"Harbin 1944" is directed by Zhang Li, starring Qin Hao and Yang Mi, starring Zhang Zixian, Luan Yuanhui, Wang Herun, Lin Jiachuan, Liu Yuxuan, Jiang Qiming, Feng Bing, Li Dongheng, Zhang Guoqiang is a special guest star, Hao Ge is a special star, Sha An original spy suspense per

"Harbin 1944" is directed by Zhang Li, starring Qin Hao , Yang Mi , Zhang Zixian , Luan Yuanhui , Wang Herun , Lin Jiachuan, Liu Yuxuan, Jiang Qiming , Feng Bing, Li Dongheng Starring, Zhang Guoqiang is a special guest star, Hao Ge is a special star, Sha Baoliang is a friendly star, is an original spy suspense period drama.

Guan Xue definitely didn't expect that her brother would dare to do something against his will for a woman.

Here in Guan Xue, his younger brother is his own life. The identity of the younger brother is not only her own life. He is not only a relative who has grown up with her since childhood, but also the only man behind the Guan Xue family. In the eyes of this apocalyptic aristocrat, Guan Kai, his younger brother, is the son of a Puppet Manchukuo noble. The male in the family represents Guan Kai who is likely to become the successor to the power of the Puppet Manchukuo.

Regarding Kai Zai, there is no telling whether their family will have a chance to gain momentum due to this. Therefore, for Guan Xue, protecting Guan Kai not only means protecting his younger brother, but also protecting his own power and family inheritance.

However, Guan Kai didn't seem to care that he might have the title of Baylor a few years earlier, or even inherit the throne, or even the chance of the throne. Guan Kai now looks forward to the new world. He hopes not to struggle in the old era. He wants to be a new person in the new society.

As a result, Guan Kai will always confront Guan Xue at some point. Even Guan Kai is unwilling to make his sister sad, but there are class conflicts. As long as the two of them take actions on their own, there will inevitably be conflicts.

Guan Xue can abandon her dignity, her own preferences, and even her own life for Guan Kai. Netizens call her Sister Guan Xue Po Fang, but Sister Po Fang is thinking about her own life and future as well as that of her younger brother.

But Guan Xue didn't expect that she was working hard outside and just wanted to create a harmonious, peaceful and happy ivory tower for Guan Kai. But Guan Kai has seen the true appearance of society, which is bloody. Therefore, when Guan Kai found out that Xie Yue was doing the same thing as him, he joined her without hesitation. This made Guan Xue miserable, and Guan Xue broke her defense again.

What's the use of Guan Xue Po Fang? She must put the blame on Xie Yue.

Why does Xie Yue always exist in the plot? I believe many viewers will have this question. Does Xie Yue hide her identity? To be honest, I never understood her role at first. As the plot continued to unfold, especially after she kidnapped Junko in a weak and resentful situation, Xie Yue's identity became concrete at this moment. .

Xie Yue does not have any hidden identity, but Xie Yue represents a type of person. She represented the millions of unarmed ordinary people of that era. At first, Xie Yue only hoped to earn tuition through work-study, but she was harassed by the police chief. If Song Zhuowen hadn't been careful, Xie Yue might have been framed.

Xie Yue had no choice but to find a new job to maintain her income and earn tuition. By an unexpected combination of circumstances, she met Song Zhuowen, but was threatened by Guan Xue again.

Xie Yue was the epitome of a small person in that era. Anyone could bully anyone and dare to manipulate anyone.

But clay figures also have a certain earthy nature. When Xie Yue was being manipulated by various forces, she was also growing up, and she also understood who was really good for her. She understands better who is unforgivable. After Long Xinliang disappeared, Xie Yue's rampage also vividly demonstrated to the audience from another perspective why organizations can lead people who were resentful but directionless at the time to move towards a new society.

Xie Yue's kidnapping of Junko was just a moment of courage, but when Guan Xue understood the situation, she immediately distanced herself from the relationship and then planned countermeasures. Xie Yue is passionate and has ideas, but she has no guiding ideology and it is difficult for her to make a beneficial plan to save her compatriots. Kidnapping Junko this time may not necessarily help rescue Long Xinliang, as well as the missing Chinese people. It is more likely that he will be exposed and Guan Xue will be framed.

Therefore, with Song Zhuowen, Song Zhuowen will bring her new ideas and help her take the right path and win the final victory.

Following this line of thinking, if we look at the definition behind the character Xie Yue, we will understand that every time the director sets up a character, there is some meaning behind it that he wants to tell the audience. After thinking about this and understanding the meaning of Xie Yue, tears instantly flowed down.

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