"Storm Chaser" still has 4 episodes left to wrap up, but the ending of the main characters in the show is basically clear. Let's talk about the final ending and fate of each protagonist. Shen Tunan gave up the dark side and joined the light, and stood together with his apprentice

"Storm Chaser" still has 4 episodes left to wrap up, but the ending of the main characters in the show is basically clear. Let's talk about the final ending and fate of each protagonist.

Shen Tunan abandoned the dark side for the bright side and joined his disciple Wei Ruolai.

Luzhu said this. Some readers may object, indicating that Shen Tunan has always been stubborn. He clearly believes in the Three People's Principles. How could he abandon the dark side and join the bright side?

Because in the latest episodes 33 and 34, after Shen Tunan was captured by Wei Ruolai and Shen Jinzhen in the Soviet area, they tried every possible means to persuade him. Shen Tunan would rather die than change. He even escaped at the last moment. After returning, , continue to carry out economic encirclement and suppression, and continue to carry out economic war with the Soviet area.

Then why am I still so sure that Shen Tunan finally "abandoned the darkness and turned to the light"?

The most critical answer lies in Shen Tunan’s memory of a conversation!

Wei Ruolai vaguely guessed that it was Master Shen Tunan's handiwork through the Kuomintang's economic encirclement and suppression. In order to verify his suspicion, Wei Ruolai took the initiative to ask for a meeting with the "master" of the other party. He also asked his superiors to assign Shen Jinzhen to perform tasks with him.

Sure enough, the master, apprentice, brother and sister met again after saying goodbye in Shanghai.

Shen Tunan didn't know that they were actually surrounded by the Red Army, and Lin Qiaosong urgently requested Brigadier Qian's support, but Brigadier Qian wanted to retaliate before it was too late for them, so he was happy to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

Shen Tunan was about to shoot himself, but Niu Chunmiao shot down the pistol with quick eyesight. Wei Ruolai persuaded his master to follow him to the Soviet area to have a look and experience for himself what a truly good political power looks like.

Arriving in the Soviet area, Shen Tunan saw with his own eyes that although the people in the Soviet area were poor, everyone had happy and exciting smiles on their faces. The atmosphere was prosperous, and the people and the Red Army were friendly and harmonious.

Wei Ruolai took Master to visit the banks in the Soviet area. Although the conditions were simple, everything was in order. Shen Tunan asked Wei Ruolai why he was so confident. Wei Ruolai said what his master had taught him, you said that the foundation of all finance is credit, and the most indispensable thing in the Soviet area is credit.

Although Shen Tunan didn't say anything, he had been observing and thinking. Even when he was locked up in a simple fence cell, Shen Tunan had been observing the lives of the people outside through the fence, thoughtfully.

It wasn't until Shen Jinzhen and Wei Ruolai came in that he hurriedly sat upright.

Lei Ming specially found Wei Ruolai and Shen Jinzhen and told them a piece of news that saddened them: the superior organization had made a decision to execute Shen Tunan tomorrow.

When Shen Tunan saw his sister and apprentice bringing sumptuous meals and wine to see him, he instantly understood: decapitation meal?

This scene can also be called one of the famous scenes of the play.

Shen Tunan had a long personal monologue. He asked his sister to take good care of his sister-in-law and Xiao Yu'er, and asked Wei Ruolai to take good care of his sister Shen Jinzhen. Then, he lamented that since the Shanghai counterfeit currency case and the construction treasury bonds case, he has always had a conscience He was restless and couldn't sleep at night. Later, he was angry at the corruption of the Kuomintang from top to bottom, which made him determined to serve the country but unable to do anything about it.

This section has a lot of lines. I have to admire the actor Wang Yang. He has good line skills and really good acting. I was moved to tears when I watched it.

But when Shen Jinzhen took the opportunity to persuade his brother to join the Soviet area, Shen Tunan said that he believed in the Three People's Principles, and even if this big ship was going to sink, he would sink with him.

When you see this, you may have despaired of Shen Tunan, thinking that he will continue to be stubborn.

Don't worry, in fact, when Shen Tunan escaped, things had already undergone fundamental changes!

In fact, the so-called execution of Shen Tunan was probably a ploy used by Lei Ming and his superiors.

At that time, the Soviet area was in urgent need of talents. High-level economic talents like Shen Tunan were not heinous, so how could they be willing to kill them so easily.

Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, and Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo seven times. To subdue a high-level talent, naturally he had to convince him.

Lei Ming kills two birds with one stone: Deliberately letting Shen Tunan go and uncovering the internal undercover

Not long after Shen Tunan drank the guillotine, a small fire broke out in the bank in the Soviet area.

Who started the fire?

Needless to say, Lin Qiaosong must have ordered undercover Song Mengzhong (Song Meijuan’s brother), who was the deputy commander of the special operations company in the Soviet area, Song Shoutian.

Because after Shen Tunan was taken away, Huang Congyun complained to Lin Qiaosong in a hurry. Lin Qiaosong said don't worry, I have a way.

