After experiencing the triple test of the workplace, the studio and the market, actor Zhang Dongliang's journey to "Infinite Beyond Class 2" officially came to an end tonight. In his last performance, he boldly broke through his comfort zone and challenged himself to perform in a

has gone through three tests in the workplace, on the set and in the market. Actor Zhang Dongliang's journey of "Infinite Beyond Class 2" officially came to an end tonight. In his last performance, he boldly broke through his comfort zone and challenged himself to perform in a musical for the first time in the film and television segment "Dream of Starlight" produced by Hao Lei. With his outstanding interpretation ability, he received two script invitations and was awarded "Infinitely Beyond the Artist" prize.

The same highlight moment appeared half a year ago, as a singer on the stage of "Beyond the Troubles". In four months, Zhang Dongliang broke the label of "stand-up singer" in the past two decades. He practiced singing and dancing hard, showed off his figure, challenged short video fun performances, and also earned Internet nicknames such as "Foshan Ghost Foot Liang".

is a singer and actor. In the "forty-year-old" stage, Zhang Dongliang continued to reopen himself, allowing the outside world to see the infinite possibilities of an artist who has been in the industry for 22 years. "Whether I am a singer or an actor, I dare not say that it will last a lifetime. A lifetime is too far away, but I want to continue doing it for a long time. Therefore, I must continue to stay active, continue to accept challenges, and continue to enjoy this thing. ”

Zhang Dongliang continues to challenge himself and move forward.

Actors and singers cannot coexist? Life is not just a single choice

When he received the invitation to play "Infinite Beyond Class 2", Zhang Dongliang was first surprised, and then fell into thinking for a long time. On the one hand, he has indeed been waiting for a script and role suitable for Zhang Dongliang these years; on the other hand, he has been away from his identity as an actor for too long and has not filmed for five or six years. It is inevitable that he will have some deviations in his own abilities.

Twenty-two years after his debut, Zhang Dongliang's most talked-about work is still his first drama "Smile Pasta". This drama has been around for eighteen years now, and some people attribute its influence largely to the wave of "singing, excellence, and acting" in the entertainment industry in Taiwan, China. For a long time, the outside world's recognition of Zhang Dongliang has still focused on the singer.

"Whether I want to take this opportunity to warm up myself or get back the feeling of filming. Because it is not up to you to control what role you can play in this show. I can try to see if I can control something that exceeds my established expectations." The role of knowing." In the end, Zhang Dongliang accepted the invitation and decided to face the scrutiny of the camera and the audience sincerely as an actor.

Judging from the current situation, "Infinite Beyond Class 2" has indeed brought a lot to Zhang Dongliang. For example, during the first interview, the instructor asked him to break the stereotype of a warm man and play a man full of hatred for his lover. This is Zhang Dongliang’s first improvisational performance, and it is also his first time to challenge a slightly violent character. In the past, most of the characters he found were because of his warm and sunny temperament; sometimes he even acted in scenes with emotional outbursts. The "anger" is always considered not enough by the director. In "Infinite Beyond Class 2", inspired by rival actor Han Xue, Zhang Dongliang changed from gentle and restrained to angry in a few seconds. His face was red with strong hatred, and his eyes were filled with tears unconsciously.

"Zhang Dongliang surprised me," the barrage said. Later, he recounted that moment to us: First, at the time, he didn’t know how far this character, who was so different from himself, could go. "But did you ever think that I couldn't act? No. I just put aside all distracting thoughts, completely immersed myself in the role, and then gave it all (laughing)."

Secondly, he didn't think that at this moment, if it were twenty years ago, It happened before, and my younger self was able to achieve this level. "Because there are many things that you will understand only when you grow up. People are not absolutely good or bad." He said frankly. Like when he was a child, wouldn't he think of playing a pervert and having to understand his heart? But now, he can think about it in the shortest time: there must be many reasons for him to do this at the moment; he can imagine how a man can love a woman, love him so much that he can do anything regardless of her, and love him so much that he can be with her. Being so angry after betrayal is like going a little crazy...

For Zhang Dongliang, acting is like riding a bicycle, it has become an instinct melted in the blood of the body.The life experiences, insights, frustrations, and reflections accumulated in the past twenty years have all turned into nourishment in the cells and memories, giving the current actor Zhang Dongliang a sharper ability to empathize.

Zhang Dongliang participated in the competition in "Infinite Beyond Class 2".

