At 8:08 am on May 12, Shi Weijian, the famous performing artist and former director of the China Youth Art Theater, passed away in Beijing at the age of 89. As a well-known actor who has appeared on the stage since the 1950s and has flourished on the big screen after the reform a

html At 8:08 am on May 12, Shi Weijian, a famous performing artist and former director of the China Youth Art Theater, passed away in Beijing at the age of 89. As a well-known actor who has appeared on the stage since the 1950s and has flourished on the big screen after the reform and opening up, Shi Weijian once portrayed the image of Luo Qun, an intellectual, in the movie "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" and became a household name.

Shi Weijian plays Luo Qun in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain"

"High in Tianyun Mountain, you are always attached to the blue sky, attached to the blue sky; among the stars in the night sky, only the two of us are closest, closest to each other ..." At that time, the episode "High Tianyun Mountain" in the movie "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" was sung by the singer Zhu Fengbo, which moved hundreds of millions of viewers and also planted a beautiful message of kindness in the hearts of several generations. seed.

Talking about his experience as an actor, Shi Weijian once said: "Art must strive for perfection, but it is often not perfect. Pursuing perfection sometimes will damage the aura of art. Actors should be fully prepared, but when performing or filming, they should not You should stick to what you have prepared, and strive to do it authentically based on your feelings. The art of performance is mainly an art of feeling. The result will not be as precise as the preparation, but it will shine. "

His performance truly embodies it. What is a "beautiful drama"

In 1935, Shi Weijian was born in Fenggu Village, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province. His hometown is located in the Red Soviet Area, so he has been influenced by revolutionary literature and art since he was a child. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he stood out from more than 2,000 candidates and became one of the 50 freshmen of the Shanghai People's Art Academy. He was personally taught by the director Huang Zuolin and began to study acting.

In 1956, when the Central Experimental Theater was founded, at the age of 21, he was transferred from Shanghai to Beijing and participated in the theater's first major play after its establishment, "Sharing Wealth and Suffering." Shi Weijian once recalled that the correspondent he played in "Solidarity" only had one line, but gained a lot.

It turned out that he was so nervous during the rehearsal that he almost fell down when he came on stage, and in a hurry he forgot how to say his lines. Chief director Sun Weishi shared his experience with him, "Practice walking before rehearsal until you can walk with your eyes closed, and you won't make mistakes." After the performance of the play, Shi Weijian received Sun Weishi's affirmation, "Through the limited space, It created an image of a simple and energetic little warrior. "

After the Soviet novel "The Yershov Brothers" came out in 1958, Sun Weishi, the deputy director of the Central Experimental Theater who was proficient in Soviet Russian literature and art, adapted the work to China. On the stage, Shi Weijian plays Vorobine, a Soviet engineer who surrendered to German fascism. He is still a character with only three lines. By thoroughly understanding the characters in the script, he cleverly used opera techniques in shaping the characters: When Vorobane made his first appearance, his back was turned to the audience. Although he remained silent, Shi Weijian set up a cigarette holding a cigarette for the character. The movements of the hands were frozen for a long time, so that they were in danger of burning before they suddenly moved, showing that the character was listening intently to what others were saying.

When he heard someone scolding him without naming him, Vorobiny suddenly stood up as if he had been stung, and squeezed the seat with his legs, making a "thump, thump, thump" sound. When the noise attracted people's attention, he turned his back to the desk in protest. The audience saw this character's face for the first time at this time. He was so angry that his cheeks trembled, and he squeezed out only three lines through his teeth. Although he didn't speak loudly, he attracted attention under the previous foreshadowing. People really listen. Such a vivid interpretation was naturally appreciated by Sun Weishi, who told the stage manager, "There is no need to change Vorobenay."

Shi Weijian played Ye Zilong in "The Founding Ceremony"

As a noble person on the road to personal acting, Sun Weishi was very fond of Shi Weijian Many people have given advice: "For actors, playing a small role seriously may be more rewarding than reading a book." "You should try any style of play, including tragedy, comedy, drama, and farce. ; All kinds of roles, whether they are old or young, intellectuals, workers, peasants or soldiers, whether they are positive or negative, must be played.Only in this way can you have a solid foundation and a wide range of acting skills..."

In 1961, the Central Experimental Theater rehearsed the legendary play "The Peach Blossom Fan", with Shi Weijian starring as the leading actor Hou Chaozong. The character's identity was a talented man in the late Ming Dynasty, and he was admitted as a member of the "Fushe" Being included in the Qing Dynasty's sub-list, according to the orthodox view, this is naturally considered out of order. According to the social atmosphere at that time, Hou Chaozong, who was obsessed with brothel songs and pavilions, must interpret the symbolism of being included in another book. Shi Weijian studied a large number of historical materials and Hou Chaozong's works. After the work, it was believed that shortly after Li Xiangjun's death, Hou Chaozong also "died of melancholy". What could be more indicative of his deep and sincere love than these four words? His artistic intuition called him to make up his mind to pursue a life full of flesh and blood. , and emotional historical figures, and by learning from Sichuan opera actors, he once again found the rhythmic beauty of the characters' bodies from traditional operas.

