Domestic entertainment princess Han Xue has recently been criticized by her peers in "Sister Lang". Zhou Yangqing said that she relied on her old age to sell herself, while He Jie laughed at her for being overconfident. Some netizens felt that they finally vented their anger, but

Domestic entertainment princess Han Xue has recently been criticized by her peers in "Sister Lang". Zhou Yangqing said that she relies on her old age to sell herself, while He Jie laughed at her for being overconfident.

Some netizens felt that they finally vented their anger, but unlike the almost one-sided criticism in the past, some netizens felt sorry for Han Xue for suffering too much malice this time.

In my opinion, this rare voice of distress for Han Xue is just a reflection of her collapsed popularity.

This year coincides with the 20th anniversary of Han Xue Cheng's famous work "The Wrong Love". Piao doesn't want to follow the trend of scolding, but wants to talk from a deeper perspective. Why does an actress with top resources and a good business have a worse reputation the longer she debuts?

Why did Han Xue suddenly become cute in "Sister Lang" when she was ridiculed as a latent narcissist? Why did some people feel sad?

Because of a group of sisters who have experience and achievements and are no longer confused, no one needs to spoil anyone, which has always been the highlight of the unique ecosystem of "Sister Lang".

Before, Huang Shengyi disliked Yi Nengjing.

This season, Liu Yan also plays a "goddess" joke with Sa.

So Han Xue can't pretend to be in "Sister Lang". When

came, dancing, rapping, and competitive gameplay were not her comfort zone. Many times, she wanted to express her opinions, but her mind was empty and her output was laggy.

Secondly, every time I think of Fan, my sister next to me will unceremoniously slap her head on her head.

For example, when she used the stage analogy to preach, He Jie laughed at her overconfidence.

When she was sitting at the head of the dining table and started selling life experience, she was told by Zhou Yangqing that she was relying on her old age to sell her old age...

Her pretense was repeatedly broken on the spot, but it had a comedic effect.

However, it is not difficult to imagine that once she steps out of "Sister Lang", her popularity with the audience will inevitably return to its original point.

First, she was the earliest domestic entertainment princess, the darling of resource preference, which was the product of injustice.

In an era when others were struggling to attend the Spring Festival Gala, she started attending the Spring Festival Gala three times in five years at the age of 24. Netizens joked that the Spring Festival Gala was her back garden.

24-year-old Han Xue made her debut in the Spring Festival Gala singing "Wind in the Bamboo Forest"

And in "The Wrong Love", she was not the best in acting but she was the absolute heroine. With the prime time slot of CCTV, she took advantage of the favorable ratings and became a national actress.

Time passes to 20 years later. This "tilt" at the beginning is enough to make the actors in the same drama live very different lives.

Wen Zhengrong's strength back then was obvious to all. He also performed well in acting and variety shows in the past few years, but after that he only got a few small supporting roles, and he was never found again.

Reality and the plot of "The Wrong Love" are completely reversed, a misplaced life

And Guo Xiaoting, who played Xiao Yiluo, was already 12 years old and her acting skills were already inferior to Han Xue's.

His acting career has been stagnant since he became an adult. In the past few years, he has been participating in acting and variety shows. Either he was bullied by his peers for his junior status, or no one appreciated him, and his resources were still very generous.

Look, the light in his eyes is gone

On the contrary, look at Han Xue.

After "The Wrong Love of Life", no one can think of any other masterpieces of hers. But at the age when an actress suffers the most, her age (rather than her grades) has become an uncharacteristically important factor in the workplace.

She also participated in acting and variety shows, but instead of competing, she served as a mentor.

Of course, the program team did not dare to blatantly give her the title, but it gave her the real power to judge and guide other people's acting.

As a result, I showed my timidity as soon as I gave a demonstration and acted like sending my husband to the station instead of sending my husband to jail.

Comparing one person to another is infuriating. The migrant workers who work hard but can never get along with the boss's relatives will naturally not care about the resource person Han Xue.

Not to mention that she has always had a lot of scandalous information. Because she was not given preferential treatment, she posted emergency doctor information, which caused her to be bullied online and lose her job. She even thought it was okay to lip-sync during a musical recording...

Her privileged image has been Deepen the understanding of netizens.

Han Xue is a low-key person, so low-key that the whole world knows that she is low-key.

