On April 16, the movie "Journey Across the Moon" released a childhood sweethearts special. Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu joined forces again after eight years, showing full tacit understanding on and off screen. The movie tells the story of Lin Xiushan (played by Zhang Zifeng) and W

The movie "Journey Across the Moon" released childhood sweethearts special Duration: 04:34 Source: Movie Network

The movie "Journey Across the Moon" released childhood sweethearts special Collapse

Duration: 04:34 Suggestions Open under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News On April 16, the movie "Journey Across the Moon" released a childhood sweethearts special. Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu joined forces again after eight years, showing full tacit understanding on and off the screen. The movie tells the story of Lin Xiushan (played by Zhang Zifeng) and Wang Rui (played by Hu Xianxu), a young couple working in different cities. In order to surprise each other, they took the trains traveling in the opposite direction and went on a romantic love journey.

Childhood sweethearts have a tacit understanding of each other and care about each other on and off screen

In the movie "Journey Across the Moon", Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu collaborated again after eight years to play the long-distance lovers Lin Xiushan and Wang Rui in the 1990s. In the special episode, both Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu said that they have not lost contact over the years, have always been good friends, and are very happy that each other can star. The two get along with each other in a fun and harmonious manner off-screen, and they are even more comfortable in interpreting their roles on-screen. The tacit cooperation of everyone also won the recognition of director Li Weiran. When Zhang Zifeng was finishing filming, Hu Xianxu and the crew gave roses as a surprise, and chief producer Zhang Yu sang "The Moon Represents My Heart" affectionately on the spot. The atmosphere was full of warmth and touching. On the day when Hu Xianxu finished filming, Zhang Zifeng also carefully prepared a VCR message and sent his heartfelt blessings.

Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu burst into tears during the reunion scene. They carefully studied and devoted themselves to

Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu jointly challenged to play the newlyweds Lin Xiushan and Wang Rui in the 1990s, fully demonstrating the plasticity of their acting skills. In the childhood sweethearts special, Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu performed a wedding scene for the first time. Although they were a little shy when setting foot in such a scene for the first time, it was this youthful innocence and the tacit cooperation of the two that successfully completed this sweet and loving filming. . In the special episode, Zhang Zifeng believes that Xiu Shan has a kind of naive and romantic nature in her heart, and her intimate understanding of the role helps her interpret Xiu Shan's romance and innocence. Hu Xianxu also had a unique understanding of the role of Wang Rui and devoted himself completely to the performance: when filming the reunion scene between Xiu Shan and Wang Rui at the station, Hu Xianxu burst into tears because he was immersed in the emotions of the character and couldn't extricate himself. They all put a lot of effort into understanding and figuring out the characters, and strive to show the inner world of the characters accurately and truly. Hu Xianxu also talked about his resonance with the film's emotional outlook: In the past, carriages and horses were slow, lovers expressed their thoughts through long-distance phone calls, and traveling thousands of miles just to see each other - all these ways of expressing love moved him very much. The

movie "Journey Across the Moon" will be released nationwide on May 1.