Recently in the new drama "Harbin 1944", Yang Mi, the spokesperson of Yoyo Mei, started to play her own jokes as soon as she appeared. Walking on the street that had just rained, half of her body was splashed with water from a passing car. The driver said leisurely: - Are you oka

Recently in the new drama "Harbin 1944", Yang Mi, the spokesperson of Yoyo Mei, started to play her own jokes as soon as she appeared.

was walking on the street that had just rained. A passing car splashed half of her body with water. The driver said leisurely:

- Are you okay?

- Get out!

Shenjin, it made me laugh within three minutes of opening it.

After laughing, I was probably convinced:

Although this is a serious spy drama directed by Zhang Li and written by Wang Xiaoqiang, it tries to be serious and funny.

It can be seen with the naked eye that my ambition to become a big flower is still burning brightly.

Ancient puppets, dramas, genres, literature and art, comedy, thriller, suspense, romance.

The most important one is of course "Jiang Yuan Nong" with Zhang Ziyi. If you just count on it, which one of Yang Mi's most popular movies is this?

The ancient famous "Reiki Theory"

Today we will talk about "Harbin 1944" and discuss: Is Yang Mi's performance worthy of her career?

With the blessing of these resources, will we get a Yang Mi but better?

The plot mainly tells the story of Song Zhuowen (played by Qin Hao), an underground party member during the puppet Manchukuo rule in 1944, who sneaked into the Secret Service Section and battled wits with his colleagues within the Secret Service Section. Finally, he successfully gained the trust of the Section Chief Guan Xue (played by Yang Mi) and stopped the Japanese and Soviets. Conspire to win the war.

In such a thrilling and high-pressure state, almost everyone criticized the show and their mental state was very advanced.

Guan Xue, the chief of the Secret Service played by Yang Mi, is a cold-blooded and suspicious ruthless character.

is known as "Sister Breaking Defense" because of her bad temper and breaking defenses every day.

Guan Xue is "crazy" and has a ruthless energy. She is not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to herself.

In order to intercept information about the underground party, she directly took half a tube of her own blood and pretended to be an underground party member who had been shot.

was so violent that he dealt with the wound himself after being shot, and had to grit his teeth to endure the pain that made his hair tremble.

In a turbulent era, with beauty and an important position in a male-dominated workplace environment, Guan Xue's madness is more out of self-preservation. She is cruel to others in order to establish authority through shock, and is cruel to herself. It is to accumulate capital for a stable position.

Therefore, for people like this to go crazy, they must have the calm sense of madness to be able to manipulate people through psychological warfare, and they must also be able to scare people when they are ruthless.

Yang Mi, who brought an acting teacher into the group, her acting skills have really improved this time, and she can perform a calm sense of madness.

Guan Xue was suspicious by nature. Even when he met his "savior" Song Zhuowen (the real savior was his brother Song Zhuowu), he still had reservations and tested him several times.

When she turned her back to pour the wine to test him, Guan pursed her lips to observe his reaction, turned around, and her fierce eyes immediately switched back to a nonchalant smile.

Can you believe this woman is not simple!

This kind of role itself is very suitable for actors to use as a springboard for advancement. It is even more suitable for dramatic scenes. It can cover up shortcomings in details by opening up and closing down.

It is a pity that Yang Mi's performance this time is not to say that she is heading into a new field, but she may not be able to leave this crew.

In the special department of this huge mental hospital, any person's epilepsy is enough to cover up her glory.

Tian Xiaojiang, a newcomer to the Secret Service played by Jiang Qiming, is like a patient with super hero syndrome. He is constantly excited and his output basically depends on roaring. Netizen

commented: "Dumb" has become a "trumpet".

His madness initially manifested itself as an obsession with fame, but he was too eager to achieve success.

was still angry at the nurse just a second ago. From the corner of his eye, he saw the leader approaching, and his eyes immediately softened.

is always full of energy in front of leaders. He salutes to a standard higher than others and shouts an octave higher than others.

In fact, the underlying goal behind him is even more terrifying, which is to enjoy the pleasure of torturing life after climbing to a high position.

His eyes shone brightly when he saw the various instruments of torture in the interrogation room and the bloody people who were tortured to a state of disgrace.

But the essence of his madness is not in the formal arrogance, but in the human touch.

In addition to his morbid pursuit of desire, seeing him take the blame for Song Zhuowen, you can also taste his helplessness, grievance and unwillingness from his hysterical madness.

Hu Bin (played by Luan Yuanhui), chief of the operations unit of the Secret Service Division, is "crazy" in contrast.

was tortured without blinking an eye during the interrogation. When he moved his beard, you could feel his aura of breathing heavily and preparing to hit people.

But when faced with the explosion of Guan Xue’s attributes, the more he scolded him, the happier he became.

Hu Bin’s madness is easy to understand after all, but he is just a rough and reckless man with extremely poor emotional management skills and everything is written on his face.

In contrast, Pan Yue (played by Zhang Zixian), the chief of the intelligence unit, is crazy and unpredictable.

is flattering in front of others and very dignified. He bows consciously when speaking to leaders and can be brothers with colleagues, but he always reveals his secretly observing eyes from a corner where no one notices.

uses the most gentlemanly and gentle tone to create a chilling sense of oppression.

