The large-scale sitcom "Wanchun Dou Xiaoshe" revolves around a small cross talk class on Beiwei Road. Every character in the small garden reflects a different appearance of all living beings. The process of each "corner" constantly honing his skills is precisely the understanding

The large-scale sitcom "Wanchun Douxiaoshe" revolves around a small cross talk class on Beiwei Road. Every character in the small garden reflects a different appearance of all living beings. The process of each "corner" constantly honing their skills is precisely the understanding of cross talk and the understanding of what kind of mentality they should maintain towards fame and fortune.

If it extends to the plot, many people may imagine Yu Xiaoqian played by Meng Hetang. One of the difficulties Yu Xiaoqian faced at that time was because the landlord made an unreasonable request to take back the house in advance. In such a predicament, Yu Xiaoqian's friend, his colleague Lao Qin, found out about this and readily agreed to help him find a good house.

The relationship between the two of them in the company is not bad. Just like Lao Qin told Xiao Qian the news that the company was going to lay off employees, which made Yu Xiaoqian particularly happy. He originally thought that he could get a lot of money with the help of this opportunity. compensation, but in the end, I was shocked and ended up voluntarily resigning.

In the plot, we see a relaxed and humorous Meng Hetang. This is quite similar to his various states in life. Just like his humorous acting style, he has also won the love of many people. What attracted many people's attention was Meng Hetang's women's clothing style. In addition, he has also chosen to develop across industries, such as participating in a series of variety shows or TV series. He gives the impression that he is an all-round talent who can shine in many fields besides cross talk performances.

Many fans who were attracted by his talent paid close attention to the relationship between Meng Hetang and his wife. Meng Hetang and his wife are both very low-key. Meng Hetang's wife is an outsider, so she rarely talks publicly about her private life. However, eagle-eyed fans will search through some details. When facing interviews, Meng Hetang himself is also able to protect his wife very well. He will answer simply in a tactful way without revealing too many details at all.

Of course, Meng Hetang also had a series of scandals. Meng Hetang, who once attracted the attention of many fans, went on a date with a woman wearing pink clothes. The two of them went to a chess and card club together and played until early in the morning. I thought that would be the end of it, but it was not the case. They even went to eat and visit the night market together. Judging from the behavior of the two of them, their relationship was relatively close.

caused an uproar for a while. Some people also thought of Meng Hetang's previous marriage. He and Hao Shuhan got married in 2015, but the marriage came to an end in 2018. After thinking of this, some people began to doubt whether the relationship between him and his current wife was... Have cracks appeared?

As the buzz continued to increase, some sharp-eyed netizens and careful netizens conducted a series of in-depth analyses, and finally found that the figure of the woman in pink was relatively plump, and her eyes were not particularly big, giving people a The feeling is very real, there is no excessive makeup, and there is no so-called busty figure. The overall feeling is very pleasing.

Many people have speculated that it is very likely that the woman in pink is Meng Hetang's wife. Because this appearance is quite consistent with Meng Hetang's wife. Similarly, Meng Hetang has never denied or confirmed these external rumors. The news heard so far is also unconfirmed.

There may also be some die-hard supporters of Meng Hetang, and they will think of Meng Hetang once being photographed when he went to a pet show with his wife. The behavior is relatively intimate, but Meng Hetang rarely talks about his family.

However, judging from the confidentiality work of Meng Hetang and his wife in daily life, what can be felt is that the relationship between them is quite good. Therefore, people who eat melons can pay more attention to the activities of Meng Hetang.

For example, recently, Meng Hetang will come to the City Sports Park Stadium in Xi'an to hold a cross talk show here. At that time, you will be able to see Meng Hetang and his partner Zhou Jiuliang, who will give everyone a wonderful cross talk performance.