"Touching China" 2023 Person of the Year was announced on the evening of the 8th. Swimming star Zhang Yufei won the honor of "Moving China 2023 Person of the Year". The award speech given to her read: "I would rather my muscles burn in the middle of the night than let my emotions

"Moving China" 2023 Person of the Year was announced on the evening of the 8th. Swimming star Zhang Yufei won the honor of "Moving China 2023 Person of the Year". The award speech given to her by

reads: "I would rather burn my muscles in the middle of the night than let my emotions sink in failure. Nezha is to be reborn; Queen Butterfly must be the Queen of Butterfly. Explore the limits of sports and harvest the beauty of youth Gold medal, a champion is a winner, and he is a person who rises from adversity.”

That night, Zhang Yufei wrote on his personal social media account: A champion is a winner, and he is a person who rises from adversity. It is a great honor to receive this honor. Thank you all for your blessings. I am also grateful for the touch that sports and the stadium have brought to me. I also hope to continue to pass on this touch. The warm water and beautiful flowers in Asia, see you in Paris!

Picture source: The person involved’s social account

. Many netizens left comments and comments on this blog post, praising Zhang Yufei and saying, “Always inspire me to move forward.” “You are so outstanding. I have witnessed you go from being an unknown athlete to becoming a big killer. The 'first sister' of the swimming team, I hope Paris will continue to sprint and realize her dreams. "You are really worth it. Seeing you always makes people full of positive energy and vitality."

Come and see this world swimmer. The touching story of the new generation of "Butterfly Queen" in the world.

【1】The next game is always the most important, don’t sink in the quagmire of failure

Zhang Yufei’s parents are both professional swimmers. Influenced by their family, Zhang Yufei learned to swim with her mother by the pool when she was 3 years old. . Starting at the age of 5, he received professional training and started his sports career.

She entered the provincial team at the age of 13 and the national team at the age of 15. At the age of 17, she won the bronze at the Kazan World Championships and broke the world youth record in the women's 200-meter butterfly... For a time, Zhang Yufei was dubbed the "genius girl" and people had high hopes for her. of new stars.

However, the blow came soon. 2016 Rio Olympics - Zhang Yufei's first Olympic trip. That year, at the age of 18, she got her Nezha hair tied before the competition and planned to "make trouble". Unexpectedly, reality gave her a heavy blow: due to lack of experience, Zhang Yufei was so nervous that she was stiff and only won the women's 200 meters. After finishing sixth in the butterfly stroke, Zhang Yufei fell into the first low point in her life. She even "didn't want to step into the swimming pool or get into the water for a while."

To this day, she still doesn't want to look back at the video of that game or recall her mood at that time. How did

cross this hurdle? Zhang Yufei's method is - "forget". Being optimistic and confident by nature, she never lets her discouragement and frustration linger for too long. As long as she gets a good sleep, she can forget about the negative energy that consumes her internally and return to the training ground with high morale.

She said: "The next game is always the most important. Not sinking in the quagmire of failure is a required course for adults."

One year after the Rio Olympics, Zhang Yufei joined Cui Dengrong's coaching staff and experienced changes in actions. Difficulties such as technology and changing training concepts. During this period, her performance went up and down, but she never gave up easily and could only look forward and swim as hard as she could.

During the trough days, coach Cui Dengrong’s encouragement and careful guidance also gave Zhang Yufei the confidence and confidence to once again compete for the Olympic championship. She firmly believed, “Everything that can’t kill me will make me stronger.”

In the internal test in March 2020, Zhang Yufei's best time in the 100-meter butterfly improved by 1 second. At the National Swimming Championships in September of that year, she broke the Asian record for the women's 100 butterfly and together with her teammates broke the world record for the men's and women's 4×100 meter medley relay. Such results made Zhang Yufei even more convinced: "Whether I can do it or not is never determined by any game, let alone a temporary difficulty. As long as I am still swimming forward, Zhang Yufei will definitely do it!"

The 2021 Tokyo Olympics, with After five years of hard work and accumulated confidence, Zhang Yufei reminded herself to clear her mind, forget the past, and jump into the 200-meter butterfly swimming pool again to give it a try.

2020 Tokyo Olympics: All swimming events are over. Zhang Yufei shows off four medals.

"After the third turn, I knew it was done!" At the Tokyo Olympics, Zhang Yufei broke the Olympic record and won the championship with a time of 2 minutes, 03 seconds and 86 seconds.

After receiving the award, Zhang Yufei continued to run towards the women's 4×200m freestyle relay.In the end, the Chinese team composed of Yang Junxuan, Tang Muhan, Zhang Yufei and Li Bingjie won the championship in 7 minutes, 40 seconds and 33 seconds, breaking the world record and winning another gold medal for the Chinese team. "Little Nezha" Zhang Yufei, who won two golds and two silvers, successfully "made trouble". ocean" !

[2] With the blessing of talent, he also has his own unique know-how

In the year 2023 that just passed, Zhang Yufei’s key word for himself was-accumulate and make progress. This year, she participated in 59 competitions in the international arena and won 23 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze: she won her first World Championship gold medal in Fukuoka, 9 gold medals at the Chengdu Universiade, and MVP at the Hangzhou Asian Games ( Most Valuable Athlete).

The swimming event concluded with Zhang Yufei showing off all the medals from the Asian Games, World Championships and Universiade.

After recovering and accumulating strength, she also accumulated more experience in competitions, as well as the courage to "win" and the courage to "lose".

Over the years, many people will ask, is Zhang Yufei a talented player? She replied that she did have some athletic talent, a natural sense of water, a better aerobic metabolism than ordinary people, and a unique knack: temporarily letting go of meaningless internal friction.

"Smile and forget everything", but for more than ten years, she has never slacked off in training day and night in the swimming pool. Her awe for the swimming pool and the competition field has never faded. Talent and hard work are equally important.

Picture source: Social account of the person involved

"The journey is difficult, treat each other with a smile." These are the words Zhang Yufei sent to herself after the Tokyo Olympics. The Paris Olympics will be ushered in in 2024, and Zhang Yufei hopes to work with her teammates to let the five-star red flag fly high in more arenas.

"Life is also a competition ground. I hope everyone can be the 'Nezha' in their hearts, not afraid of the future, not thinking about the past, never admit defeat, and be brave and progressive!"

Source: Comprehensive CCTV News, social account of the person involved