His madness is more inclined to a kind of evil neurosis. Because he cannot understand and understand, the risk factor is higher.

Even Qin Hao, the male protagonist who seems to be the most normal, has a calm sense of madness.

In the drama, Qin Hao plays two roles. The twin brother Song Zhuowu has a bad temper. When he is pestered by unknown passers-by, he uses a backhand to choke him; when he is provoked while eating, he turns around and kills the person.

The younger brother Song Zhuowen is very thoughtful. As an undercover agent who has sneaked into the Secret Service Division, his madness is a kind of tense moment when he is suspected. He pretends to be calm on the surface, but in fact he feels calm and crazy like a marmot screaming in his heart.

Qin Hao plays an undercover agent. He does not need to rely on random glances to show an obvious sense of tension, but uses a certain scene to rationalize his true feelings.

Take the scene where Song Zhuowen prevents Tian Xiaojiang from being tortured.

When Song Zhuowen heard that Tian Xiaojiang insisted on using torture, he scolded him on the surface for excessive torture and harming himself. In fact, it was just the external expression of his anxiety about the death of his comrades and the interruption of intelligence.

is so crazy that it fits the character and makes sense.

The craziness of these characters is to a certain extent the charm of the characters, and also makes the entire spy drama full of excitement and joy.

In comparison, Guan Xue seemed out of place because her madness was too weak.

One is the fault of personality.

Many plots are foreshadowing Guan Xue's sobriety and alertness, but her character always collapses in some plots: before

decided to use acupuncture to extract a confession, the doctor warned her of the consequences of failure, but she would rather give the doctor immunity than insist on her own opinion.

So if you go crazy at this time, doesn’t it become an incompetent rage caused by your own mistakes in judgment and decision-making?

One is that Yang Mi lacks the aura of calmness and authority in her acting skills.

Just when you are about to believe that she is the character, there are always some moments that make you can't help but slap your forehead:

oh no! Yang Mi ran out again.

stopped her subordinates from fighting and walked over with her arms and legs in hand. How does

show that Guan Xue regards life as nothing?

During the interrogation, he was leaning loosely on the table, with a very awkward posture and a disdainful expression.

Everything is in full view, with the head tilted and the legs bent, it even feels as if he has strayed into a magazine set.

Right one

It turns out that Yang Mi is playing a violent female villain within the scope of her understanding.

is acting with his mouth every time he gets angry and breaks his guard.

reprimanding his subordinates is like a trainee teacher who wants to shock students, relying on glare + cold face + sudden voice attack.

So it’s not that Yang Mi can’t play Guan Xue’s madness, but the madness is too superficial and insensitive.

No matter how powerful she is in terms of settings, you just feel like she is taking the opportunity to vent her anger. Not only is she not scary, she is also a bit hateful.

can truly create a successful "crazy batch", which can make people feel charming even if it is scary.

The grumpy pot aunt who explodes the rice cooker and blows up the entire car at every turn. She doesn’t even need to transform into the Roaring Emperor to go crazy. She can make you shudder just by looking at you.

In fact, the so-called sense of madness, in other words, is some ultimate characteristic of the character.

It can be seen that the screenwriter used every opportunity to enrich Guan Xue's character. He not only wanted the intelligence and meticulousness of the female spy leader, but also had the strong and ruffian temperament of a violent style, not only the cold-blooded suspicion of treating life as trivial, but also the emphasis on her cute and fragile little character. The side of a woman... (It’s weird if you’re not crazy)

But the more complex the role, the higher the requirements for Yang Mi’s performance.

It's a pity that although Yang Mi tried hard to be "similar in appearance", she still failed to reach the realm of "similar in spirit".

Many people have expectations for Yang Mi's performance in this drama because in an interview with "People" at the beginning of the year, it was mentioned that it witnessed the process of Yang Mi's decision to reinvent herself.

still has a high emotional intelligence according to the director, "The degree of completion is 70 or 80, which is already a record. But if it gets a little more difficult, you might as well give it a try."

Source | "People"

Low EQ is said to be that there are still some idol drama-like performance habits during the filming process:

deliberately looking for the camera to show a better angle, habit of pursed lips when speaking lines, likes to add various small actions, and does not belong to the character Special eyes for idol dramas...

Source | "People"

No-prize guessing: How many times did she purse her lips?

But we can also see her impulse and determination to break her past performance habits and enter a new performance state.

Director Zhang Li once praised that she often stayed on the set to observe other people's performances. She would also borrow books from the director to understand the background of the times, and take classes in advance to learn how to dismantle bullets.

Yang Mi is indeed a type of actor who has observation and is willing to act ugly.

But she did not put herself into it, but asked to add details to her appearance as a bystander.

The problem that Yang Mi still has is that there is something wrong with the "experience" method of actors .

Do you still remember #杨幂nail manicure# which was ridiculed and trending on the search list not long ago?

