On April 24, Youku White Night Theater announced the film list. Two days ago, Youku Suspense Theater was upgraded to White Night Theater and officially announced that the first series "Dark Fire" will be released on April 27. The film list announced today also includes "Once Upon

On April 24, Youku White Night Theater announced the film list.

Two days ago, Youku Suspense Theater was upgraded to White Night Theater, and the first series " Gloomy Fire " was officially announced to be released on April 27. The film list announced today also includes "Once Upon a Time on the Edge of Water", "Sandstorm", "Black and White", "In the Wilderness", "Cocoon 2", "Snow Maze" and " New ".

From the perspective of the main creative team, the film list includes not only Zhang Yimou, Shen Olympic Games, Cao Baoping, Gao Qunshu and other outstanding creators, but also Wu Zhenyu , Duan Yihong , Tong Yao , Luo Jin , Jing Boran Waiting for powerful actors.

In terms of content themes, Youku White Night Theater deeply integrates social issues and plays the "humanity" card again. For example, "Dark Fire" starts with a murder case, vividly presents the ecology of a small town around the millennium, and depicts the intertwining of good and evil and complex human nature in a society of acquaintances. In "Once Upon a Time on the Edge of Water", Shen Xing accidentally ended up in the "Three No Matters" zone of Southeast Asia. During this period, he met all kinds of people and realized the complexity of human nature and the difficulty of ordinary life. "Rebirth", directed by the Olympic bidder, is an anticipated reality-themed drama series. The Olympic candidate is good at shooting realistic themes. The movie " or " directed by him became the biggest dark horse in last summer's summer season because of its anti-fraud theme.

"I hope that while the audience is solving the puzzle, they can also feel the care of humanity and gain empathy." A person from Youku said.

According to reports, "White Night" means "the long night must end and the truth will be revealed", and the audience will unravel the mystery while peeling off the cocoon. Based on the standardized lens language, White Night Theater will explore deeper social issues, show deeper care for human nature, provide a more immersive theater viewing experience, and arouse the audience's resonance and empathy, thereby expanding the scope of high-quality Chinese dramas. New paths and new spaces.

From "White Night" to "Gate of Rebirth" and "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" to the 8 new dramas of White Night Theater, Youku has been working on the suspense track for many years. With the brand upgrade, Youku said it will bring Here comes a bunch of great suspense dramas.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yang Wenjie

editor/Gong Lifang