Earlier, Michelle Yeoh was deliberately ignored at the Oscars. At that time, many netizens complained on her behalf and went to the other party's account to demand an apology. Later, the other party did not respond. Instead, Michelle Yeoh hurriedly stepped forward to explain to o

Earlier, Michelle Yeoh was deliberately ignored at the Oscars. At that time, many netizens complained for her and went to the other party's account to ask for an apology. Later, the other party did not respond. Instead, Michelle Yeoh hurriedly stepped forward to explain to others, which made netizens confused. From that time on, everyone knew how humble Michelle Yeoh was in order to integrate into the European and American entertainment circles.

Recently, Michelle Yeoh received the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom. Originally, as an artist and an Asian, it is indeed very powerful to receive this award, but this year's U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom is a bit intriguing. When

posted an award to Michelle Yeoh, he called Yeoh by the wrong name. Michelle was called Michael. This slip of the tongue was more than just calling Michelle Yeoh by the wrong name. Because typical English names are divided into male and female names. Calling Michelle Mike means that subconsciously he doesn't know whether this person is a boy or a girl.

Secondly, before giving Michelle Yeoh the award, he wiped his nose with a tissue and looked like he had a cold. Later, he shook hands with Michelle Yeoh with his hands that had wiped his nose, and personally presented the award to Michelle Yeoh.

Michelle Yeoh didn't care about these "small mistakes" at all. Instead, she accepted the award happily. After the award was over, she immediately posted a post on her personal social platform to share the good news with her fans, but she didn't mention anything about what happened at the scene. It’s still a familiar routine.

Seeing this, many people may be curious. After decades of debut, Michelle Yeoh has suddenly developed so well internationally in recent years. Moreover, her works are not much more groundbreaking than her earlier ones. Is there really any ulterior secret behind them?

Regarding this, there has been a rumor on the Internet that Michelle Yeoh's status today is all because of her conversion to the Illuminati.

won an Oscar and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, joined the European and American entertainment circles, and then made Illuminati gestures at various award ceremonies. Even her earrings represented the Illuminati symbol. She was also selected as a member of the International Olympic Committee. Take a look. Another star made an Illuminati gesture at her in the audience at the Oscars, and the so-called Illuminati symbol even appeared in the movie.

To be honest, the editor still feels that these rumors are a bit outrageous. Her ability to reach this day has something to do with her own efforts. However, Michelle Yeoh’s display of that logo intentionally or unintentionally really makes people think. As for the so-called There is indeed no evidence to prove whether the Illuminati really exists.

But what the editor wants to say is that Michelle Yeoh’s bottomless efforts to please the so-called European and American circles may end up with both human and financial losses. Then the gains will really outweigh the losses, what do you think?