Recently, the movie "Monday Madness" was directed by Ryo Takebayashi and co-starred by Wan Tsurui, Yuji Makita, Koki Nagamura, Yusa Mikawa, Kotaro Yagi, Haruki Takano, Toi Shimada, Ryo Ikeda, and Harumi Uhama. Release the ultimate poster.

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the movie "Crazy Monday" released the ultimate poster. In the

poster, the protagonist Yoshikawa, who suffered a head injury, is busy making plans, and his resentful eyes show his fatigue after working overtime continuously. The office has entered a time loop since Monday, and the social workers can only work in an endless cycle, and everyone is on the verge of collapse. The company's ministers, directors, and newcomers and juniors all gathered behind Yoshikawa. The colleagues who were supposed to be Yoshikawa's helpers seemed to only be pointing fingers behind his back, and the suffocating workplace ecology emerged vividly.

The movie tells the story of employees of an advertising company who find themselves trapped in an endless one-week cycle in the office. In order to make the key figure, the minister, realize this fact and break the cycle, they have to use all their strength to break the curse and escape. out of the loop.

The movie "Monday Madness" is directed by Ryo Takebayashi and stars Wan Tsurui, Yuji Makita, Koki Nagamura, Yusei Mikawa, Kotaro Yagi, Haruki Takano, Toi Shimada, Ryo Ikeda, and Harumi Uhama, It will be released in theaters across the country on April 19, and pre-sales are now fully open.