The movie "Old Gun" directed by Gao Peng, written by Gao Peng, Wang Ang, Wang Wan, and Fang Chang, starring Zu Feng, Qin Hailu, Zhou Zhengjie, starring Feng Lei, and co-starred by Shao Bing, was screened for the first time in China yesterday. Director Gao Peng attended the post-s

is directed by Gao Peng, written by Gao Peng, Wang Ang, Wang Wan, and Fang Chong, starring Zu Feng, Qin Hailu , Zhou Zhengjie , starring Feng Lei, and the movie " Old Gun " in which Shao Bing friendly starred. The film was screened for the first time in China yesterday. Director Gao Peng attended the post-screening meeting with Zu Feng, Qin Hailu and Zhou Zhengjie to share the story of the film's creation and give an in-depth interpretation of the characters. On the same day, the four main creators appeared on the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival, firing the "first shot" for the film's domestic screen debut. At the premiere, "Old Gun" won the recognition of the first batch of domestic moviegoers with its wonderful narrative and superb performances. Some film critics praised "the movie has too much stamina", and the climax of the movie was even praised by the audience: "The last half hour So exciting! The most enjoyable movie-watching experience on the big screen this year. "

Film critics praised it as "the first shot at the Beijing Film Festival". The creators shared their creative interpretations on the spot.

The movie "Old Gun" won the 36th Tokyo International Film Festival. The Best Artistic Contribution Award in the main competition section of the Festival. As early as last November, after its overseas screening, the film received praise from the media and audiences. Yesterday, "Old Gun" was "reviewed" by the first batch of domestic audiences. It still won the favor of the audience with its excellent quality and was praised by senior film critics as "the first shot at the Beijing Film Festival." During the post-screening interaction, director Gao Peng shared the opportunity for story creation: "I accidentally discovered that shooting athletes are very different from what they imagined. People who engage in shooting sports will be more lonely. So when their lives change and they return to normal life, the story The sense of conflict will be even more extreme." At the same time, the director revealed that Zu Feng's face came to mind as early as when he was writing the script: "I can't think of anyone who is more suitable than Zu Feng." The director also did not hesitate to praise Qin Hailu. : "Qin Hailu's performance is both accurate and traceless, which is amazing." Young actor Zhou Zhengjie's performance was equally surprising. The director praised him on the spot: "I gave myself to the role without any reservations, without any distracting thoughts."

"Old Gun" Set against the background of a declining industrial town in the Northeast in the 1990s, it depicts the real life of all living beings amidst the great changes of the times and the torrent of destiny. Each character has his or her own distinct personality and predicament. When interpreting the protagonist Gu Xuebing, Zu Feng used the word "Ningba" to describe this character: "The character Gu Xuebing is somewhat similar to myself, both are a bit of a 'late bloomer'." He also believes that there is no good or bad distinction between maturity and immaturity, " Just two states of life.” Qin Hailu also shared her views on the role of Jin Yujia: "I think Xiao Jin is very touching, she is alive, and this woman's vitality is very tenacious." Regarding the feelings of playing the character Geng Xiaojun, Zhou Zhengjie shared a detail: " When I was filming the scene where I was pushed into the car after the shootout, I took many shots and I completely collapsed. But after communicating with the director, I found that my collapse at that moment was actually the same as Geng Xiaojun’s collapse. The feeling is particularly precious to me. "

The factory shootout "is so powerful" shocked the audience. The director and the creators appeared on the red carpet of the Beijing Film Festival.

Many viewers invariably mentioned the plot of the factory shootout in the movie in their reviews, saying, " The last half hour was so exciting!” “The pace tightened from the shootout to the end, and the momentum was too strong.” Some film critics even said, “This scene is the most enjoyable movie-watching experience I’ve had on the big screen this year.” When asked about the design of the gunfight scene, director Gao Peng responded: "I especially like shooting in real locations. The limitations brought by real locations can often be turned into opportunities. The place where the gunfight took place was a relatively narrow and cramped place, so we had The idea of ​​using a cramped space to create a raw and fierce battle." The performances of the three leading actors also won recognition from the audience. One film critic believed that Zu Feng's interpretation of the character Gu Xuebing was "really powerful." The handling of details made Jin Yujia’s character more real and believable. The audience said bluntly: “It’s really suitable for this type of character in this era.Geng Xiaojun, played by Zhou Zhengjie, also impressed the audience. One fan praised: "It has great potential and the future is promising!" "

After the premiere, the crew of "Old Gun" rushed to the opening ceremony of the Beijing International Film Festival non-stop. Director Gao Peng appeared on the red carpet with Zu Feng, Qin Hailu and Zhou Zhengjie. When the host invited the main creator to recommend a sentence in Northeastern dialect During the movie, Qin Hailu, who is from the Northeast, said boldly: "Watch it, it will be very exciting! "Other creators echoed: "It's a must! "

The movie "Old Gun" is directed by Gao Peng, written by Gao Peng, Wang Ang, Wang Wan, and Fang Chang. It stars Zu Feng, Qin Hailu, Zhou Zhengjie, Feng Lei, and Shao Bing. The film is produced by Momo Pictures Co., Ltd. Produced by the company, Beijing China Guide Association Cultural Development Co., Ltd.