However, when it came to "Infinite Beyond Class 2", the topic that Zhang Dongliang was asked the most was: "Are you a singer or an actor?" Even in the producer's rating, Zhang Dongliang was directly assigned to the third tier because of this. "It's difficult to do everything well in a multi-dimensional development" "If you act like Andy Lau, if you sing again, people will accept you"... The producer's judgment also represents many years of development to a certain extent. The market and the public have come to question "singing and performing well".

"In fact, being an actor brings me another kind of happiness and sense of accomplishment that cannot be obtained by being a singer. To this day, I still think, why can't actors and singers coexist? The output of (works) will be less, but in fact I am the most classic That play and some of my well-known songs are all from the same work. Because of this play, I created a character that everyone remembers and left some songs that everyone knows. Isn’t this coexistence? ? "Zhang Dongliang never agrees that there is only one choice in life, but instead of overturning and proving something immediately, he is more accustomed to empathizing with non-committal judgments on the same thing from different perspectives, and at the same time believes that everything depends on man-made efforts. "I can only say that my identity as an actor is not strong enough, so my current thought is, OK! Then I will work hard until one day they also agree that Zhang Dongliang can indeed achieve 'coexistence'."

In fact , Zhang Dongliang is indeed constantly proving with actions that he has done it. From the impromptu violent man at the first interview scene of "Infinite Beyond Class 2" to the gentle scum in the "love-seeking compound drama" in the suspense-themed assessment, he was praised by Er Dongsheng as "a natural (suitable for acting) pervert"; and then "The Long Time" The cunning and greedy Hong Kong businessman in "The Season", to the challenge of interpreting the theme of love with Zheng He Huizi, each role is different and needs to be completed to 90 points in a short time, allowing the public and the market to quickly perceive "actor Zhang Dongliang" potential and charm.

"In this show, I interpret any role, and even I feel that I can still do this! It feels like every scene is not enough."

When doing one thing, the most important thing is To be happy and enjoy

Zhang Dongliang embarked on the path of becoming an actor half-heartedly.

In 2006, Zhang Dongliang had released two solo albums. Among them, songs such as "Who Do You Think of When You Are Lonely" and "Heart-breaking" made him top the mobile ringtone list with millions of downloads that year. He is a hot newcomer in the music scene. At that time, "sing and perform well" was a popular market trend at the time. Artists such as f4, s.h.e, Wilber Pan, and Rainie Yang all embarked on a successful path of multi-dimensional development. Unsurprisingly, as a newly popular singer, Zhang Dongliang was also notified by the company to act in his first drama "Smile Pasta". Zhang Dongliang tried to refuse. He knew nothing about filming, not to mention that he had to play the male lead for the first time. The pressure was like a heavy stone, but the boss insisted that this was a good opportunity and he had to go for it.

The TV series "Smile Pasta" in which Zhang Dongliang first appeared was a hit TV series that year.

At that time, Zhang Dongliang came to Taiwan from Malaysia alone for less than 4 years. During the millennium, almost all artists who first entered the entertainment industry experienced a similar situation: they had no autonomy and rarely took the initiative to say what they wanted. To describe it in Zhang Dongliang's words, he grew up being scolded, and he wished that every time he finished an announcement, he would be scolded for what he did not do well and what he should do better.

"Today's children say they want to be themselves as soon as they debut. They may be very successful because the times and environment are different. In our era, if I said I want to be myself right from the beginning! Then I should be 'dead' Dropped it (laughs)."In fact, Zhang Dongliang, who was 25 years old at the time, didn't understand what "self" was, and he didn't even know what he wanted to do. He just listened to the suggestions of record companies and managers, "They said, you are good at this. It's like saying that my smile is very charming and approachable, and people like you very much, so you should try your best to lean in there. But actually I didn’t understand at that time, why should I keep laughing? "

passively entered the crew of "Smile Pasta", and Zhang Dongliang could only "walk on thin ice" to perform every scene. Fortunately, in the play, He Qun, played by Zhang Dongliang, is a singer. The way he enters the play is very simple, just to be himself ——Of course, in the eyes of Zhang Dongliang today, this is just a shortcut to get into the role quickly, but it was already the best choice at the time. After all, the audience thought He Qun was who Zhang Dongliang was, and the director and screenwriter would comfort him not to do it. If there is too much pressure, just be yourself. Zhang Dongliang once admitted in an interview with the media that at that time he did not understand what "acting well" meant. After filming a scene, the director said "Okay!" It's natural and great. ” He would accept, “Is this the definition of good? "

