The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been going on so far. It can be said that "the overall situation has been decided." Ukraine's failure has become inevitable. Now even Zelensky has begun to despair about the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and has completely faced

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reached this point. It can be said that the "overall situation has been decided". Ukraine's failure has become inevitable. Now even Zelensky has begun to despair about the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and has completely faced a showdown with the United States and the West: Ukraine may soon be defeated. The final multiple-choice question is whether to increase aid to Ukraine and directly intervene in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, or to sit back and watch Ukraine's final defeat. All US and Western investments in Ukraine will be completely in vain. Zelensky placed it in front of the United States and the West. How will the United States and the West ultimately choose this time?

According to relevant reports from Global Network, recently, in an interview with the media, Zelensky publicly stated that Ukraine is now facing an unprecedented and huge threat. He expects Russia to launch a major war against Ukraine in May and June this year. A large-scale attack, and now Ukraine is not prepared to deal with the Russian attack at all. Therefore, without financial and military assistance from the United States and the West, Ukraine may be defeated in this new offensive.

Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine now has no air defense systems, missiles, electronic warfare jammers, and even recent missiles and artillery shells, which means that Ukraine will continue to retreat. In fact, not only Zelensky himself feels despair, but even the US and Western media have a very pessimistic attitude towards the Russia-Ukraine war situation. British media "Evening Standard" recently made an analysis, saying that because the Russian army is gaining more and more advantages on the battlefield, Ukraine is likely to be defeated before this summer.

Indeed, Ukraine has been bombed and beaten badly enough now. Once the air defense system and frontline firepower are lost in the future, countless Ukrainian soldiers will undoubtedly be completely exposed to Russian missiles and artillery fire, and will become cannon fodder. By that time , the conflict between Russia and Ukraine may soon become one-sided, which is why both Zelensky and the Western media now believe that Ukraine may face a disastrous defeat before this summer.

Of course, Zelensky would never accept such an ending, so later, Zelensky issued an appeal to the West, saying that once Ukraine falls in the future, Russia’s next target may not only be Kazakhstan, the Baltic countries, etc. Even Western countries such as Poland and Germany will become Russia's targets. In order to deal with this situation, the West needs to support Ukraine with more weapons and artillery.

It is worth mentioning that this time Zelensky seems to be really anxious, and even directly broke up with the United States and Israel. Zelensky first criticized the United States for providing a large amount of funds to aid Ukraine. However, most of the aid funds to Ukraine stayed in the United States, and the tax revenue also stayed in the United States. As for Israel, Zelensky believes that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to a reduction in the international community's attention to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has reduced pressure on Putin.

Interestingly, in order to further put pressure on the United States and the West, Zelensky has recently very rarely relented on the issue of Russia-Ukraine peace talks, saying that peace talks can be carried out even without returning to the 1991 border, and that Ukraine does not need to fully pass it. military means to regain all territory.

Obviously, Zelensky, who has always been unprecedentedly tough and not interested in peace talks, suddenly changed his attitude this time and made a big concession. This obviously has ulterior motives, and it is more likely that he wants to use this to put pressure. Threaten the United States and the West to force them to help and prevent Ukraine from falling to Russia.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the core content of Zelensky’s speech is actually one. is like trying to make the United States and the West realize that Ukraine has reached the edge of the cliff and may fail at any time, and may even fail. It is possible to directly negotiate peace with Russia. If the United States and the West want to protect their interests in Ukraine, they must now fully support Ukraine, and even be prepared to directly help Ukraine.

In fact, this time Zelensky put a multiple-choice question in front of the United States and the West. Should he watch Ukraine fail and all the "investments" of the United States and the West in Ukraine be completely wasted, or should he personally save Ukraine? Of course, this will inevitably lead to a direct conflict or even war between the United States, the West, and Russia. is a multiple-choice question with no correct answer. How will the United States and the West ultimately choose? Let us wait and see.