There have been a lot of topics about the live broadcast circle recently. We have seen that the rhythm is really flying during this period. One of the biggest troubles is the incident between Xiaolou and 09. The cause was during a recent live broadcast. Xiaolou insisted on saying

There have been a lot of topics about the live broadcast circle recently. We have seen that the rhythm is really flying during this period. One of the biggest troubles is the incident between Xiaolou and 09. The cause was during a recent live broadcast. , Xiaolou insisted on saying something bad about 09, saying that he was not good to his wife and did not respect women. He had already deleted his contact information.

was criticized a few times for no reason. 09 was also unhappy. He directly scolded Xiaolou in the group, saying that she was a feminist b and would not hesitate to send Xiaoxiao thousands of miles to get higher. This incident aroused heated discussion, and Xiaolou Then the chat history between Xiao Wu and Xiao Wu 5 years ago was released. The pictures had already been taken at that time, which is really scary to think about.

records include Xiao Wu and Xiao Lou complaining about 09, and even the paternity test they have to do after giving birth, their AA lifestyle after marriage, and even evidence of suspected cheating on 09. Xiao Lou’s purpose is obvious. , just wanted to use these violent materials to directly kill 09, but the development of things backfired for her.

Because Xiao Wu spoke out, she said that these were just quarrels between husband and wife, and she complained to her best friend. She did not expect that it would become a tool to harm her family. She also bluntly said that she would be careful in her words and deeds in the future. Xiao Wu’s words were direct It was cut off from Xiaolou, and Xiaolou became the only clown in the audience.

Recently, Xiaolou came out to speak again. This time she avoided the important and tried to bring the topic to women's rights. However, netizens obviously did not buy it and pointed out many of Xiaolou's problems, such as the topic of disrespecting women. Others said that Wang Sicong He also doesn’t respect women, and Xiaolou’s explanation is that Wang Sicong doesn’t respect men either.

Many netizens complained about her double standards. She kept saying she wanted to be an independent woman, but she was very dissatisfied with her post-marriage aa-control behavior in 2009. Some people found Xiaolou's early videos. After this video was exposed, she was regarded as an independent woman. It couldn't be done. This was during an early live broadcast.

At that time, Wang Sicong and Xiaolou were playing games together, but because of Xiaolou's mistake, Wang Sicong was angry and used all kinds of vulgar words. Xiaolou was scolded by Wang Sicong like a dog, but her performance was smiling the whole time. I dare not respond. How can such a person be an independent woman? Do you have anything to complain about?