No one has much idea of ​​her ability, but they all know how capable her grandfather is.

Think about it, a princess keeps a low profile and shows off at the same time, repeatedly making fun of the nerves of netizens who are working hard to make a living. How can she not be disgusted?

But Han Xue is not without merit.

She is a top student and super self-disciplined.

In "Sister Lang", everyone is eating, Liu Yan is sipping her noodles, and she is nibbling cucumbers. The language ability that once made her famous thanks to the all-English dubbing of SpongeBob SquarePants was something she learned from a dedicated teacher when she became an adult.

At the same time, she is elegant and decent most of the time and speaks very well.

For example, when we were talking about the team strategy for new songs in "Sister Lang", they were clear and logical.

Also, she can always withstand ridicule and stick to the bottom line of "being herself". To some extent, we must admit that she has an enviable ability to withstand pressure.

What impressed me most was the wilderness survival variety show "Travel with Bell". All the stars experienced drinking urine under pressure, but Han Xue never wavered.

But the problem is that her advantages cannot withstand closer inspection, and as time goes by, her flaws will be revealed bit by bit.

Because she is a double standard narcissist.

It is good for her to be self-disciplined and have goals, but everyone's way of life is different, but she wants others to use her meaning as the benchmark to judge the pros and cons.

She has always boasted many times that she is different from ordinary girls. She does not like leather bags and clothes, but likes high-tech products of boys. The so-called high technology is actually VR and the like.

Another time, another comment like this.

But what she said is that as long as she buys it, she will feel at ease, and she doesn’t care whether she uses it or not.

Xi Mengyao said with disdain that she would not waste money on buying such dusty things. Buying clothes would actually lead to higher usage.

Han Xue came to have a high value. She claimed to be a hero in promoting the scientific and technological progress of all mankind, and satirized Xi Mengyao's superficiality.

As someone who has had many opportunities to speak on behalf of ordinary children since childhood, Han Xue speaks mainstream, correct and decent words at her fingertips.

But because her thinking habits are self-interested, she cannot be objective after all. Her decent words will become empty words and her speech will become sophistry.

In "Sister Lang", after saying that the stage of the new song should be more sophisticated, she only hurriedly practiced the dance move of spinning in a space a few times before she started crying. In the final presentation of

, she was the only one who could not stand still, while the others all achieved the shock that the stage should have.

Because of this self-interested thinking, what might have been her "bottom line" with advantages has turned into a double-standard joke.

She can trample on others' bottom line at will, as long as it goes against her interests.

She has the so-called three principles: "Don't do kissing scenes, don't treat yourself as an insider, and don't fall in love with male stars." When filming "Enemies of Marriage", she actually asked to show her back because the plot required it. Change the play.

Guo Degang is not as complicated as her when it comes to eating.

What's even more terrible is that this kind of self-centered thinking does not come from her own strength.

As we all know, her business is not bad, but it is not good enough to match her resources and attitude. So where does her honeyed narcissism come from?

Grandpa? There are more than

, which comes from her pride in the entire dazzling native family.

Netizens misunderstood her. Her masterpiece is not only "My Grandpa", but also "My Father and Mother".

Why do you like "high technology"?

Because her father is an engineer, she had access to a lot of highly intelligent engineer uncles at a young age. The drafts she used to write on when she was a child were filled with mysterious and profound mechanical drawings.

And where is mom?

Xi Mengyao and Xie Yilin went to her house to experience life. She did not prepare lunch for the guests. When they were hungry, she started talking about how capable her mother was.

Although the conditions at home are good, she does not hire a nanny, and her mother does everything herself.At the same time, as a doctor, my mother is usually too busy to take care of three meals a day, and she also thinks that people's problems are caused by eating too much...

Anyway, to sum up:

Her family has never had the habit of eating lunch!

Well, isn’t it very special? Isn’t it a surprise?

My Mom is Capable and Special Series

Han Xue has a luxurious family group.

As a child raised by a high-ranking family, he must also be extremely outstanding.

In other words, even if you are pretending, you have to pretend to be excellent.

So you will see that Han Xue is good at everything but not good at anything. No matter what others think of her, her evaluation of herself must be: a cross-border actor.

Just like the short film she made for her grandfather, which was criticized completely, but as soon as it was filmed, she started to flaunt herself as a short film director, just like... she was saving titles for her resume.