If he had any idea, he would naturally use "hidden tricks".

However, there is a detail that you noticed?

After Shen Tunan escaped back, he first went to the ward to see his daughter Xiao Yuer. After that, he returned to his residence and sat in the darkness, with the words a man said to him echoing in his mind.

Listening to the voice, you knew it was Lei Ming, section chief of the Soviet District Bank.

It can be seen from this memory that Lei Ming had a secret conversation with Shen Tunan before Shen Tunan "escaped".

Didn't Shen Tunan believe in the Three People's Principles? Lei Ming asked him to think carefully, are the Three People's Principles you believe in still there? Is the regime you are loyal to now still the Three People's Principles of Mr. Sun?

Lei Ming’s words directly hit Shen Tunan’s heart: You are an out-and-out patriot, otherwise you would not have given up the superior conditions in Europe and returned to serve your country. However, countless cruel facts are in front of you, and you know that They are a group of worms who are obsessed with fighting for power and profit, so why should they be stubborn and help others! I hope you can carefully recall why you wanted to return to China in the first place, and I hope you can think clearly about what you need to do and who you need to fight with to truly realize your original lofty ideals.

Lei Ming’s words were so high-level that they hit Shen Tunan’s heart!

You must know that Shen Tunan cares about his family so much, but in order to realize his economic ambitions, he would rather bear to look at his wife's tears and Xiao Yuer's fear than go abroad. So after witnessing all the corruption and darkness of the Kuomintang, in After witnessing the tragic fate of Shanghai people who suffered in the construction of treasury bonds, and after witnessing the prosperity of the Soviet area, how could he not think about it and not hesitate.

So I estimate that Lei Ming and Shen Tunan had a secret agreement during their secret talks. Shen Tunan may not give up yet and wants to go back to regroup and fight the Soviet Bank for a few more rounds. If he still loses, then he will admit it. Accept defeat in a bet and be willing to abandon darkness and embrace the light.

Through the arson incident, the Soviet District was also able to uncover the hidden undercover Song Shoutian.

Shen Tunan sent his wife and daughter away, and Lin Qiaosong closely monitored Shen Tunan

After Shen Tunan returned, he sent his wife and daughter away. Where was


should have either gone abroad or been sent to a safe place protected by the Communist Party. This should also be part of the agreement between him and Lei Ming, because family is Shen Tunan's greatest love and weakness.

The news that Shen Tunan was captured in the Soviet area had already been secretly reported to Nanjing by Lin Qiaosong. When Shen Tunan received a call from Nanjing, the words of comfort on the phone were actually threats. Can he not be chilled again?

Lin Qiaosong even secretly asked Nanjing for instructions on whether Shen Tunan could be executed on the spot if he found out that he had second thoughts.

Therefore, Shen Tunan's status has actually been in jeopardy for a long time, and he is a chess piece that can be abolished by Nanjing at any time.

In addition, Shen Tunan's sister and apprentice are both Communists. After witnessing the progress and brightness of the Soviet area, and after hearing the persuasion of Wei Ruolai and his sister, especially Lei Ming's persuasion that hit his soul, he felt certain in his heart. He has already been shaken and has made a basic decision, but he still needs an opportunity to make up his mind.

Shen Tunan brought Huang Congyun to the Soviet area, and Lin Qiaosong was beaten to death by Song Meijuan.

Recently, CCTV drama reviewers also praised "The Storm Chaser" as "an excellent TV series with people having drama, justice and benefit", and CCTV drama reviews also vaguely " "Spoiler" revealed Shen Tunan's ending , saying that Shen Tunan and Wei Ruolai "did not forget their original intentions, worked toward each other, and eventually became close friends and comrades, setting the high-spirited character tone of the entire work."

Therefore, whether it is analyzing the current plot, analyzing Shen Tunan's situation and mentality, or judging from CCTV's evaluation of Shen Tunan and Wei Ruolai, Shen Tunan finally abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, which is perfect!

Moreover, I guess, when Shen Tunan defected to the Soviet area, he also brought a capable person with him!


is of course his "Poisonous subordinate" Huang Congyun.

Although Huang Congyun is a bit petty, he was very jealous that Wei Ruolai was favored by his husband and became his eldest disciple. He was forced to take a secondary position. However, judging from Huang Congyun's past words and deeds, he also deeply hated the corruption of the Kuomintang. of.

Moreover, the person he admired most was his husband Shen Tunan. If Shen Tunan defected to the Soviet area, he would naturally be with him "life and death."

As for Lin Qiaosong's ending, he has done so many bad things, so he deserves to be shot.

It is estimated that after Song Meijuan's brother is discovered, he will take the initiative to confess, perform meritorious service, and capture Lin Qiaosong. Or, Song Meijuan found out that the man she loved most was the one who hurt them the most, and shot him to death in a fit of rage. possible.

(text/first drop of dew)