Recently, the documentary film "Twenty-Two" director Guo Ke's new work "The Day Is Long" announced that it will be released on June 15 and released a preview.

"All Days Are Long" is scheduled to be released on June 15th. Director Guo Ke focuses on "Hospice Care" Duration: 01:08 Source: Movie Network

"All Days Are Long" is scheduled for 6 On March 15th, Director Guo Ke focused on "Hospice Care" Hide

Duration: 01:08 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the documentary film "Twenty-Two" director Guo Ke's new work "The Tomorrow Is Long" It was announced that it will be released on June 15 and a preview of the scheduled release was released. The film focuses on the cherishment and reluctance of hospice care (safety care), tenderly pays attention to aging and death, and conveys the story of love and life in the form of a combination of documentary and plot.

"All Days Come" is a film that has both fiction and reality and focuses on family love. The virtual reality is that the film constructs an ordinary family living in Chengdu. After the grandfather passed away, the plot detailedly described the changes that took place in the family within five years. In fact, it means that the crew went to the other side of the ocean to record the daily work of a Chinese music therapist working in a hospice care institution. Documentary and fiction complement each other, telling a story of life and love.