But she is obviously a domestic entertainment princess, so why can't she show any signs of "not being able to pull her down"? Instead, she is like a laborer, preferring to be ridiculed to earn a shiny title?

Because her pride in her original family seems to have swelled to the point of blinding her eyes.

But at the same time, she often shows a hint of timidity and caution:

Her deeper awkwardness lies in the fact that she has been suffering from the backlash of her high-energy native family.

The strict military management since she was a child made her self-disciplined. After internalizing it, she formed a behavioral habit of pursuing mainstream values.

A person needs to be free to explore life to have more possibilities, let alone an actor who needs to liberate his nature. So she has too much baggage and too many rules.

What's more, after becoming an adult, her family of origin still maintains control over her in every detail.

should be blocked if it is bad.

It continues that when Han Xue was a child, she could only eat one piece of chicken wings. At the age when children were playing wildly, her physical desires were already strictly controlled. When

grew up, her mother would use the invisible pressure of "I won't sleep until you come back" to control her return home time.

At the same time, the family is under the protection of the family, which has the resource tilt mentioned above.

This model of educating and protecting children will cause many problems if it continues until Han Xue becomes an adult.

First of all, Han Xue is not a mediocre person without talent, but because of this, she will never become a top actor.

's life is too smooth for her to avoid eating meat. Not having a full life experience is a taboo for actors. And she didn't have to endure hardship, which made her less fierce and ambitious, and subjectively cut off her ability to discover talents.

When "Lust, Caution" made Tang Wei famous, Han Xue once said calmly that she had met Ang Lee by chance, but she did not want to volunteer herself, and she would not accept the controversial nudity scene.

Secondly, it is indeed more difficult for people who have been praised for a long time to see themselves clearly.

Han Xue won the championship in the acting variety show "I Am an Actor". There was not a single word in the award speech that could be seen as praising her acting skills. It could only be seen that the migrant worker who wrote this speech was a good copywriter.

"Under her beautiful appearance, she has a brave heart. She came to the stage of "I Am an Actor" and constantly broke through herself. These very different characters shine brightly, whether it is a tearful performance or a passionate voice. She sings eloquently and has received numerous praises for her skill and skill. She has accumulated her own charm with diligence and wisdom. She is the overall champion of this season's "I Am an Actor". Congratulations to Han Xue! "

translated into vernacular is: she can quickly She can cry, but she can still sing, and she is diligent and wise. As for whether the level of acting is worthy of the reputation... Let's not talk about getting off work.

The reason why she keeps a low profile and fails is because she always wants to appear outstanding and special.

is because as a result of her proud family's education, her subconscious has been proving to her family that she is excellent and just like them.

And her specialness is not proven to the audience, but is actually proven to her family.

She is very proud that her career and marriage are very different from what her family imagined. They are very different. This brings with it the rebellious mentality of being late due to strict requirements since childhood.

Desperate to be a member of the excellent native family, but at the same time rebelliously wanted to be different from them. This contradiction is the essential reason for Han Xue's naughty behavior.

You will find that unlike other celebrities who are ridiculed because they are unaware, Han Xue knows all her shortcomings, but she thinks they are nothing and there is no need to change them. Why?

Because her audience has never been the audience, but her family of origin.

The audience from the lower class is just a part of her constant game with her native family.

From her perspective, there are only her and her family of origin. Her plays and her achievements are all report cards for the family of origin, not the audience.

For example, when she talked about her grandfather sending a car to pick her up from the set, as an actress who was supposed to have a big role, she called the play at that time "filming "The Flying Knife Meets the Flying Knife" or something like that."

She really doesn't care whether the audience lives or lives. The audience is just the marks on her report card.

The longer Han Xue debuts, the more she is disliked, because all her struggles and awkwardness have nothing to do with the audience.

As a part of her play, it is normal for the audience to find it extremely insulting.

I feel sorry for her, that’s all I can say.

She was inconsistent on the same show.

started by commenting on the so-called crossover of running away to other places as soon as he encountered a bottleneck: He has been proving himself.

When preaching to others, he said there is no need to prove himself because he is good enough.

This entanglement and empty self-confidence run through her entire personality.

confirmed that the 41-year-old domestic entertainment princess Han Xue is still a student who wants to prove herself to her family of origin. Her self-identity still depends on her family of origin, and her spirit has not yet been weaned.

is both happy and sad.