The trend of Xiaomi's car-making has not only affected the domestic car-making market. Even Jia Yueting, who is far away across the ocean, is also very concerned about Lei Jun's car-making. When Xiaomi SU7 was officially released, Jia Yueting wrote this on Weibo: The first releas

The trend of Xiaomi’s car-making has not only affected the domestic car-making market. Even Jia Yueting, who is far away across the ocean, is also very concerned about Lei Jun’s car-making.

After Xiaomi su7 was officially released, Jia Yueting wrote this on Weibo:

The first release of Xiaomi Auto was very successful, reflecting the maturity of China's new energy vehicle industry chain in recent years and the improvement of China's manufacturing system. Huge advantage in price/performance ratio.

Xiaomi’s execution and marketing capabilities in building cars are indeed worthy of praise. However, the copycat culture, shortcut model and follower mentality are regarded as the norm by many people, which is worrying.

values ​​determine the ceiling. Benchmarking, plagiarism and shallow innovation cannot bring about fundamental technological changes and basic technological leaps.

Only if the culture of change becomes the mainstream, instead of copycat culture still prevailing;

Only the original spirit is engraved in the bones of entrepreneurs, instead of treating follower thinking as the "Bible" of entrepreneurship;

Only if great entrepreneurs emerge one after another and take risks Home , rather than just cultivating batches of successful businessmen;

only the leading companies in the technology industry become pioneers, rather than followers who take shortcuts;

only establish global values ​​​​to conquer the global market, not just focus on local areas Market interests; only

can truly promote technological progress and lead global industrial change.

I have to say that Jia Yueting’s words still have a big-picture and global perspective.

not only pointed out the problems of Xiaomi's car manufacturing from point to point, but also gave a deep thought on the current car manufacturing industry.

However, in addition to the magnanimity shown by Boss Jia, what we should also see is the problems and bottlenecks that Faraday Future is encountering under his leadership, as well as his increasing understanding of China's new energy vehicle industry chain and supply chain. envious eyes.

In a sense, it is harmless when Jia Yueting, as a veteran, "points out" Lei Jun, a "newcomer" on the car-making track.

However, if we connect it with the bottleneck Jia Yueting currently encounters and the current car-building track, we may be able to get a glimpse of more different information.

More importantly, through Jia Yueting's "instruction" on Lei Jun, what we need to see is that China's car manufacturing track may have really reached a crossroads where it is necessary to clear the clouds and see the sun.

China has become the leader in new energy car manufacturing

Looking back on Jia Yueting’s car-making process, we can clearly see that his start was not later than that of domestic car-making players, and he was even ahead of domestic car-making players to some extent. There are many players building cars.

However, just when domestic car manufacturers began to focus on deeper dimensions and wider markets, we saw that Jia Yueting was still struggling on the other side of the distant ocean.

Whether it is the difficulty of ff911 reaching scale or the difficulties Faraday Future encounters in the capital market, we can all see the difficulties Jia Yueting encountered in building cars in a foreign country.

While paying attention to Jia Yueting, we also need to pay attention to another car-making player on the other side of the ocean - Tesla .

Although Tesla and Faraday Future are in the same country, Tesla moved part of its production capacity to Shanghai early and established a "super factory" in Shanghai.

The reason why Tesla has such an approach is that in addition to taking a fancy to China's huge new energy vehicle market, it also sees the huge advantages that China has in the new energy vehicle industry chain and supply chain. .

What is certain is that Tesla has achieved great success with the help of its "super factory" in Shanghai, China. It has not only won the opportunity to share the big cake of the Chinese market, but also enjoyed the increasing development of China's new energy vehicle industry chain and supply chain. Perfect huge bonus.

Like Tesla, Chinese new energy car manufacturers represented by Weixiaoli, Geely , Great Wall , BYD have also enjoyed many dividends.

Today, China's new energy vehicles have become representatives of "new productivity".

Even on a global scale, China is still in a leading position in new energy vehicle manufacturing.

When Jia Yueting "instructs" Lei Jun as a "experienced person", we need to connect him more with new energy car manufacturers represented by Tesla and Wei Xiaoli.

Through this point, what we need to see is the reality that China has become the leader in new energy vehicle manufacturing, and the background that China's new quality productivity has become commonplace.

Only in this way can we understand why Xiaomi has succeeded in building cars in such a short period of time, and why Jia Yueting, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, has not been able to break through the internal reasons until now.

The car-making track has entered a new cycle of deep reshuffling.

What I have to say is that even though the car-making track is already crowded, Lei Jun and Xiaomi under his leadership have relied on super strong execution With its strength and strong marketing capabilities, it has still achieved great success.

