Recently, the animated movie "Garfield" released a TV trailer. In the trailer, Garfield shows his true nature as a foodie. This cunning, venomous, greedy and lazy fat cat is about to embark on a wild adventure with his long-lost father.

"Garfield" animated movie has been revealed with Chinese subtitles TV trailer Duration: 01:00 Source: Movie Network

"Garfield" animated movie has been revealed with Chinese subtitles TV trailer Collapse

Duration: 01:00 Suggestions Open

1905 Movie Network News under WIFI. Recently, the animated movie "Garfield" released a TV trailer. In the trailer, Garfield shows his true nature as a foodie. This cunning, venomous, greedy and lazy fat cat is about to embark on a wild adventure with his long-lost father.

The film tells the story of Garfield, who was originally a stray cat. After being adopted, he became a pampered fat cat who loved pizza and said many cute and mean words. After an unexpected reunion with his long-lost father, the stray cat Vic, Garfield is forced to embark on a thrilling adventure with his dog Odie.

The film is directed by Mark Tindall, written by John Cohen, Jim Davis, and David Reynolds. Comics creator Jim Davis serves as executive producer. Chris Pratt voices the protagonist Garfield, and Samuel L. Jackson voices a new character. Garfield's father Vic, Nicholas Hoult, Hannah Waddingham and others will also lend their voices.