At the end of the play, Hou Chaozong searched for traces and finally found Li Xiangjun's key scene in the nunnery. Shi Weijian was the protagonist. It was interpreted like this: When Li Xiangjun saw Hou Chaozong take off his braid (a sign of surrender to the Qing court), he threw the fan, a token of his past, on the ground in grief. Shi Weijian changed Hou Chaozong for love, but he couldn't. He was struggling to move and accidentally stepped on the fan. The scene where he stopped in shock, leaned over quickly, and hurriedly picked it up, feeling sad at the sight of the thing, and his heart was broken, was performed in a tear-jerking way. Even at the end of the stage, Hou Chaozong's steps were like a heavy step. , the long cloak hangs down on the shoulders, dragging on the ground, forming an arc that falls backwards, which complements the endless love thread in the character's heart. After watching the play, the former "drama emperor" Jin Shan said. Praising the actors' performance for truly embodying what a "beautiful drama" is.

"Suffering is misfortune to life, but it is wealth to artistic creation."

Just as Shi Weijian is getting wider and wider on the road of art, politics are coming one after another. The movement also engulfed him during the "Cultural Revolution". First, his father and stepmother committed suicide by throwing themselves into the Huangpu River. He himself was labeled as an active counterrevolutionary and imprisoned. He was once imprisoned with thieves and gangsters... The unbearable years did not break him. His character and beliefs, after the reform and opening up, the movie "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" starring him won many awards including the first Golden Rooster Award for Best Feature Film. He talked about how to portray Luo Qun, who was wrongly classified as a rightist in the film. At that time, Shi Weijian once said lightly, "Suffering is misfortune to life, but it is wealth to artistic creation. "

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" is the first work of director Xie Jin's "Reflection Trilogy" in the 1980s. In Xie Jin's view, the movie created a group portrait of intellectuals, among which Luo Qun was the most difficult to act. Screenwriter Lu Yanzhou also believes that Luo Qun is "relatively unreal" in his writing. Shi Weijian himself is fully aware that "Although Luo Qun occupies the protagonist's position, he is the main character." The writing is not on him. "It's such a role, but Xie Jin's request to Shi Weijian was, "If you write it for seven points, you have to perform it for eight points. "

Stills from "Legend of Tianyun Mountain"

In the film, there is a scene where Luo Qun buys cotton-padded clothes for his wife Feng Qinglan. The background is that the two have been married for several years but are penniless. The wife has never left her and has taken on the burden of life, and the husband is full of guilt and wants to do something for her. She bought a cotton coat to keep out the cold. Luo Qun didn't care about the shabby look on his face by the people around him, and didn't look directly at the cold eyes of the salesperson. He took out a few yuan bills, a stack of dimes and a handful of steel coins. After counting, I found that I could afford this cotton coat and I was extremely happy... The capacity and expressiveness of these actions are self-evident. In fact, this scene was captured and filmed in a market by Shi Weijian himself. Crumpled banknotes and steel coins were prepared in advance to show the characters' living embarrassment and more clearly mark the social status of intellectuals at the time.

Deputy director Huang Shuqin once recalled that his father Huang Zuolin shed tears several times while watching "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain". After asking about it, it turned out that it was the scene in the film where Luo Qun was thrown into pieces by a child, which made the old man emotional. He thought about the time when he was sent to a labor camp and had unreasonable children throw leftover bean skins in his face.

Shi Weijian revealed that during the filming, director Xie Jin went to Beijing for a meeting and asked Huang Shuqin to add it before leaving."How to shoot specifically? The director didn't explain it at the time. Shu Qin and I discussed it together and used our past life accumulation to come up with it. I've heard that some 'rightists' were stoned when they walked on the street. Mine My daughter Shi Mei was also ridiculed by classmates because of my problems, but I never thought of extracting these into the film. It was Shu Qin’s idea that led to the scene in the film now.”

In the screenshot of "Legend of Tianyun Mountain"

, Luo Qun was suddenly hit by an unexpected blow, twitched instinctively, and turned around reflexively. This man who had been insulted and harmed subconsciously showed an angry expression. But when he caught a glimpse of the prank played by two children, his mental movements came to a sudden stop, then started slowly, but changed direction, and turned into a misery that seemed to chew up life, and his eyes revealed a sadness that was not easily noticed. ——Even a simple child regards him as a gangster and a pariah. What is the meaning of his life? He lowered his head and was in so much pain that he had to use the hand holding the dried steamed bun to support his head, which could no longer hold it up.

This heart-wrenching emotion was conveyed to everyone at the shooting scene and to the hundreds of millions of viewers who followed, and they were all moved by it. It goes far beyond the superficial joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, but reveals the deepest pain of the characters' souls in detail, and touches people to learn from the pain and reflect on history. Xie Jin, who doesn't praise actors easily, later said that Shi Weijian's performance in this scene was not only sincere and touching, but also rich in layers.

"Be honest in life and be honest in acting" is Shi Weijian's motto. In 1991, Shi Weijian was appointed as the director of the China Youth Art Theater. His business card is still marked as "actor, director", always with "actor" in front and "director" in the back. When asked about this unique sign, he replied: "Because being a dean is for a while, being an actor is for a lifetime." It is out of his infinite love for the performing arts that even after retirement, he still Making full use of his spare energy, he has appeared in many movies and TV series such as "Chinese Divorce", "Peace Mission", "Capital Squad" and "The Last 99 Days".

In 2014, Shi Weijian cooperated with Beijing People's Art Theater and played the role of a returned overseas Chinese in the drama "Barber Shop". This was also his final work on the stage. In this nostalgic story, he plays an old overseas Chinese who returns to an alley in Beijing with his wife and unexpectedly walks into a barber shop run by three generations. He then interprets scenes surrounding the old and the new, grudges and resentments, love and love. Live drama.

Looking back on his nearly sixty years of stage acting career, Shi Weijian said that since 1956, he has successively performed in the Central Experimental Theater, the China Youth Art Theater, and then cooperated with the Beijing People's Art Theatre. Great happiness for an actor.”