In the behind-the-scenes of the new movie "Nothing Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot", Yang Mi suggested that the character could use the same style of manicure as the staff. She wanted to use this to promote her hard-working attitude, but she was criticized for not respecting ordinary people and ended up being criticized. .

What catches my attention is that we can always see someone asking her to design incomplete manicures for characters, buy xx cheap and free shipping, bleach the character's hair for 5 hours, and have to re-dye it every two days.

But when an actor experiences life, he should not only imitate living habits through observation, but also allow himself to become a "person in the environment" and form an unconscious state.

is like "Baby", a self-subversive film a few years ago that gave up the baggage of idols. Yang Mi played a low-level cleaner who inadvertently raised her orchid finger when taking out the trash.

This is not so much the unconsciousness of character , but rather the unconsciousness of Yang Mi .

The character's unconscious state, or to put it more bluntly: spontaneity, needs to be ground out.

When Gong Li was filming her first movie "Red Sorghum", she went to Gaomi, Shandong Province with the crew in advance to experience life, and practiced just carrying water for more than a month.

Peasant women with working experience will have an up and down rhythm when carrying water. If they carry an empty bucket, they will swing left and right, which is unreal, so they must practice slowly while carrying a half bucket of water.

After you become familiar with it, you will not be able to appreciate the actors' gestures until the filming officially starts.

Hou Hsiao-hsien directed Shu Qi in the filming of "The Assassin", making her squat on rafters and trees in order to get her used to the assassin's perspective.

Because Director Hou also pursued real gravity acceleration, Shu Qi had to control her expression and voice every time she jumped from above.

An assassin who has been walking around for a long time, his limbs and even his breathing are very different from ordinary people. Only then can he fully integrate into life.

The kind of person who jumps from the ceiling and spreads his legs with one hand on the ground to show off is filming "Black Widow".

The instinct engraved in the bones of a true assassin is not whether he looks handsome or not, but is quiet, light, and appears like a cat.

Let's talk about the classic case:

When filming "Days of Being Wild", Carina Lau was asked by the sunglasses king to wipe the floor 27 times. It was not until she had fine beads of sweat oozing out and heat coming out of her hair that she achieved the desired effect.

Many actors' acting always makes people feel that they have "internal taste".

In fact, excellent film and television works and performances can provide the audience with a rich and delicate sensory experience.

Just like Carina Lau said, when you look at Wong Kar-Wai's works, you can feel the smell, humidity and temperature inside.

The actors are also the tools to create this sensory experience.

After all, the sweat and fatigue caused by the actors' hard work are really not just "internal smells" just sprinkled with water.

Yang Mi's road to self-reinvention also points to another question:

How should an ambitious beauty embark on the road to success?

If you want to benchmark, you will find that Yang Mi is quite similar to Fan Bingbing back then.

relied on marketing her beauty to dominate the entertainment industry, then gave up her baggage to play the role of a village woman, and finally embarked on the road to winning awards.

And still remember the interview at the beginning of the article?

Young Yang Mi made a mistake. The one with more aura between the two of them has always been Sister Suo.

At the age of 29, she won her first A-level movie queen just by acting in "Fengpiao".

When filming "Guanyin Mountain", she also invented a set of acting techniques called "physiological acting".

In this performance state, there is no need to do any homework in advance, and it is all done impromptu on the spot.

Looking at it this way, the key to "being a big flower" may not be a matter of route, but a matter of understanding.

If you follow the right path, you can get infinitely close to the core of the industry. But as long as you can't elevate "work" to "creation", you will never be able to reach a higher level.

This is also the problem with the chronology of domestically produced large flowers.

Yang Mi's advantages and disadvantages are obvious. Her past experience is only enough to support her in skillfully mobilizing emotions, but she still lacks a deep understanding of what is behind the emotions, what is the underlying logic and the relationship between the characters.

For such a complex character as Guan Xue, Yang Mi was troubled when filming that there were no more pictures and imagination in front of her.

Source | "People"

Because of the lack of subconscious sensitivity, he can only delve into the conscious level (makeup and other details).

has understanding, but not much, so he cannot internalize the character's unconsciousness like a really good actor.

Maybe Yang Mi can learn from Xu Fangyi, who played Princess Jiacheng in "Assassin Nie Yinniang".

She is also willing to practice guzheng hard for the role, but she understands that this role not only requires hard work on the piano skills, but also requires thinking about the character's logic and status.

What he (the director) cares about is

Are you talking about the relationship between the piano and you?

Why do you want to play the piano?

Source | Behind-the-scenes documentary of "Assassin Nie Yinniang"

Sometimes you are too focused on how hard you work, but it is easy to get stuck. The false upper limit of "I have worked hard enough" deceived myself and the fans, but it may not coax the audience of the show.

As for the big pie that cooperates with various top celebrities, if you can't learn the real body, mind and body from them, the final value can only be hung as a decoration in the fans' control pictures.

Therefore, the first step to develop understanding is not to rush to learn from the outside, but to jump out of the illusion of professionalism.

This is a bit difficult for a top actor, let alone an actor who has enjoyed the praise of "aura".

is just a powerful actor who has been playing for more than 34 years this year. If he still has the ambition to revive "Aura", he may really have to find another way out.