I have to say that the plagiarism capabilities of domestic websites are too strong now. "The Sky-Swallowing Shark" premiered online on April 16. It can be seen from the title that the movie wants to capitalize on the popularity of "The Meg". After all, this series is a Sino-US co

I have to say that the plagiarism ability of domestic websites is too strong now.

html "The Megalodon" premiered online on April 16. From the title, it can be seen that the movie wants to ride on the popularity of " The Megalodon ". After all, this series is a Sino-US co-production, and the two films have won nearly 100 awards in the Mainland. With a box office of 2 billion, it is considered a huge hit. I originally thought that the movie was just an ordinary remake of "The Meg", but I didn't expect that the movie has many "brilliant" features!

"The Meg" and "Godzilla" were not let go. The audience of "The Giant Shark" did not buy it, and the box office on the first day was only 156,000.

Judging from the cast and special effects scenes, the cost of "Sky-Swallowing Shark" should be around 3 million. The most well-known actor in the

movie is Cheng Shuang. This actress was once a beauty pageant champion. She participated in many beauty pageants such as the Miss Purple Lily Contest and the Fashion Car Model Contest. She also won many championships and later became a He served as a host and even released a single, but unfortunately it failed to become a hit. In recent years, he has transitioned into making movies on the Internet, and most of them are bad movies.

Cheng Shuang has almost no acting skills in this film, and there are no clips showing off his figure.

The sideshow scenes were basically performed by supporting actors. Of course, there was also the second female lead, Zhiwei, who overshadowed the female lead, Cheng Shuang.

Cheng Zhiwei is set to be a programmer, but she often wears low-cut tights, leaving the audience wondering whether to pay attention to her figure or her lack of acting skills.

The actors didn’t pay attention, and the director naturally focused on copying. This film is not only a remake of "The Meg", but also a remake of "Godzilla" in many settings, such as the mechanical shark and the mutant giant shark. The duel is obviously a "homage" to Godzilla vs. Mecha Ghidorah. There is also a setting of the protector of marine ecology in the film, which is the same as Godzilla.

There is even a scene at the beginning of the movie that is a copycat of "Avengers".

can only lament that the director is a die-hard fan of Hollywood. Of course, the audience will not buy such a bad movie. The box office of the movie on the first day was only 156,000, and it is estimated that even the cost will not be recovered.

The film is only 67 minutes long. The production of "Sky-Swallowing Shark" was rough and received negative reviews from the audience!

The plot of "Sky-Swallowing Shark" is actually very simple.

After all, the movie is only 67 minutes long. The movie is set in 3035. At that time, mankind was in a food crisis, so a scientific research institution began to conduct biological experiments to make fish reproduce faster and stronger. Unexpectedly, a doctor was eager to Qiu Cheng has edited the genes of many organisms into experimental sharks.

As the boss of the laboratory, the male protagonist felt very keenly that this was wrong and demanded that all experimental data and experimental sharks be destroyed.

But the doctor refused to accept it, and the experimental shark accidentally entered the sewer and swam into the sea.

With the help of its super reproductive ability, the experimental shark soon ruled the ocean and had endless descendants. It also mutated into a giant sky-swallowing shark, which was invulnerable and even missiles could not harm it. The shark of the sky-swallowing giant shark Sharksun also began to attack humans.

So the male protagonist and the agent female protagonist save the world together.

There is almost no logic in this plot. The experimental shark has not mutated after staying in the laboratory for so long, but it mutates as soon as it reaches the ocean? From being as big as two fingers to being as big as a mountain, is this possible?

In the decisive battle at the end of the film, the agent boss is preparing to use chemical weapons to eliminate the mutant sharks. The male protagonist is unwilling to think that chemical weapons can eliminate mutant sharks, but it will also kill half of the creatures in the ocean. This is not worth the gain, so he plans to use electricity to force the mutant sharks up, Then he used special bullets to kill the mutant shark. I was stunned at the time. To electrify the sea? Wouldn't this harm other living things?

Besides, let’s fill the ocean with electric current. How is this possible?

The male protagonist smiled evilly and thought that it would be fine as long as the surrounding villagers were willing to cut off the power. He even gave an impassioned speech that made the people cry and automatically turned off the power switch in their homes. When I saw this, I doubted whether the screenwriter had any idea. Common sense, isn’t centralized power consumption just a matter of a word from the power department? Just let the whole city's power outage be used by you. You have to save the world, so you have to bargain carefully, right?

The funniest thing is that the giant sky-eating shark appeared at the end, and the screenwriter didn't know what to do.

then arranged for the appearance of the Kraken, which is a big octopus. It is said that it is the protector of the ocean. Once the ecological balance is broken, it will appear. The Kraken entangles the sky-swallowing giant shark and drags it into the deep sea. I thought it was a big move. Well, there was finally a big scene, but the final battle was gone and the giant sky-swallowing shark drowned alive. Would the director want to see what you were filming?

The shark was drowned?

and the special effects scenes that cost less than 50 cents, all made the audience have bad reviews.

is a good copycat of other Hollywood movies. The heroine pretends to be kidnapped by the bad guys, and then pretends to be weak, so that the villain reveals the plan, and then pretends to be a pig to eat the tiger. This scene is completely copied from " The appearance of Black Widow in "Avengers".

The classic scene of the giant tooth shark attacking the crowd on the beach has also been copied by the low-profile version of "Sky-Swallowing Shark".

The mechanical shark appears to fight against the giant sky-eating shark, which is even more hilarious!

Generally speaking, the characters of "Sky-Swallowing Shark" plagiarize "Avengers", the setting is a copycat of "Godzilla", and the plot pays homage to "The Meg". It simply tramples on all the major highlights of the domestic Internet in recent years. , so bad that the audience was speechless.