Since the first gong sounded from the Huangpu River in December 1990, over the past 30 years, the number of A-share listed companies has increased from the original "old eight shares" to more than 5,300 today. The "post-50s" and "post-60s" are closely related to the capital marke

Since the first gong sounded from the Huangpu River in December 1990, over the past 30 years, A-share listed companies have increased from the original "old eight-share" to more than 5,300 companies today. The "post-50s" and "post-60s" and capital The market dances together and occupies half of the leader's territory. Surprisingly, a group of "post-90s" chairmen have also begun to emerge, with their number increasing to 57 in just a few years. Why are these "post-wavers" able to take charge of listed companies at such a young age? What is remarkable about their resume? Will his performance after taking office be enough to capture the hearts of investors?

The number of "post-waves" in Guangdong is far ahead

In the group of "senior elders" who are the chairman of listed companies, the emergence of "post-90s" is surprising. A reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News found based on ifind statistics that there are more than 5,300 A-share chairmen, with an average age of about 55 years old. Half of them are born in the 1950s and 1960s; in comparison, there are 57 chairmen born in the 1990s. position, the proportion is less than 2% (data as of May 10 this year, the same below).

Age distribution of chairmen born in the 1990s

Looking at the age distribution, the largest number were born in 1990, reaching 18; there are 8 people born in the 1995s, 4 of whom were born in 1995 and 4 in 1998. Among the four youngest chairmen, Shi Wenling of Chunli Medical was the first to "take over" the reins of the company. In June 2022, this 24-year-old girl who graduated from The Ohio State University in the United States with a double degree in marketing and operations management "transformed" and became the chairman of a listed company. Her other identity is Chunli Medical Holdings The daughter of shareholders and actual controllers Shi Chunbao and Yue Shujun.

The remaining three 26-year-old "houlang" are: Wu Jiahui will serve as the chairman of Lionhead Co., Ltd. in March 2023; Liu Shan will serve as the chairman of st Shihua in May 2023. He has previously studied in the United States for a long time and worked in American investment Management company; Wu Siyuan became chairman of Jintuo Co., Ltd. in February this year and previously worked in the company's R&D center.

In terms of gender, there are 47 males and 10 females, accounting for 82% and 18% respectively. The reporter noticed that this ratio is much larger than that of A-shares as a whole. Female A-share chairpersons account for about 6%, and the proportion of female chairpersons born in the 1990s has tripled. Women are not inferior to men, and more and more women are participating in corporate decision-making and management.

The "post-90s generation" also has a unified label - "well-educated". More than 20 of them have overseas study background. They studied in the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada, and many of them graduated from prestigious domestic universities such as Peking University and Renmin University of China. . According to incomplete statistics, 25 people have bachelor's degrees and 22 have master's degrees. Chang Yuanzheng, chairman of Dison Co., Ltd. from Guangzhou, Guangdong, is the only doctor among them. Born in 1991, he studied as an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and as a master's student at Columbia University. While studying for a doctorate in business management at South China University of Technology, he had already fully explored the company's operations and management as a trainee assistant to the general manager. Young people are promising, but their future generations are to be feared.

At the same time, these new forces are focusing on the industrial stage. According to Shenwan's industries, the fields of machinery and equipment and medicine and biology have the most "post-90s" chairman; the media, textile and apparel, basic chemicals, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, light manufacturing, trade and retail industries follow closely.

In terms of geographical distribution, 18 of the 57 listed companies are from Guangdong, which is far ahead in number; Jiangsu ranks second with 7, Zhejiang and Shanxi each have 4, tied for third.

The reasons behind the "inheritance" of family business are different.

Some people may wonder, since they have taken on the role of "steward" at a young age, are they all relying on the legacy built by their fathers to succeed directly?

That's not the case. Judging from public information such as resumes and job announcements, reporters' statistics found that most "post-90s" chairmen have a family relationship with the company's founder or actual controller, and can be basically divided into three categories: conventional inheritance of family business, self-employment, and appointment in times of crisis. .

Distribution of "post-90s" chairmen in listed companies top8

The first category is the traditional "second generation" succession, for which the parents pave the way and give them a ride.For example, Chen Ailian and Wu Liangding are the heads of the "Wanfeng Group", a large private enterprise. They have been on the Hurun Report many times. As they grew older, they formulated a succession plan, in which their three sons took over the Wanfeng Group respectively. Three listed companies controlled by Feng Group. Among them, Wu Jinhua, the son of the "post-90s generation", joined the family business at the age of 25 and became the chairman of Paislin at the age of 28.

