"When the Stars Shine" is currently on the air. It tells the story of China's internal and external troubles under the white terror. Hua Zhen (played by Li Xian) is in his prime and studying at Jiangyin Dianlei School. He is not interested in an official career, but he is unexpec

"When the Stars Shine" is currently on the air. It tells the story of China's internal and external troubles under the white terror. Hua Zhen (played by Li Xian) is in his prime and studying at Jiangyin Dianlei School. He is not interested in an official career, but he is unexpectedly involved in a larger plan.

The naive Luo Minmin (played by Ren Min) worked hard for three consecutive years in order to get into the Fourth Branch, until she finally succeeded in landing this year with a low number of admissions. Here, the two are colleagues and help each other, and gradually develop common ideals and beliefs.

01 Strange appearance

Ren Min has a rather cute round face and does not look slim overall. The most outstanding thing is her eyes. With her big eyes and tall nose, she can be both gentle and sharp.

The mouth is round and a bit thick. Emphasizing the lip line will add a bit of sophistication. For the facial features, it is not cold and delicate. One problem for actors with round faces is that they are particularly fond of makeup. If paired with a high skull and moderate cheekbones, you will definitely not be afraid of the bright light. But Ren Min is not. She needs to deepen her eyebrows, mouth and nose to attract the audience and weaken the problem of face shape. This is also the source of her strong sense of separation - she is particularly strange and old-fashioned in period dramas, but she is so fashionable in modern dramas.

02 Stubborn and cool girl

Campus themes have always been the first choice for the new generation to star in, but Ren Min filmed bullying themes. His debut film was an adaptation of Guo Jingming's "The River of Sadness", in which he played the role of Yi Yao, a strong and stubborn high school student with a poor family background. There was no innocent person in this "farce", and all bystanders were helpers. Those who push are all perpetrators of violence.

How many people shed tears in this movie? The sensitive and self-abased Yi Yao, the cautious girl wearing an old school uniform, lost her light in the end, and all bad things happened to this fragile girl. The despair and sadness of the accusation before jumping into the river, the rumors gradually destroyed her and ended her life. It is precisely because of this movie that audiences always feel more tolerant and expectant when watching Ren Min again.

plays the role of Zhao Huirou, the rebellious princess who falls in love with the chamberlain in "Qing Ping Le" produced by Noon Sun. As the little princess who is the most beloved of Zhao Zhen, she has a cool and elegant temperament in her body, and her eyebrows and eyes have the uncompromising perseverance of a jade. In the

drama, she has changed from her previous decadent and cowardly temperament. She is dignified and walks with style. She has a deep relationship with Huaiji but wants to marry the dull Li Wei. The royal majesty and princess responsibility that is difficult to disobey make her on the verge of madness. I will never be able to meet Huaiji in my life, and I will never truly accept Li Wei in my life.

Ren Min Because these two characters have always been loved by everyone, who doesn’t love tragic characters who resist oppression and long for happiness? It is precisely because of his special love for her that the release of "Jade Bones" attracted ridicule.

Zhu Yan, played in the drama, was originally the daughter of the Red King. No matter how doting and lively the king's daughter is, she still has her own upbringing and momentum. The character he originally played had a relatively common personality, with thick bangs on his head, a hood that didn't fit his head, and slightly fat cheeks. As soon as the show aired, everyone shouted that they were cheated! That’s not what refined pictures look like! Many netizens thought it was too harsh on their eyes and took the initiative to retouch the pictures.

html Ren Min, who was born in 2099, can appear in many dramas at this age and has a lot of roles in them. He is already a very good actor himself. If you can pay attention to body management and make your image more suitable for the role, you will have better resources.

When her makeup in "Jade Bones" was ridiculed by the crowd, she said in an interview that her condition was not very good at that time, she was swollen and fat, and she needed to manage her body. Indeed, body shape is really important in fairy tale dramas. At the very least, it must be well-proportioned so that the clothes can look fairy-like. Ren Min's service skills were obviously unsuitable, and he directly blamed the crew, which made the staff feel disappointed.

Not only that, during the live broadcast with Bian Cheng, Ren Min did not follow the procedures, and let a new person take charge of his business and continued to interfere. When someone reminds you that you ate something wrong, just say: "Then don't eat it."This live broadcast was really full of situations. We couldn't see the cooperation between each other, but they were fighting each other. After this live broadcast, many fans of Ren Min attacked Bian Cheng and called for the school to expel the students. It was really a fight between the fans.

As a young person, you need to be prepared to be tested by the public for a long time. Works are very important to actors, and their character and artistry are also important.
