This is a poem about spring by Zhu Shuzhen, a poet from the Song Dynasty. The most wonderful thing about this poem is that it uses the contrast between "the ruthlessness of flowers and birds" and "the passion of bees and butterflies" to elicit the poet's reluctance and nostalgia

This is a poem about spring by Zhu Shuzhen, a poet from the Song Dynasty.

The most wonderful thing about this poem is that it uses the contrast between "the ruthlessness of flowers and birds" and "the passion of bees and butterflies" to elicit the poet's reluctance and nostalgia for the return of spring. It is extremely natural, clever, lively and interesting.

"The flowers fall in spring and are speechless, and the birds sing when spring returns." One or two sentences mean that the flowers fall one after another, and spring is silent and silent; the birds don't know that spring has returned, and they still sing to themselves. This is written about "the ruthlessness of flowers and birds".

When flowers bloom, spring arrives; when flowers fall, spring ends. Flowers fall silently; spring returns silently. The silence of falling flowers and the chirping of birds vividly outline a picture of the return of spring.

This is the scene of spring returning outside the window of the book, which was sensitively captured by the poet. He uses "flowers and birds are ruthless" to set off the following "bees and butterflies are affectionate", which is extremely sublime.

"Sentiment is like a bee-butterfly, flying over the white wall to the west." Three or four sentences say that only bees and butterflies are very passionate, flying west over the white wall to find the footprints of spring. This is written "The Passionate Love of Bees and Butterflies".

It is better to say that it is the inner thoughts of the poet than the bees and butterflies cherishing and looking for spring. The poet does not say that he cherishes spring, but expresses his reluctance and attachment to the departure of spring through bees and butterflies. Bees and butterflies are particularly active when spring goes to summer. However, the poet cleverly uses this scene and uses personification to understand their passionate behavior of "flying over the pink wall to the west" as seeking spring, which is very novel and unique. Interesting.

Overview of the whole poem, the language is clear and lively, the contrast technique is skillful, the movement and stillness are cleverly described, the emotions are blended with the scenery, the scenes are blended, it seems to be a complete description of the scenery, but in fact every word is emotional. It is an excellent work of Xinchun poems.