The second category belongs to self-reliance. Take Guo Xiaoqun, chairman of Guangdong Jiayun Technology, as an example. His father is the famous real estate tycoon Guo Yingcheng and the founder of Kaisa Group. Compared to focusing on the real estate industry, Guo Xiaoqun prefers to pursue the Internet track. Jiayun Technology's main business is concentrated in the terminal media sector represented by Huawei and Samsung, and the digital media sector represented by Baidu Search and Juju Engine.

The third category is the "post-90s" chairman who is pushed to the forefront due to personal reasons or accidents of the original actual controller of the company, or when there are negative events such as being filed for investigation.

In addition, among the 57 "post-90s" chairmen, many are professional managers. Wang Siqi, chairman of Rubaoxin Technology, will take office in April 2021. According to publicly disclosed resumes, Wang Siqi served as the corporate account manager of China Construction Bank Xuzhou Branch, executive director and general manager of Hefei Meixin Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and served as an executive at Jiangsu Jiedeng Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of Baoxin Technology. Directors and General Managers.

Chaoshan’s “post-90s generation” has doubled its performance

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. Whether the "post-90s" chairman is competent is the focus of many investors, which can be seen from the performance data.

Flush ifind data shows that 5 of the 57 listed companies have a market value of more than 10 billion yuan. Zangge Mining ranks first with a market value of more than 44.5 billion yuan, followed by Shanshan Co., Ltd., Yahuilong, and Microguide Nano. , Renhe Pharmaceutical; there are another 13 companies whose current total market value is less than 2 billion yuan, and the lowest is less than 500 million yuan.

In terms of operating performance, in 2023, the net profits of 26 of the above 57 companies increased year-on-year, while the other 31 declined year-on-year. In addition, many "post-90s" chairmen have delivered answers that exceeded expectations, and companies such as Microguide Nano, Huijia Times, Mingchen Health, Shunhao Shares, and Xinghui Entertainment have doubled their performance. Among them, Microguide Nano, headquartered in Wuxi, Jiangsu, is an enterprise mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of advanced micro- and nano-scale thin film deposition equipment. In 2023, it achieved operating income of 1.68 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 145.39%; The profit was 270 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 399.33%.

It is worth mentioning that among the above-mentioned players, the chairman of three companies are all "trendy businessmen" in Guangdong. Mingchen Health will achieve revenue of 1.638 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 73.21%; net profit attributable to the parent company is 70.3647 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 177.15%. It is understood that Mingchen Health is a daily chemical enterprise integrating scientific research, production and sales. It owns well-known brands such as "Dihuazhixiu" and "Meiwang". The current chairman is Chen Jianming, born in 1990 in Shantou, Guangdong.

Shunhao Co., Ltd., also helmed by Chaoshan "post-90s", achieved revenue of 1.425 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 1.01%; net profit attributable to the parent company was 28.4027 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 147.41%. Although it is headquartered in Shanghai, the company's chairman and actual controller, Wang Yulin, is originally from Chaoshan and has the talent of a "Chaoshan" who is good at doing business.

In addition, Xinghui Entertainment, led by Chen Chuanghuang, the son of "Chaoshan Toy King" Chen Yansheng, turned a profit in the past year, with a net profit attributable to the parent company of 27.7085 million yuan, an increase of 108.93% over the same period. It is reported that Chen Chuanghuang is a native of Chenghai, Shantou. He was born in 1993 and graduated from King's College, University of London. He has served as the general manager of Xinghui Entertainment since 2020 and has subsequently been fully responsible for the integration and operation of the company's game and sports sectors.

Behind the glamorous title is a heavy responsibility. It is not all flowers that appear in front of these young people. At the end of March this year, CANNY Elevator, China's first complete machine listed company in the elevator industry, announced changes in the company's top management personnel - 32-year-old Zhu Linhao took over "Shuaiyin" and took over the chairmanship from his father Wang Youlin.Although he has been working in the family business for nearly nine years, he is still worried. "For the elevator industry that is undergoing transformation and upgrading, the market environment is still very difficult and life will not be easy." How to maintain the existing business established by his father's generation while developing incremental business is not only a challenge faced by Zhu Linhao alone, but also a question that many young leaders will consider in the future.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News