Yangzi Evening News reported on April 28 (correspondent Wan Jiahui, reporter Wan Lingyun) On the evening of April 26 and 27, the 2024 Joker Xue "Extraterrestrial" Tour Concert Zhenjiang Station was performed passionately at the Zhenjiang Sports Convention and Exhibition Center St

Yangtze Evening News April 28th (Correspondent Wan Jiahui, Reporter Wan Lingyun) On the evening of April 26th and 27th, the 2024 Joker Xue "Extraterrestrial" Tour Concert Zhenjiang Station was performed passionately at the Zhenjiang Sports Convention and Exhibition Center Stadium, attracting Many fans gathered at the scene. In order to ensure the smooth travel of fans and passengers, Zhenjiang Public Transport actively shouldered social responsibilities and made every effort to ensure the safe, convenient and orderly travel of fans and passengers, and successfully completed the transportation guarantee task during the concert.


In order to ensure the high-quality completion of transportation support tasks, Zhenjiang Public Transport planned in advance and promptly established a special class for concert bus support work, clarifying job responsibilities and division of tasks, so that responsibilities are assigned to people and guarantees are in place. In the preliminary preparation work, Zhenjiang Public Transport actively contacted the event organizers and relevant government departments, and immediately arranged for dedicated personnel to conduct on-site inspections of the site, elaborately formulate transportation plans, and arrange transportation capacity in a scientific and reasonable manner. During

, a total of 5 dedicated connection lines were opened, covering key universities, transportation hubs, popular hotels and key urban road sections, making every effort to ensure the safety and convenient travel of fans.

After the concert started, the venue was packed with seats, and buses connected to the venue were waiting in an orderly manner outside the venue. At the scene, staff are arranged throughout the entire process to provide passengers with timely ride guidance, order maintenance, route consultation and other services. At the same time, on-site staff paid close attention to changes in passenger flow, promptly dispatched additional vehicles according to changes in passenger flow, and took multiple measures to protect the fans.

According to the relevant person in charge of Zhenjiang Public Transport, the drivers involved in this transportation work are all outstanding drivers with rich experience, strong skills and excellent service who have been strictly screened. On the eve of the concert, the company conducted special safety education and service retraining for participating drivers. During the same period, Zhenjiang Public Transport carried out comprehensive inspections and maintenance on the participating vehicles focusing on vehicle safety parts, tires, lights, fire safety facilities, etc. to ensure that the participating vehicles were in good condition and running "healthy".

Different from music festivals, the passenger flow after a concert is more concentrated and the people are denser. Based on the characteristics of the passenger flow of the concert and the transportation support experience of many past gathering events, Zhenjiang Public Transport scientifically predicts the passenger flow and rationally allocates transportation capacity. At the same time, sufficient mobile transport capacity is set up to be on call at any time to provide necessary protection for fans to leave the venue.

According to statistics, during the two-day bus transportation work at the Zhenjiang Station of Xue Zhiqian's "Extraterrestrial" tour concert in 2024, a total of nearly 5,000 fans were safely transported, and about 100 vehicles were used.

proofreading Li Haihui