Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client reported on April 18 (Reporter Liu Shuai Correspondent Zhu Shuhai) As the cherry blossoms of the Chu family fall beautifully, the beautiful azaleas are in full bloom and "take over", competing for the title of "April Flower Goddess". On April 18, the

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client April 18th (Reporter Liu Shuai Correspondent Zhu Shuhai) As the cherry blossoms of the Chu family fall beautifully, the gorgeous azaleas bloom and "take over", competing for the title of "April Flower Goddess". On April 18, the green public service online platform "Green Xiaowu" innovatively created by the Wuhan Municipal Garden and Forestry Bureau launched a new round of beauty pageants for its annual interactive event "Twelve Flower Gods Wu Dongfangfei". This time, four Anku azalea varieties recommended by well-known domestic flower companies were introduced to the platform. Jiangcheng flower friends were invited to taste and vote, and one voting user was directly awarded 2,000 points.

Anku Rhododendron "Red Crown" planted in a part of the Shahu Park Wetland Art Park. (Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

html Starting from April 19, citizens who log in to "Green Xiaowu" can see the interactive entrance page of "Azalea God" on the homepage. The four azalea gods are "Carnation", "Red Crown", "Princess" and "Fan Belt". It is understood that these four kinds of azaleas are all imported varieties. Among them, "Carnation" is mainly pink and tender, "Red Crown" is characterized by small and gorgeous deep red flowers, "Princess" is a delicate and elegant pink double-petaled azalea, and "Fans" The "belt" is a stretched and light single-petal dark pink azalea with different colors and beautiful appearance, which is quite distinctive. The votes of citizen users will determine which azalea will eventually be honored as the "Flower God of April". At that time, the platform will draw a lucky user from the voters who successfully voted for the "April Flower Goddess" and directly award 2,000 platform points, which can be exchanged for favorite garden cultural and creative gifts, food and tea.

Anku azalea variety "Red Crown". (Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

Where in Wuhan are these four major imported azalea varieties planted, and can citizens enjoy them online and offline? Qingshan Park and Shahu Park are popular places to visit.

It is reported that Qingshan Park has won the title of "Ten Thousand Azalea Garden" for its rich variety of azaleas and the largest planting scale. It is the city's largest free azalea viewing attraction. A total of more than 100,000 rhododendrons of more than 70 varieties are blooming in an area of ​​40,000 square meters. Five major types of rhododendrons, including eastern azalea, toadow's cuckoo, summer cuckoo, western cuckoo and azalea, are gathered in the park, making it unique among city parks. Especially in the park's exquisite Rhododendron Garden, more than 20 species of rhododendrons that are rare in the city are in full bloom. Among them, the "Red Crown", "Fan Belt" and "Princess" are all azaleas that can bloom in early spring, midsummer and late autumn of the year. Cool Rhododendron Varieties. Currently, the 13th Azalea Festival in Qingshan Park has opened on April 12 and will last until April 25.

Anku azalea variety "Red Crown". (Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

Anku azalea variety "Fanstrip". (Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

Anku azalea variety "Princess". (Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

A variety of Anku azalea varieties are also planted in Shahu Park. In the wetland art park in the park, there are four varieties of "Carnation", "Red Crown", "Princess" and "Fan Belt". The Anku azalea varieties are in full bloom. In addition, 31 imported Anku azalea varieties such as "Pink Gem", "Taylor", "Orchid Rain", "Princess", "Sangria", "Angel" and "Amethyst" are waiting. Appreciation by citizens and tourists. Guishan Park, Jiefang Park, Hongshan Square, Baodao Park, Guanshan Dutch Style Garden, Nangan Canal Amusement Park, Piertan Cultural Heritage Park, Ziyang Park, Wuchang Park and other places are all worth checking out for the citizens to enjoy the rhododendrons.

Anku azalea variety "Carnation". (Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Municipal Garden and Forestry Bureau said that in recent years, through the planting of garden departments at all levels, the azalea, known as the "Beautiful Beauty among Flowers", has become a daily scenery in Wuhan in spring, whether in the city or in the city. On street corners, parks, suburban slopes, and scenic spots, Chinese and foreign azaleas compete in beauty, allowing citizens to enjoy the beautiful spring scenery without traveling far. Wuhan is striving to become a national ecological garden city and create a high-quality "Wetland Flower City" with a bright business card. The azalea scenery that can be seen everywhere is a beautiful reflection of the harmonious symbiosis and romantic companionship between man and nature.

Anku azalea variety "Princess".(Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

Anku azalea variety "Carnation". (Photo provided by correspondent Zhu Shuhai)

It is understood that the interactive activity of "Twelve Flower Gods Moving Fragrantly" is one of the contents of the "Thousands of Flowers Blooming, Planting Spring Together" 2024 Arbor Day Green Station special event hosted by the Wuhan Municipal Garden and Forestry Bureau . The candidate flower series for the "Twelve Flower Gods" every month are recommended by the "Taobao Goods" function section of the "Green Xiaowu" platform, and various new and high-quality varieties are selected from the Wuhan Academy of Garden Science or nationally renowned flower companies. For citizen florists who are interested in buying and planting imported Anku azalea varieties, the "Green Xiaowu" platform has recommended purchase channels. Citizen florists may directly log in to the "Hongyue" app to view the variety details and corresponding maintenance guides and planting steps. .

[Editor: Ding Yi]

[Source: Changjiang Daily-Changjiang Net]