A few days ago, Hunan Vocational and Technical College of Railway Science and Technology held the "Youth Heart to the Party and Forge New Journey" chorus competition. During the competition, five choirs composed of student representatives and teacher representatives from each sec

A few days ago, Hunan Railway Science and Technology Vocational and Technical College held the "Youth Heart to the Party and Forge New Journey" chorus competition. In the

competition, five choirs composed of student representatives and teacher representatives from secondary colleges used their songs to express their patriotism and love for their school, and looked forward to a magnificent and beautiful new era with their vibrant youthful demeanor.

"Each era has its theme, and each generation of young people also has its historical mission and responsibility." Chen Bin, deputy secretary of the party committee and principal of the school, hopes that all young people in the school will have high aspirations, be determined to serve the country, and take the initiative to express their patriotism and service to the country. We must integrate our ambitions into the cause of reform and development, and integrate our youth into the mountains and rivers of the motherland; we must be able to think boldly, not take refuge in things, consciously enhance our initiative to take on big responsibilities and shoulder heavy responsibilities, and face difficulties in the construction of various undertakings in the school. , to show the responsibilities of young people in the new era; they must be down-to-earth, work hard, be a brave striver and a doer who strives to move forward, and make contributions with the self of youth and the self of struggle.

Before the chorus competition, the school's 120 new members took a solemn oath to the group flag and officially joined the group.

Correspondent Guo Jiahao Chen Jinghui Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Li Nan