" can't even talk about whether (this role) is easy to act or not. At that time, I thought, okay, I won’t make any complicated presets or add some features, I’ll just be myself first and make everyone feel comfortable, and that’ll be fine. "

filmed day and night for five or six months. The production mode of filming and broadcasting also made the actor's status always affected by the ratings. But to this day, Zhang Dongliang still recalls "Smile Pasta" on countless occasions. "Grateful" is the word to describe that experience. He was fortunate to have met very good actors, directors, and production teams. They were all willing to teach newcomers, be tolerant, and give him opportunities to challenge and try, which always kept his nerves high. will be washed away by the joy and experience brought by the performance.

For Zhang Dongliang, there are countless choices in life. It doesn’t matter which one comes first. Maybe some people become actors first, and some people become singers first. But the gears of fate must move along the path of "happiness". The most important thing when doing something is to be happy and enjoy it. Filming "Smile Pasta" made Zhang Dongliang convinced that filming and singing are both things he loves. I like it.

"I think people must go through certain processes, never understand, and then they give you some additional things, and then you accept it and then think about whether it is what you want. I am very glad that I have gone through a (passive process), which now gives me the confidence and ability to enjoy "being myself". "

Enjoy busyness but also accept leisure, allow everything to happen

2023 is the 21st year of Zhang Dongliang's debut. The footnote of this year is "a new beginning".

He released the latest ep "White Night Clark" - one year away from the previous one It has been five years since he released an album; he has participated in the music variety shows "Time Concert 2", "Music Warehouse No. 17" and even the reality show "Beyond the Troubles" - he has never appeared in a variety show with such intensity; he also held

Zhang Dongliang returned to the stage to perform these "openings" without reservation. ", it seems to the outside world that Zhang Dongliang regards "Twenty-One" as a semicolon in a growth story. Countless media have also been curious about the special meaning of the year "Twenty-One"?

Zhang Dongliang once explained this : “Just like when young people reach the age of 21, they start to venture out. Now, I can really go out and do what I want to do without fear. "

But to a certain extent, this is more like an official answer. In fact, Zhang Dongliang doesn't like summarizing, explaining, or even being in a hurry to answer. This is why, whether it is "Beyond the Troubles" or "Infinite Beyond" "Class 2", the most topical part of the reality show Zhang Dongliang always shows very few scenes. "I am a person who does not speak in a hurry. Many people may like to keep expressing their opinions and asking questions, but at this moment I am basically speechless. Because I’m really rarely in a hurry to say or explain anything. I am a person who needs time to think, even to write in songs.But the recording speed of the program is very fast. If you have no problem, then this part is over. "

Zhang Dongliang cares more about every moment. As he sang in the song "Sincerity at this Moment", "Every journey happens at the most perfect moment. "For example, the idea of ​​​​touring came up in the 21st year of his debut. He simply wanted to record and tell Zhang Dongliang, who had been in front of the camera for 21 years. What stories happened? And what about life? Why is it a different perception? “If I go on tour next time, I might look different. "The same goes for

when making albums. From "What Kind of Zhang Dongliang", "The Best Is About to Happen" to "White Night Clark", every musical work tells the story that Zhang Dongliang wanted to share in those two or three years. He once accepted During interviews with the media, he talked about the creative opportunities behind each song in "White Night Clark", such as "The Uncalled One", which uses restrained and calm pain instead of heart-rending shouts. He sang in a lazy tone like a whisper: "Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're right, maybe it would be milder if all the evolution pretended I didn't care. "

As he grows older, Zhang Dongliang rarely feels overjoyed or sad, and even if he is unhappy, he will restrain himself and digest it slowly. So he also follows the current state in the song presentation." I didn't feel anything about the passionate ups and downs at that time; on the contrary, songs like "Uninvited Minister" and "Asymptomatic" caught me. The words in the lyrics were very graphic and were closer to my own state. Putting these songs together, the album tells a complete story, which is my current state of mind. "

's cherishment of the current situation is also the fundamental reason that prompted Zhang Dongliang to temporarily leave the scene. Around 2010, Zhang Dongliang signed a new company, launched a new album, appeared in his first micro-movie, and continued to star in idol dramas... At the age of 30, he should have entered A new period of career growth. Not long after, he chose to put down his work and take a break to travel and recharge. In his understanding of life, spiritual input and life experience are essential. Precipitation and experience are the cornerstones of emotional output.

