Unexpectedly, when "Singer 2024" returns, the audience will be the first to break through. Because singers Chante Moore and Faouzia, who had traveled across the ocean, performed strongly and brilliantly in the live broadcast, various jokes ridiculing the weakness of the Chinese m

never thought that when "Singer 2024" returns, the audience will be the first to break through. Because singers chante moore and faouzia, who had traveled across the ocean, performed strongly and brilliantly in the live broadcast, various jokes ridiculing the weakness of the Chinese music scene were quickly released. Under the ridicule of netizens, Na Ying , who ranked third in the first live competition, has become a lone hero who still perseveres in the face of powerful enemies from all directions and needs more reinforcements from the music industry to come and help.

The joke is a joke, but the exclamation behind it is somewhat sharp. The live broadcast card played by "Singer 2024" is certainly the inevitable choice for the old IP to come back to the world and win back the audience. It is also a question to the variety show market and the Chinese music scene: Without the masterful rejuvenation of "Millions of Musicians", Without the "half-open mic" to fish in troubled waters, how many people can really sing? In recent years, variety shows have habitually indulged in whitewashing their voices, and singers have stayed in their comfort zones one by one and made a fool of themselves.

In other words, after four years of separation, the " singer " series still cannot get rid of the controversy that the lineup lacks new ideas. Even Han Hong , Gong Linna , Zhang Jie , Deng Ziqi , Zhou Shen , Yuan Weiya and others who are now "pointed out" on social platforms have all participated in this program in the past; Naming them is just a way for netizens to amuse themselves, and it cannot be called a surprise at all. The program producer Hong Xiao also made it clear long ago: after screening the three conditions of "strength, courage, and availability", only a handful of singers can be invited. As a result, second-hand roses who had gone through a cycle in "Summer of the Band" arrived, and Hai Lai Amu, who was deeply involved in the sinking market, arrived. Even Na Ying, who was originally accused of lacking freshness, turned around overnight.

But, is this more than just a problem for a show? Looking at the inventory, not only are comprehensive music series such as " Riding the Wind and Waves ", "Breaking the Wind and Waves", "Endless Sound" and other comprehensive music series similarly embarrassed, but also vertical programs such as "Summer of the Band" and "China's New Rap" have long had "no rice". The embarrassment of "cooking". It’s not that music variety shows don’t work hard enough, but that the goal of revitalizing the music scene is far higher than the upper limit of variety shows’ capabilities. You see, an audio variety show is broadcast for an average of three to four months per season. If the team works hard, they may be able to turn stone into gold and create a star overnight; if the program is clever in selecting materials, there is a high probability that it can add fuel to the flames and lead the trend; but if you want to continue to be prosperous , first of all, we must solve the common problems such as lack of originality and single aesthetic in the music industry. The stubborn disease of

must be cured from the root. Thinking optimistically, starting from "Singer 2024", the live broadcast method is likely to become popular in the market, and more and more music broadcasters must start to learn how to face the real demands of the audience. But from tearing off the “fig leaf” to moving toward a healthy ecology, there is still a long way to go, and there is still a lot of inertia that needs to be broken. This kind of breakthrough should not even be limited to the way of thinking of the program crew and singers. During the viewing process, the audience may also try to let go of their obsession with winning or losing and the pursuit of perfection. Choosing the truth, recognizing the gap, accepting flaws... which seems thankless, is the only way to return to aesthetics.