nature, and cheating on feelings is just an abbreviation of human nature.

Gao Xiaoliang did something unforgivable. He stole his grandma’s jade. Her grandma shouted every day that the jade was missing. To her, the jade was just a thought. She wanted to sell the jade for some money and then return to Shenyang. , Shenyang is grandma’s hometown. Gao Xiaoliang stole his grandma's jade, leaving an old man with a confused memory without any thoughts. This is very cruel.

Li Wenxiu went to ask for jade, the incident of 200 yuan, the incident of taking away Zhang Fengxia's money, and the incident of hurting Zhang Fengxia, all piled up one by one and became a huge stone in Li Wenxiu's heart. Gao Xiaoliang refused to give him jade, and Li Wenxiu laughed at him for being a soft-boiled man. The final result was that Li Wenxiu was thrown off the horse by Ta Xue, Ba Tai took Ta Xue's life with his own hands, and Gao Xiaoliang was taken away by the police.

In the entire story, Gao Xiaoliang is the promoter of the plot and the only villain in the play. He did bring harm to Zhang Fengxia and Li Wenxiu mother and daughter. After the Tuxue incident, Ba Tai left Li Wenxiu, and the lovers separated for a long time.

Gao Xiaoliang is the second male lead. The 32-year-old Jiang Qiming plays Gao Xiaoliang very accurately and three-dimensionally. Jiang Qiming shows the edges and sharpness of Gao Xiaoliang through his delicate performance.As soon as Gao Xiaoliang appeared on the scene, the atmosphere of shrewdness, unwillingness, calculation, and love of money as much as life hit his face.

Gao Xiaoliang is a loser. He wants to use money to prove his success. In fact, he has been a migrant worker along the way, and even came to Xinjiang to pan for gold with his own ambitions. Until he met a group of liars who were more ruthless than himself, and he was rescued by Zhang Fengxia.

In the end, Gao Xiaoliang was taken away by the police, which is considered to be his deserved punishment. Throughout the whole drama, Gao Xiaoliang has a strong commercial atmosphere. Jiang Qiming's performance of Gao Xiaoliang shocked the audience. The power of the supporting role should not be underestimated.

Jiang Qiming's debut drama is "The Long Season". He plays Fu Weijun, a deaf-mute whose parents both died. suffered a lot since childhood and was dependent on his sister. This environment led him to grow up and become a gangster. His sister is the only light in his life, and he is warm and considerate to her.

Jiang Qiming brought Fu Weijun to life through his eyes, body parts, and gestures. There was not a single line in the play, but he became a hit. Jiang Qiming fully presented Fu Weijun's wildness, animal nature, and perception of the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

Jiang Qiming also played Narisu in "Space Exploration Editorial Department". He spends all day with beer, numbing himself and escaping from life.

In "Harbin 1944", Jiang Qiming plays Tian Xiaojiang. He has the aura of a villain as soon as he appears, ruthless and ruthless, and he speaks with ice. When interrogating prisoners, no way is left to survive, and people's scalps go numb when they look at them.

Jiang Qiming has been active in the drama industry, but what really made him popular were the complex characters in the drama. Fu Weijun, Na Risu, Tian Xiaojiang, and Gao Xiaoliang all showed cruel "human nature" in them.

Jiang Qiming’s face is just right for these marginal characters. Understanding the character is one thing, and interpreting the character is another. The combination of the two makes the supporting characters come alive.