Yesterday (May 9), the Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission released a special report on the entertainment performance market. The article named the refund policy for JJ Lin’s concerts as inconsistent. Subsequently, related topics became hot searches on Weibo. The re

Yesterday (May 9), the Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission released a special report on the entertainment performance market. The article named the inconsistent refund policy for JJ Lin’s concerts. Subsequently, related topics became hot searches on Weibo. The

report pointed out that the refund policies for JJ Lin’s Suzhou concert on May 25, Harbin concert on June 22 and Tianjin concert on April 13 were inconsistent and could easily mislead consumers.

The Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission issued a special report saying that in recent years, the entertainment performance market has shown great vigor and vitality. However, as the performance categories continue to be enriched and consumers’ enthusiasm for watching performances continues to rise, “platter” concerts have been “watered down” and tickets have been refunded. Many problems such as high handling fees and "pillar tickets" have also arisen, seriously affecting consumers' viewing experience. The

report pointed out that according to the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Management of Large-scale Commercial Performance Activities to Promote the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Performance Market" jointly issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security, large-scale commercial performance activities implement a real-name ticket purchase and real-name admission system. , performance organizers should also establish a refund mechanism for large-scale performance events and formulate tiered refund charging standards. Performance organizers and ticketing platforms have set up strong real-name viewing and tiered refund policies based on this regulation. However, in current practice, the tiered refund policy still has problems such as high refund fees and different refund policies for the same performance in different cities. .

Take JJ Lin’s recent concert as an example:

For JJ Lin’s concert in Suzhou on May 25, the refund handling fee is divided into 4 levels according to the time period: unconditional refund, 20% of the ticket price, 50% of the ticket price, refunds are not supported, according to Calculated based on the ticket price of his concerts ranging from RMB 380 to RMB 1880, the refund handling fee ranges from a few hundred to nearly a thousand yuan.

is also the JJ Lin concert in Harbin on June 22. Ticket refunds are divided into three levels according to time: unconditional refund, 30% of the ticket price, and no refund.

However, there is no unconditional refund rule for the Tianjin concert on April 13. Refunds are divided into three levels according to time periods: 3% of the ticket price, 30% of the ticket price, and no refund.

For concerts by the same singer, refund policies are not uniform in different regions, which can easily mislead consumers.

The Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission stated that it will no longer accept any refund applications about a week before the concert. The refund handling fees can easily reach hundreds or even thousands of yuan. Problems such as inconsistent and opaque refund handling fees charging standards for each concert have undoubtedly caused problems. While consumers pay the fare in advance, it also limits the consumer's right to refund the ticket and increases the burden on the consumer to refund the ticket. According to the relevant provisions of the "Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China", through the format Terms that restrict consumers’ rights and aggravate consumers’ obligations shall be invalid.

Source: Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Committee

Editor: Shi Yu