Recently, the well-known actor Gao Yalin was revealed to have had an affair during pregnancy and was accused of domestic violence. The news immediately sparked heated discussions. This incident not only led to the fall of the comment section of the old artist Song Dandan who had

Recently, it was revealed that the well-known actor Gao Yalin had an affair during pregnancy and was accused of domestic violence. As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions. This incident not only led to the fall of the comment section of the old artist Song Dandan who had collaborated with him, and the destruction of the classic work "Family with Children", but also involved three actresses, Shi Wei, Wei Jia and Xu Zijun, who concealed their divorce and were unmarried. When giving birth to a child, the relationship should not be too messy.

As the saying goes, "You know people but don't know their hearts." Gao Yalin once gained numerous fans for his role as Xia Donghai in "With Children". Even after many years, the audience still has the "good dad" filter for him. Who would have thought that a man who seemed so honest and honest on the surface would not only cheat on his girlfriend while she was pregnant, but also hit the pregnant woman. After being exposed, he acted like a natural person. It is self-evident how bad his conduct is.

What is even more disappointing is that after Gao Yalin was exposed to cheating and domestic violence during pregnancy, he has not dared to speak out publicly. Instead, he contacted Wei Jia privately, trying to "deceive" her on the grounds of registering a household registration for her child and the child needs a complete home. "Getting Wei Jia's forgiveness seemed to be showing weakness to Wei Jia, but in fact he did not apologize for cheating and other bad behaviors. In the end, Wei Jia's trouble was just for a Beijing household registration.

Obviously, Gao Yalin's cheating and domestic violence happened in 21 years, and it has been 3 years since then. During this period, Wei Jia has been holding back. The reason why Gao Yalin was exposed this time is because Gao Yalin refused to give him the punishment according to the judgment. The child has a Beijing household registration. Now that Gao Yalin has not apologized, Wei Jia immediately relents as soon as he mentions his Beijing household registration. If Gao Yalin is a scumbag, then Wei Jia's motives are not pure either.

I thought that Gao Yalin was showing weakness to Wei Jia, but after the two reconciled, the matter came to an end. Who knew that Xu Zijun, the "mistress" in this matter, also posted a long post in response to the matter. Not only did he deny that he was the mistress, but he also shamelessly claimed that accepting Gao Yalin's favor money does not mean that he accepts the other person's feelings. For such reasons, he can accept others with peace of mind. The large amount of transfers can really be said to ruin the outlook on life.

You must know that Xu Zijun was born in 1998. He is a classmate of the popular little girl Guan Xiaotong. He is 26 years younger than Gao Yalin. At such a good age, he chose Gao Yalin who can be his father. It is really difficult to understand. And from the long article published by Xu Zijun, it can be seen that when he first met Gao Yalin, he asked Gao Yalin for help, which also involved various drama appointments, connections and other interests.

According to Xu Zijun, Gao Yalin did express his kindness to her by transferring money, and she did accept it, but she had no idea about his emotional status. After she knew that the other party had a girlfriend, she ended the relationship, and was later harassed. Gao Yalin’s entanglement. Putting aside whether Xu Zijun really didn't know that Gao Yalin had a girlfriend, would a normal person really dare to accept a large transfer from a stranger?

And through Xu Zijun’s speech, she did not think there was any problem in accepting Gao Yalin’s large transfer. Such values ​​are shocking. Obviously, after Wei Jia broke the news, Xu Zijun was greatly affected and her work was completely stagnant. If she did not speak out, she would not be able to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. However, she did not apologize to the real victim and wanted to clear up her relationship. Netizens It’s normal not to buy it.

Finally, there is a saying called "I don't know the whole story, so I won't comment." The various interest relationships in the entertainment industry are too complicated and have exceeded everyone's imagination. The reversal will come at any time. I hope everyone can be sensible and don't Take sides easily. Do you think Xu Zijun is a mistress?

#Xu Zijun said that accepting the transfer does not mean accepting love#