Well-known actor Dong Jie recently updated her social media platform with the caption: I am very happy on my birthday this year, and there is actually a belated birthday party. One second, Shouding'er was a stubborn boy who didn't cooperate with taking pictures. The next second,

Well-known actor Dong Jie recently updated her social platform with the caption: I am very happy on my birthday this year, and there is actually a belated birthday party. One second Stinky Ding'er was still a stubborn boy who didn't cooperate with taking photos, but the next second he was working hard because his mother said "There are rewards for taking photos!" is working hard.

What’s interesting is that Dong Jie still needs to coax her son to cooperate with her in taking photos. However, her words revealed happiness.

The accompanying picture is a photo of Dong Jie and her son Dingding. The mother and son interact sweetly, warmly and lovingly. It is obvious at first glance that the mother and son have a good relationship. Dong Jie's 44th birthday is April 19. Counting it, it has been more than 10 days, and she has just posted now. Judging from the photos sent by Dong Jie, there is a happy smile on her face.

Judging from the group photo, Dong Jie is wearing a cake-shaped hat on her head. This mother is really cute. She held the cake in one hand and hugged the top with the other. Ding Ding also put his arms around his mother's neck, showed praise with his hands, and smiled brightly.

Dong Jie is holding Ding Ding's face for a while, and leaning on Ding Ding for a while, giving the impression that she is very dependent on her son. Dingding deliberately made an expression of ignoring his mother, looking helpless. Dingding is not very old, but he knows how to control his expressions. It is not difficult to find that this is also the daily life of mother and son. Dingding cooperates well with her mother, feels relaxed and has a lot of fun.

There is also a photo of Ding Ding holding his mother's neck with one hand, very domineering, but making a funny expression. In the blink of an eye, Dingding is now 15 years old. He has grown a lot since he has not been seen in public for a while, and is already taller than his mother. It is said that Ding Ding is already over 1.7 meters tall, and his father, Pan Yueming, is 1.78 meters tall. Obviously, Ding Ding inherited his father’s genes in terms of height.

Although his eyebrows look a bit like his mother's, overall he still looks like his father, Pan Yueming, with clear eyes and a youthful look. His cheeks are full, his nose is big and high, and he has an elegant and bookish air. Netizens praised after watching it: Dingding is really getting more and more handsome! Indeed, Dingding was called the second generation of the most handsome star in when he was a child.

Dong Jie should appear without makeup. She does not need to put on makeup in front of her son and can be herself easily. Take a closer look and you will see that Dong Jie’s face shows signs of aging, her skin is not as smooth as when she was young, and her nasolabial folds are obvious. After all, Dong Jie is over 40 years old and a mother who has given birth to a baby. There is no sense of technology on the face, it is natural aging and looks comfortable.

A person naturally ages as he grows older, and no one can change it.

Dingding’s parents divorced when he was about 4 years old. He lives with his mother. For more than 10 years, he has often seen Dong Jie posting pictures of cooking at home, with very skillful movements. She also said that the happiest thing about cooking is Dingding. It seems that Dong Jie’s cooking skills are good and she can capture her son’s stomach. We don’t know how Dong Jie and Pan Yueming divided their labor after their divorce. Even though Dong Jie is a single mother, she is very willing to devote herself to her son. She was very happy to see her son growing up day by day. One thing is that she has to do everything herself. It is not easy to be both a father and a mother!

No matter what, divorce is the choice of Dong Jie and Pan Yueming, and outsiders will not comment. Besides, there are also quite a few divorces among celebrity couples in the entertainment industry.

Dong Jie was very lucky when she was young. She was given the chance to perform by Zhang Yimou, and she starred in the female lead in his movie "Happy Days". It's a pity that Dong Jie didn't know how to cherish feathers at that time, and coupled with the divorce turmoil, she fell into a trough.

When everyone mistakenly thought that Dong Jie’s career would not improve, she entered the live broadcast industry. Unexpectedly, everyone saw that Dong Jie, who is over 40 years old, has great experience in dressing. Netizens were willing to place orders, and a three-hour live broadcast earned 190 million.

Dong Jie’s acting career is still far behind her ex-husband Pan Yueming. Pan Yueming has filmed many works that have received good ratings, and the characters he created have also left a deep impression on the audience.I wonder if Dong Jie can become famous again in the coming days? Everyone is looking forward to it together.