On April 18, the Japanese version of "The Untold Secret" released a new poster. The film is directed by Yuuto Kawai. It tells the story of Minato (played by Taigo Kyomoto) and Yukino (played by Furukawa Kotone) who attract each other under the guidance of the piano. The days spen

The latest trailer for the Japanese version of "The Secret That Cannot Be Said" starring Taiga Kyomoto and Kotone Furukawa has been released Duration: 00:30 Source: Movie Network

The Japanese version of "The Secret That Cannot Be Said" starring Taiga Kyomoto and Kotone Furukawa "The Secret" released the latest trailer Hide

Duration: 00:30 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News On April 18, the Japanese version of "The Secret That Cannot Be Telled" released a new poster. The film is directed by Kawai Yuuto and tells the story of Minato. Ren (Kyomoto Taiga) and Yukino (Furukawa Kotone) are attracted to each other under the guidance of the piano, and the days spent together become irreplaceable, but one day Yukino disappears from Minato.

The film is a remake of the film "The Untold Secret" directed and starred by Jay Chou, but the casting of the male and female protagonists in the Japanese version was criticized by netizens. Kyomoto Taiga, a member of the idol group SixTONES, plays Minato, a music university student, and Furukawa Kotone plays Yukino, a music university student with a secret. Compared with the original combination of Jay Chou and Gwee Lunmei, as well as the Korean remake's casting of Do Kyung-soo and Won Jin-ah, the two leading actors really lacked the feeling of heartbeat.

html The 6-day version of "The Secret That Cannot Be Told" will be released in Japan on June 28.