Recently is Jia Ling's 42nd birthday. Every time a celebrity celebrates her birthday, the blessings from friends in the industry can also tell a certain extent about the star's "status" in the industry. So far, among the celebrities who have publicly sent blessings to Jia Ling ar

Recently it was Jia Ling's 42nd birthday. Every time a celebrity celebrates her birthday, the blessings from friends in the circle can also tell a certain extent about the star's "status" in the circle.

So far, Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Di and Shen Tao are among the celebrities who have publicly sent blessings to Jia Ling. These three are considered Jia Ling's "old friends", especially Zhang Xiaofei and Yang Di. In previous years, Jia Ling has never been absent from her birthday.

They all posted photos of Jia Ling after losing weight, with the text: Be brave and free, and other blessing words.

However, considering Jia Ling's current film achievements in the industry, Jia Ling's birthday was quite "deserted", and she did not see any blessings from other big-name A-list stars in the industry.

You must know that on Jia Ling’s 42nd birthday, she was also selected as one of the 30 annual influential business magnolias.

Although Jia Ling is a comedian, she has successfully become one of the "10 billion actresses" in recent years with "Hello, Li Huanying" and "Hot and Spicy". She is also the fourth billionaire actress in film history, and she leads the The movie box office also exceeded 8.8 billion yuan.

"Hello, Li Huanying" with a box office of more than 5 billion yuan and "Hot and Spicy" with a box office of 3.4 billion yuan made Jia Ling famous overnight in the film industry, but they did not give Jia Ling her "status" in the mainstream film industry. become taller.

Although Jia Ling has made great achievements in the film industry, her "Hello, Li Huanying" was recently purchased by the American "Sony Pictures" and invited Jia Ling to be a film producer in the United States.

Jia Ling not only has outstanding achievements in domestic films, but also takes Chinese films abroad. This is not a very glorious thing.

But in fact, Jia Ling's film achievements did not allow her to successfully enter the mainstream film circle. For example, in a magazine not long ago, there were photos of many well-known domestic directors on two pages, including Stephen Chow, Zhang Yimou, Wu Jing, Tsui Hark, Chen Kaige, etc., and Jia Ling was the only female director on the list.

But Jia Ling is the only one who is placed in the gap between the two pages. Although it is not clear whether it is a coincidence or a manifestation of "humanity and sophistication", among so many photos, only Jia Ling's photo is placed in the gap. His behavior is quite meaningful.

This also makes people think of one thing. Backstage at the Huabiao Awards, a group of directors and actors from the domestic mainstream film industry gathered. Most of them were men. There was only one female actor, Zhang Ziyi. At that time, there were also netizens I feel deeply for Zhang Ziyi’s difficulty.

It can also be seen from various large-scale domestic events that in the current domestic mainstream film circle, there are directors and actors such as Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, Wu Jing, Shen Teng, and Zhang Ziyi.

For example, because Ma Li starred in Zhang Yimou's "Article 20", she has now become a "top star" in major festivals, sitting in the first row of seats.

And if you stay away from the "mainstream film circle", even a well-known director like Feng Xiaogang, who was once known as the "fifth generation director", has become a "marginal figure" in the film circle due to various reasons in recent years.

Although Feng Xiaogang still attends various grand events, he is no longer a famous director. Even in the audience, he can only sit in the second or third row.

There is no doubt that Jia Ling’s film achievements can be regarded as the "proud" of female directors. However, judging from her future resources, she has not really come into contact with the "mainstream film circle". She has only one film to be broadcast. Among the documentaries "I Only Live Once", there are only one "Change of Thoughts" and the American version of "Hello, Li Huanying".

But among female directors, Jia Ling can be said to be a very outstanding existence. I hope she will get better and better.