On April 26, the reality show "Brilliant Garden" premiered. Actor Zhang Songwen's real life was put in front of the camera for the first time and fully documented. As Zhang Songwen said, "My life does not follow a script." In the show, Zhang Songwen's "curiosity" runs throughout.

On April 26, the reality show "Brilliant Garden" premiered. For the first time, actor Zhang Songwen's real life was put in front of the camera and fully documented. As Zhang Songwen said, "My life does not follow a script." In the

program, Zhang Songwen's "curiosity" runs throughout. When he encounters a flock of sheep on the way to buy flowers, and is curious about the whereabouts of the sheep dung, he will temporarily change his itinerary, get off the car, chat with the villagers, and even visit the villagers' homes. Over time, Zhang Songwen learned about sheep dung and the lives of villagers, and gained sincere emotions between people.

However, Zhang Songwen was criticized by netizens for his skillful bargaining in the show. When purchasing new plants, Zhang Songwen discussed with the flower seller how to grow the plants, and then unabashedly and expertly bargained in front of the camera, "Can you order less, I will buy more." After bargaining several times, the flower seller couldn't help but said: "Why are you so stingy?" Zhang Songwen responded with a calm smile, "I am really stingy."

In response, some netizens complained about her "Don't be so stingy." You have to act like a poor person again, be more generous, the way you look at bargaining is so ugly." On April 28, Zhang Songwen commented in response to bargaining and was complained about being poor: "I will be handsome if I don't bargain? Do you think I'm poor as long as I bargain?"

netizens commented:

"It's not that I can't buy expensive things, but I can't buy expensive ones. , so what’s wrong with bargaining for a price? "

" He is so sincere..."

Source: Bailu Video, Red Star News, Netizen Comments