In the finale of "Walking with the Phoenix", Xing Zhi and Shen Li, the fateful couple, finally reunited after experiencing life and death. Everyone said that the love between Shen Li and Xing Zhi was tragic. Both of them experienced the pain of losing each other. There is nothing

In the finale of

's " and Feng Xing ", Xing Zhi and Shen Li, the fateful couple, finally reunited after experiencing life and death. Everyone said that Shen Li and Xing Zhi's love was very tragic. Both of them experienced losing each other. Pain, the pain of losing a loved one is the most tragic thing in life.

However, when we carefully review the whole drama, we find that the worst love is not Xing Zhi and Shen Li who love each other and cannot be together, nor is it Qing Ye and Xiao He who will be missed for the rest of their lives, but Liu Yu and Feng who appear near the finale. Come.

Perseverance in Love: Responsibility and Sacrifice of Xing Zhi and Shen Li

The love between Xing Zhi and Shen Li is like a bound bird, longing for freedom but unable to break free from the shackles of responsibility. They love each other deeply, but for the sake of peace and stability in the Three Realms, they have to bury this feeling deep in their hearts.

As the last god, Xingzhi cannot like Shen Li, because he is afraid that if he likes him, he will do something that goes against the laws of heaven, causing instability in the world and the world, and the magic that Xingzhi has left in the world will disappear.

The most terrifying thing is that Xu Tianyuan will disappear. As the prince of the spirit world, she shoulders the important responsibility of protecting her people. She cannot ignore the Three Realms for the sake of personal happiness, so she firmly reminds her not to overstep her limits and to keep her true heart.

Their love must end before it even begins. This emotional entanglement of love that cannot be achieved has always made the audience scratch their hearts and heartache for them. Fortunately, their ending is happy.

The tragedy of life and death: the poignant love between Feng Lai and Liu Yu

Compared with Shen Lixingzhi, the love between Feng Lai and Liu Yu seems very poignant and tragic. It is definitely the most tragic love in the whole drama. I think of the love between Liu Yu and Feng Lai. At this time, there will be an indescribable sadness and emotion in my heart.

The love between Feng Lai and Liu Yu, from the moment they met to the time they stayed together, was full of ups and downs, just like an unfinished song. Although the melody is beautiful, it is full of endless regrets and sorrow.

Feng Lai has been with Liu Yu since he was born. The two of them have to face Liu Ming's breakup at any time. They finally escape from Liu Ming's clutches, but they can only live in fear.

Finally had a moment of peace, but Feng Lai left Liu Yu again because of the seal of Xu Tianyuan. Liuyu passed away after giving birth to their child, leaving Fenglai without the person she loved most.

When Feng Lai broke through Xu Tianyuan and came out, he was filled with joy that he could be with Liu Yu again. However, fate played tricks on him again. The last farewell turned out to be an eternal farewell, and he would never see his beloved Liu Yu again.

In the end, he chose to disappear with Xu Tianyuan and all the monsters, and exchanged his life and love for peace and stability in the three realms.

The love between Feng Lai and Liu Yu is undoubtedly the most tragic thing in the whole drama. They are obviously good people, and they have obviously saved the world once, but they can only end up separated by life and death.

Their love has no vigorous vows, no lingering sentimentality, only plain and sincere emotions. However, it is this plain and sincere emotion that makes their love even more touching.

The poignant and touching love between Feng Lai and Liu Yu makes people feel sorry and sad. Maybe they will enter reincarnation and meet in another world. Feng Lai finally died tragically with all the monsters, and for him, maybe it was to accompany him. Relief for a loved one.

hopes that the author can write again and open a new chapter for Feng Lai and Liu Yu's regretful love. I hope that the fate of Feng Lai and Liu Yu can continue in the new chapter and have a more perfect ending.