Zhang Dongliang also recalled the enrichment of that period to the media: All trips are no longer planned in advance, and you can explore the city aimlessly, or you can decide to take classes in New York, USA, right away. He signed up online and booked air tickets. One year when he was traveling in Tokyo, he had already boarded the bus to Disneyland, but suddenly he hesitated: “Why should I go to Disneyland alone? "So he got out of the car and continued walking on the street. "I will definitely not go to tourist attractions to check in. I may drink a cup of coffee and go shopping... I won't set too many presets for myself. "

Why do you return to work one after another? The answer is not complicated. Zhang Dongliang said that when he was young, when his work schedule was very dense, he would always complain about how tired he was and when he could rest. However, after finally taking a rest, he would You will start to worry about being forgotten and eliminated. “People will always live in contradictions, so why not enjoy the current process? If you are busy, enjoy being busy, unless you really don't like your job. If you are not busy, there is nothing to worry about. Then enjoy your life, whether it is traveling or spending time with your family. " Allowing everything to happen is what Zhang Dongliang thinks is the best state.

While recording "Infinite Transcendence Class 2" this year, Zhang Dongliang is also preparing a new album and planning a new tour. After "Graduation" of "Infinite Transcendence Class 2" , many viewers recognized his identity as an actor and expected him to adjust his focus to acting, but Zhang Dongliang denied with a smile, "I joined this show without expecting what kind of script I would receive soon. This is not my job. The starting point for this show. Frankly speaking, as a singer, I can now take the initiative and say, OK, I can do whatever I want this year, but as an actor, I am still relatively passive. So I don’t think there’s a rush, just let what happens happen, and it will eventually come. ”

Zhang Dongliang is determined and confident about the future.

- Dialogue with Zhang Dongliang -

The market is not controlled by anyone, so just do your job well

Beijing News: I haven’t filmed for a while, facing the market again, if I want to fight for a role, will I? Many people you meet ask you why you haven’t filmed for a long time?

Zhang Dongliang: Actually, I think whether we are actors or singers, we have always faced this market. I have been facing this market for 20 years and have witnessed the changes in this market. I have experienced everything from traditional media when I first debuted to new media and self-media now. I agree that the market is completely out of our control. For example, producers have more professional assessments to make some decisions, but frankly speaking, the market is not completely under their control. Since it's something I can't control, after so many years, I really won't think too much about it and just do my part well. Like when I came to "Infinity Class 2" this time, I just wanted to get back to my acting state, absorb as much as possible, and let everyone see my acting skills when I can use them. That's where I can take hold. Does the market need me? Want me? I don't really think about the results. While I was waiting, I worked hard on the things I could control, and I took advantage of every opportunity that came to me. That was enough.

Beijing News: Do you think that performing has tapped into another side of your heart or self?

Zhang Dongliang: I don’t think is necessarily the other side of myself, but it is in my own (inner) system. Just like I have never seen domestic violence in my life, but I may have seen movies or heard stories from friends. For example, I really vaguely remember someone sharing with me his friend’s experience of domestic violence. You can imagine from these stories, what is the current state of mind of a domestic violence victim? Why didn’t the spouse who was the victim of domestic violence break up decisively? If you use normal logic, of course you will leave if you encounter domestic violence. This is what you have to think about, why not leave? In fact, sometimes life is not that simple, but I actually didn’t understand these things when I was a child, and I have relatively strong empathy and thinking skills. When I was a child, I was very naive. I thought he was a good person or a bad person, and I was very decisive whether I was happy or unhappy. But now I may not be so black and white. Many times in life, we are actually in a gray area.

Beijing News: Many singers who have popular songs are often asked a question: Is it annoying to always sing the same song? But does it feel different when interpreting the same song at different ages and with different experiences?

Zhang Dongliang: Of course, whether you are tired of it or not is one thing, but I still like those songs very much, and I still feel that I have a different feeling every time I sing them. Maybe my understanding of loneliness before was the same as what I sang in the past, but now my understanding of loneliness is completely different, and the feeling of singing it will be different. These thoughts come from life.

Beijing News reporter Zhang He

editor Tong Na

proofreader Liu Jun