On May 11, a piece of information about filming an anti-Japanese war film at Dawangtan Reservoir in Nanning and recruiting extras attracted attention on the Internet. The recruitment information showed: From May 19 to May 23, an anti-Japanese war film was filmed at Dawangtan Rese

May 11th

A piece of information about the filming of the Anti-Japanese War movie

and the recruitment of extras at the Dawangtan Reservoir in Nanning attracted attention on the Internet

Recruitment information showed:

From May 19th to the 23rd, the Anti-Japanese War movie was filmed at the Dawangtan Reservoir in Nanning. Recruitment Extra actor, "Dead corpse (pretending to be dead) costs 300 mosquitoes per day + lunch box (should be lunch box, the same below) + no dialogue. Charge with the flag costs 380 per day + lunch box + no dialogue. When he dies, he screams, or shouts "Charge!" …"Registration address: In the stadium in District A of Nanning City (next to Wuxiang Avenue), there is also a contact number.

▲Screenshots of online rumors

As soon as the news came out

many netizens said they wanted to sign up

Some netizens called the above number

but got a message

"The number you dialed is currently on a call"

At around 5 pm that day

Dawangtan Scenic Area Urgently issued a statement to refute rumors

said this information is untrue

The scenic area has not had any film shooting activities recently

▲ Dawangtan Scenic Area urgently issued a statement to refute rumors

According to a person in charge of Dawangtan Scenic Area, in order to create a national-level water conservancy engineering landscape, Dawangtan Scenic Area The scenic spot is currently still under construction and is only open to group customers for team building, parent-child tours and study tours, and reservation is required before entry. The scenic spot is expected to open on July 1 this year, but the details will be subject to the actual construction progress.

Scenic area staff have tried to contact the phone number in the recruitment notice many times, but it is currently turned off. The scenic spot has reported it to relevant departments and the specific situation is under investigation.

Source: News Square