On April 18, the movie "Diary of a Youth", produced by Er Dongsheng and written and directed by newcomer director Zhuo Yiqian, released its final trailer and poster. The movie "Youth Diary" tells the story of middle school teacher Zheng Sir (played by Lu Zhenye) who recalled his

The movie "Diary of a Youth" releases the ultimate trailer Every child needs to be loved well Duration: 01:38 Source: Movie Network

The movie "Diary of a Youth" releases the ultimate trailer Every child needs to be loved well Collapse

Duration: 01:38 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News On April 18, the movie "Diary of a Youth", produced by Er Dongsheng and written and directed by newcomer director Zhuo Yiqian, released the final trailer and poster. The movie "Youth Diary" tells the story of middle school teacher Zheng Sir (played by Lu Zhenye) who recalled his childhood past full of violence and regret due to an anonymous suicide note on campus. He was determined to save depressed students and prevent tragedies from occurring. In the process, he found his own outlet and reconciled with the pain of himself and his family of origin. The film focuses on the issues of family bullying and teenage depression, and uses delicate lens language to record the process of self-healing calmly and restrainedly.

The ultimate poster

From trauma to healing, fully displaying humanistic care and social value

The ultimate trailer connects Zheng Sir’s childhood and the present. In a family that cannot express love and care correctly, children need to struggle to swim through the sea of ​​growth. In his memories, Sir Zheng's childhood was full of regrets and pain. At present, his students also wrote suicide notes because they could not face the conflict between the outside world and themselves. "Diary of a Youth" expresses a sigh from the mouth of a teenager: I am not an important person, but it also allows adults who have stepped out of their youth to answer. I may not be able to help you, but I can accompany you. From trauma to healing, it shows the humanistic care and in-depth analysis of social pathology produced by Er Dongsheng and director Zhuo Yiqian.

In the ultimate poster, the confused and painful boy lowers his head as he grows up, unable to see his future; the young man who has grown up successfully can look into the distance, and what is saved is not only himself, but also more that cannot be found in youth. Exit kids. Some viewers said after watching the movie that they have the courage to look directly at the trauma and the strength to suture the scars, hoping to become the adult they want to be.

Roadshow screenings

Audiences roared with laughter. The director appeared to share creative inspiration

Previously, the movie "Diary of a Youth" has been screened and has been roadshowed in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places, and has won good reputation. Director Zhuo Yiqian appeared at the road show and shared his creative experience with the audience at Sun Yat-sen University. He mentioned that everyone has experienced trauma to one degree or another in their growth, and some may not be able to face it in adulthood. But we still have to find an outlet for our emotions and a way to heal. An audience member said that he was grateful to the movie "Diary of a Young Man" for making me discover that I had the same wound in my heart. I hope I can heal the trauma of my original family like Zheng Sir. The film brought me extraordinary strength and healing. courage.

The movie "Diary of a Young Man" is produced by Er Dongsheng, written and directed by Zhuo Yiqian. It will be released nationwide on April 19. It is a young man's diary full of trauma and reconciliation. I hope you will resonate with it.