We can clearly feel this when we look at the "hotness" of Xiaomi's press conference and the wave of marketing climaxes set off by Xiaomi su7.

However, even though, as Jia Yueting said, Xiaomi has achieved great success in building cars, we cannot ignore the profound reality that the car-making track has entered a period of reshuffle.

Indeed, after experiencing the brutal growth in the early days, the car manufacturing track has long passed the stage where capital can be favored by just relying on ppt to build cars, and has long passed the stage where users can be harvested just by relying on feelings and concepts. Entering the development stage of competing for real hard power.

Whether it is the maturation of users' minds towards new energy vehicle manufacturing, the waning of the capital market's enthusiasm for investment in vehicle manufacturing players, or the reality that the product line of new energy vehicles has begun to deepen, we can all see that new energy vehicles are becoming more and more mature. The energy vehicle manufacturing industry has entered a new cycle of deep reshuffle.

In this regard, we can not only get a clue from the criticism and doubts encountered by Ideal Mega, we can also smell the difference from the shutdown dilemma encountered by car manufacturers represented by Gaohe and Evergrande. the taste of.

For car manufacturers, how to find ways and methods that resonate with the industry during the reshuffle period, how to continuously improve the added value of new energy car manufacturing, and set their sights on a larger market and a higher vision. Among them, perhaps the right path lies.

As Jia Yueting said, in such a period, the real competition is not the copycat culture, but the original spirit; not the follower mentality, but the pioneer; not the local market interests, but the global vision and vision.

Admittedly, for Lei Jun, it is indeed worthy of praise that Xiaomi has achieved great success in building cars in such a short period of time.

However, if you still adhere to the past thinking of car manufacturing and ignore the general background that the car manufacturing industry has entered a reshuffle period, even if you can gain favor and attention in a short period of time, when it comes time to truly compete for hard power, you will still You will still encounter new difficulties and challenges.

Through Jia Yueting's "advice" to Lei Jun, he realized that China's new energy car manufacturing track has entered the background of deep reshuffle. Perhaps it is the best way to view Xiaomi's car manufacturing, China's car manufacturing market, and even the global car manufacturing market. The correct posture has entered a new stage.

Car-making players have begun to compete for "new quality car-making power"

After the official release of Xiaomi su7, people mentioned more that Xiaomi, led by Lei Jun, is more and more using the same method of making mobile phones. car.

's implication is that when Xiaomi builds cars, it follows more of its thinking and logic in building mobile phones. It just regards Xiaomi's car building as a process of splicing and assembly without much innovation.

We can also see a clue from Jia Yueting's "advice" to Lei Jun.

According to Jia Yueting, "The copycat culture, shortcut model and follower thinking are regarded as the norm by many people, which is worrying."

Through his statement, we can actually see that Jia Yueting is euphemistically pointing out the problems that exist in Xiaomi's car-making process.

Therefore, for car-making players like Xiaomi, if they want to make a difference in the future car-making track, in addition to relying on China's leading new energy vehicle industry chain, they must also find something different from the past. New quality car manufacturing power".

In essence, in the future, car manufacturers will need to compete more for innovation capabilities.

This point not only refers to the innovation ability of design, but also refers to the innovation ability of technology.

can truly bring China's car manufacturing industry into a new stage of development through the perfect integration of design innovation and technological innovation, and thereby form a "new quality car manufacturing force".

It is foreseeable that in the future, the players that can truly be proud of the car manufacturing market must be those players with "new quality car manufacturing capabilities" and those players that can truly use innovative thinking to win over users and the market.

For new entrants like Xiaomi, how can they work hard to compete for "new quality car manufacturing capabilities" and stand on such a new starting line with other car manufacturers, so that they can truly achieve overtaking in corners? The key.

Therefore, through Jia Yueting's "instruction" to Lei Jun, he realized that car manufacturers have begun to move from conceptual innovation to the reality of substantial "new quality car manufacturing power" innovation, so that they can truly grasp the key to the current status of the car manufacturing market.


While the trend of Xiaomi building cars continues, even Jia Yueting, who is far away across the ocean, also maintains a high degree of attention to this.

I have to say that Xiaomi is successful in building cars.

However, through Jia Yueting's "instructions" on Lei Jun from a distance, what we need to see more is the reality of China's new energy vehicle manufacturing track, as well as the problems and challenges that Xiaomi's vehicle manufacturing itself has.

Only in this way can we truly grasp the deeper connotation and meaning conveyed to us behind Jia Yueting's "instruction" on Lei Jun.

In short, when Jia Yueting "instructed" Lei Jun to build a car track, perhaps he really reached a crossroads where he needed to clear the clouds and see the sun.


Author: Meng Yonghui, senior writer, columnist, industry research expert, well-known kol, and digital economist.