Original title: Overview Original|The "Qin Horse" is about to start. The coastal track looks beautiful, but it is not easy to run. Overview News reporter Huang Yuhan On May 12, the Qinhuangdao Marathon is about to start. The start and end points of this event are set at Qinhuangd

original title: Overview Original | "Qin Horse" is about to start, the coastal track looks beautiful, and it is not easy to run

Overview News reporter Huang Yuhan

html On May 12, the Qinhuangdao Marathon is about to start, and the start and end points of this event are set at The south gate of Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Center Stadium, the track passes through Binhai Avenue, Beidaihe Wetland, Laohushi Park, Olympic Avenue Park, etc. It is a rare coastal marathon track in my country.

was running on the coastal track of "Qinma", with the sea breeze blowing, the fragrance of flowers, and the panoramic view of the scenery along the way.

Qinhuangdao Marathon Binhai Circuit. (Photo by Huang Yuhan)

Although this coastal track looks beautiful, it is not easy to run. Zongjian News reporter learned through the staff that the "Qinma" track has eight slopes, which are very difficult to run and extremely test the endurance of the contestants. There are also three sections of "Internet celebrity track" set up in the middle of the track: "First Slope", "PB Slope" and "Hero Slope".

The "first slope" is at the Pigeon Nest Park 13 kilometers away, which is the first slope of "Qinma" - a 450-meter uphill road. Do you think this is the only slope? Then you are wrong. From here, in the nearly 3.5 kilometers, the players have to experience 3 uphill roads and 3 downhill roads. One section of the downhill road is covered with bricks and stones, and the road surface is rugged. Players have to experience devilish bumps when running, and they can easily fall if they are not careful.

Qinhuangdao Marathon "pb slope". (Huang Yuhan/Photo)

The second "Internet celebrity track" is 20.5 kilometers away from the "Qinma", where a "pb slope" is set up. What is pb? PB is the abbreviation of personal best, which refers to an individual's best result in a marathon. On the "PB slope", there is a 900-meter uphill road and a 900-meter downhill road. It is the longest slope in the entire "Qinma". It is a great test of the athletes' physical strength. Whether they can break the PB slope is here. "When I was practicing running along the Qinma track these two days, I was out of breath every time I ran to this section. This uphill road is too long!" said contestant Anna.

Qinhuangdao Marathon "Heroes Slope". (Photo by Huang Yuhan)

Finally, there is the "Heroes Slope", which is the last difficulty that the contestants need to overcome. It was close to noon when the players ran here. At this time, the weather temperature was high and the players' bodies reached their limit. The finish line is right in front of us, but we still have to go through the last slope. At this point, most runners will slow down or even choose to give up. How about

? Does this unique track show the unique charm of the coastal city of Qinhuangdao? I hope all the players will achieve good results on the 12th!

Editor in charge: Xiaoyun