On the evening of April 19, in a community in Jiangbei District, Chongqing, some netizens revealed that at a 90th birthday party held by residents, a female singer from a performance team suddenly fell to the ground and died. According to the netizen's reply in the comment area,

On the evening of April 19, in a community in Jiangbei District, Chongqing, some netizens revealed that at a 90th birthday party held by residents, a female singer from the performance team suddenly fell to the ground and died. According to the netizen's reply in the comment area, the female singer was her colleague and born in the 1990s. She was sent to the hospital but was not rescued.

html On the afternoon of April 20, Xiaoxiang Morning News reporters verified with the town government, village committee, emergency center and other parties that the incident occurred near Cuitangwan Community, Wanyuan Village, Wubao Town, Jiangbei District. A merchant near the

community told a reporter from the Xiaoxiang Morning News that she was dancing in a square nearby at the time of the incident. Later, she saw 120 cars approaching and someone performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the female singer who fell to the ground. The audience said that the female singer accidentally stepped on the hem of her long skirt and fell down when she was on stage.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter later verified from the staff of Wubao Police Station that the female singer had been sent to the funeral parlor. According to the staff member's understanding, the female singer accidentally stepped on her skirt and fell down while performing her second song on stage; her family members are currently at the police station, and the public security organs will deal with it fairly and justly.