Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gu Jun This May Day festival has finally made theater movies lively again. The audience has been waiting for it. The two most topical movies currently only star Jia Bing, Xiao Shenyang and others. The comedy "Thelma and Louise" and Huang Jingyu,

Text | Edited by Anqing

| 9527 Miao Gujun

This May Day festival has finally made theater movies lively again. The audience has been waiting for it. The two most topical movies at present are only , Jia Bing, and The comedy "Thelma and Louise " starring Xiao Shenyang and others, and "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" starring Huang Jingyu , Wang Yibo . Judging from the lineup configuration of

, it is obvious that the latter is more topical and has box office appeal.

This is also reflected in the box office performance of the movie's premiere.

According to data, the current box office of "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" has exceeded 180 million, and nearly 30% of the film's scheduled films have proved the market competitiveness of this film.

But unfortunately, the high box office is not behind the trend of high reputation. Clicking on the Douban comment section of "Peacekeeping Riot Squad", there are all negative reviews from netizens.

Some netizens bluntly said that "is indeed a movie that has been backlogged for many years, and it is not as good as the Internet." Some netizens complained that "the plot is weak, and the storyline is forced to advance for the sake of fuel." , and some netizens pointed the finger at the actors, calling "The acting is terrible, especially Wang Yibo's usual terrible acting."

As netizens said, the movie "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" is indeed not a new film. The film was completed in May 2021. Now three years have passed, and the film has only slowly been released on May Day. But judging from the quality of the movie, it might as well not be broadcast.

The plot connection is blunt, the plot is thin and boring

The movie "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" is more like a propaganda film. The protagonist often talks about the words "We are the Chinese peacekeeping police" wherever he goes. At this point, some embarrassing lines that made the audience's scalp numb appeared again and again.

"You are our heroes."

"We are the police".

Even if the language barrier in the plot setting does not affect the protagonist's value output, the supporting role played by Ou Hao and is a walking propaganda poster. He will appear polite and talk a few words of reportage to anyone he talks to.

As for the protagonists played by Huang Jingyu and Wang Yibo, their character arcs are very single.

From beginning to end, the captain Yu Weidong played by Huang Jingyu is perfect, with no character flaws or shortcomings, and a completely upright image. Even when the male protagonist returns to his family at the end of the movie, he seems to have a layer of Buddha's light. Untrue.

Yang Zhen, played by Wang Yibo, has a somewhat impulsive and immature personality, but until the end of the movie, no growth was seen in the character.

's only reflection was to sit on the roof of the car with Yu Weidong and chat, but this period of the two of them reminiscing about the past led to the deceased martyr played by Zhu Yawen . In just a few minutes of the plot, the audience only remembered that Zhu Yawen looked handsome in a suit. of.

The line setting is stereotyped, the characters are poorly polished, and even the plot of "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" is full of loopholes.

The story between the villains is not clearly explained. The intentions of the local armed forces, the goals of the fanatical pursuers, and what the Americans who support the local armed forces want to gain from it are all played in a brushstroke, and each villain is more stupid than the last.

The followers of the boss all lacked the brains. First, they wisely stopped in the plot where the decent side was sacrificed, and then they held hostages in their hands, but were killed by Yu Weidong alone.

The most outrageous thing is that at the end of the movie, the enemy sniper appears, and the Chinese peacekeepers shed tears and give up shooting, which makes people sit on pins and needles. Compared with these, the actor's unqualified portrayal does not seem so weird.

Pretending to be cool, acting handsome, and showing off skills is probably not a reality show.

The plot is thin and the characters are stereotyped. What makes the characters interesting is always the appearance and temperament of the actors themselves. In the plot,

spares no effort to find ways to make the protagonist look cool, handsome, and show off his skills.

The plot of

begins with the recruit Danzi going to the dormitory to grab a bed, and then there is an arm-wrestling plot. It is time to show the male protagonist's sense of strength.

As expected, Yang Zhen, played by Wang Yibo, won firmly, and then showed off his physical strength. The peacekeeping force's car drove out less than ten meters in total. Yang Zhen did 100 push-ups on the spot, and chased the car while carrying all the equipment on his back. He caught up with me.

I say that if you have this kind of physical fitness, you might as well run against Captain America.

In addition, there are many fragments in the plot that are meaningless in advancing the main plot, but strive to create the halo of the protagonist.

Yang Zhen chased the villain all the way to the base camp. Among the bustling crowds, Yang Zhen shot and broke the villain's raised middle finger.

This wave of marksmanship is really impressive, but brother, look at the people next to you. They are all civilians. Are you here to keep peace?

Here, Yu Weidong criticized Yang Zhen for not having a sense of teamwork, leaving the team without permission, and engaging in personal heroism. As a result, the second half of the plot became the part where Yu Weidong was trying to be cool.

He warned the team members, "Our task is to safely escort witnesses", then turned around and left in a cool manner. The word "we" in the co-authored article does not include you?

There is a plot in the movie where Ding Hui holds the witness's child to avoid the hail of bullets, and gets into a residential building under the escort of the people around her. However, unexpectedly, there are enemies in the residential building who have already ambushed them in advance, and the two can't reach each other through the window. One meter later, Ding Hui reacted quickly and handed the child to the person next to him, pulled out the pistol from his waist, and shot the other person dead.

These few seconds are really a rare character highlight in this movie. It was tense and exciting, and it came naturally. But in the rain of bullets, Ding Hui, who killed the villain, froze on the spot and began to reminisce. Finally, Yu Weidong, played by Huang Jingyu, appeared again, patted Ding Hui on the arm and gave her a comforting look.

I will go crazy if domestic movies continue to portray women from elite groups as roles that need male comfort and affirmation. The focus of this scene is Ding Hui's reaction ability, Ding Hui's marksmanship, Ding Hui's bravery and fearlessness. She has just used her insight to save her own life and the life of the witness child, ensuring the integrity of the formation.

As a result, you gave the final highlight to the scene where the male protagonist pats Ding Hui on the shoulder, which really left people speechless.

All in all, the movie "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" is dedicated to mixing cool and showy moments in various moments. No matter how dangerous it is, it will not affect their display of strength, speed, and strength. The entire plot is arranged as a hero. It's just our reality show.

The movie has just been released online, but the excellent reputation is enough to prove the quality of the movie.

The actors Huang Jingyu and Wang Yibo have young acting skills but they are basically watchable. However, the plot arrangement and story rhythm of the movie are all a mess, and they are not even up to the standard of the Internet.

The reason why audiences are willing to give two stars to a movie that is unbearable to watch is all because of the greatness of the Chinese peacekeeping police.

Finally, what are your thoughts on the movie "Peacekeepers"? Participate in the discussion in the comment area and tell us your evaluation of the movie.