Live Broadcast, May 2nd, Arsenal forward Jesus accepted an interview with the club’s official website and talked about his mother and Brazilian legend Ronaldo. Going back to your roots, how important is it to play football in the streets? Jesus: That’s a good question because I f

Live Broadcast, May 2nd, Arsenal forward Jesus accepted an interview on the club’s official website and talked about his mother and Brazilian legend Ronaldo.

Going back to the roots, how important is it to play football in the streets?

Jesus: That’s a good question because I feel like there’s still a lot of street elements in my football. Most of the time, people don't know what you're going to do with the ball, and I try to create something different. It helps me a lot to this day and I think I will keep playing like this. Also, I watch – I have friends who still play amateur football on the streets and there are some really good amateur football players in Brazil. When I go to Brazil I love watching them play and I always play with my friends. They still helped me a lot.

You grew up with your mother and brothers. How did your mother help shape your career?

Jesus: Where I grew up, the way I grew up, she was like my angel. Most players and their mothers are the same. In Brazil, many players have the same growing up experience - they come from poor areas, where everyone dreams of becoming a football player, their mothers give them a lot of help, and they don't have a father. My experience is similar to that of many players in Brazil and if you ask them, they will say the same thing. We try to focus on one thing, which is football, and don't get distracted by bad things, our mom always reminds us. This is what I tried to do growing up.

Speaking of your mom, was your goal celebration on the phone for her?

Jesus: Yes, I celebrate my mom because she changed my lifestyle and taught me everything. I have three older friends who are almost like brothers to me and if I can’t call my mom, she calls them. So one day we were talking about it and figured out a way to celebrate her, and then when I was on the national team, they invited me to do this celebration. I did this for my mom, but not just for my mom, but for all the moms out there who call their sons and never get through!

You have a good relationship with Brazilian legend Ronaldo. Has he helped you on the pitch?

Jesus: He is one of my role models in football. I grew up watching him, Ronaldinho and Kaká, so the first time I saw him it was incredible. We've had a really good relationship since then and he's a really nice guy, but it's more than just a friendship now because we're business partners. We were very close and I knew I could ask him questions at any time. He gave me some advice as a football player that helped me a lot and still does now.

Finally, what would you like to say to the fans as we enter the final weeks of the season?

Jesus: Please continue to support us, believe in us, and sometimes if it doesn't work out, please continue to support us! Because that's the way football is, sometimes we win and sometimes we don't, but we're going to try to make the fans happy and we're going to move in the right direction and try to win every season. This doesn't happen overnight. Last year was important but unfortunately we didn’t win. We will make persistent efforts this year, and if we fail to win the championship this time, we will make persistent efforts next season. This is the most important.