On the evening of April 28, a new immersive theater performance space in Central China - China Chezi Performing Arts Space in Chegu·Wuhan Sports Center opened, and Happy Twist's immersive high-quality comedy "Happy Liaozhai·Sansheng Immersive Edition" was opened here in Central C

 On the evening of April 28, a new immersive theater and performing arts space in central China—China Chezi Performing Arts Space in Chegu·Wuhan Sports Center—opened. Happy Twist’s immersive high-quality comedy "Happy Liaozhai·Sansheng Immersive Edition" is here Premiere in Central China.

Image description: Audience watching the performance. Photo courtesy of Wuhan Sports Center

This play cleverly combines drama, hip-hop, music and other performance forms on the basis of comedy. The stage is surrounded on three sides to facilitate close interaction between actors and the audience. Nearly 300 audience members watched the play immersedly, with constant laughter and endless applause. stop. Currently, "Happy Liaozhai·Three Lives Immersive Edition" is on sale for tickets. From May 1st to 5th, it will be performed at Che Zi Performing Arts Space for five consecutive performances and will be a long-term performance.

The Purple Performing Arts Space in Che Che is built by Wuhan Sports Center Development Co., Ltd. It is committed to building a new entertainment consumption scene in Central China and creating a new landmark of trendy culture in China's Che Valley. It has a total area of ​​about 800 square meters and nearly 300 seats in five areas. Each, performances are interspersed in the seating area, multiple stages are combined with real-life dance beauty, and top-notch lighting and sound effects are added to create a fun, beautiful, and interesting interactive and social space for audiences of all ages.

Image description: Audience watching the performance. Photo courtesy of Wuhan Sports Center

"A good life for citizens cannot be separated from the continuous and adequate supply of cultural products and services." The person in charge of Wuhan Sports Center Development Co., Ltd. said that the Wuhan Sports Center Park where the performing arts space is located has hosted Andy Lau, Eason Chan , Jay Chou and other top star concerts, as well as more than 200 large-scale cultural performances such as the China Film Golden Rooster Award, the Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award, and the China Good Voice Global Finals, attracting more than 10 million people to watch the live performances, and will innovate Create a one-stop tourism cultural window of "cultural performances + sports events + tourism and leisure + conferences and exhibitions + shopping and consumption", transform the traffic of large-scale events into local benefits and long-lasting tourism attractions, and build Wuhan into a "capital of performing arts" and international The consumption center will support China's Che Valley in building a modern new city that integrates industry and city and is livable and suitable for industry. (Correspondents Zhou Jinli and Wang Yanshen)

[Source: Jiupai News]