In the spring of April, the Propaganda Department of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee (Qinghai Provincial Film Bureau) and China Film Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform jointly organized the "Provincial Propaganda Department Enters Campus·Film Enters

A total of 6 pictures

1905 Movie Network News In the spring of April, the Propaganda Department of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee (Qinghai Provincial Film Bureau) and the China Film Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform jointly organized the province's publicity department to enter campus movies into campus activities. This event took the opportunity to watch the documentary "Snow Leopard and Her Friends" and aimed to promote the dissemination of excellent traditional Chinese culture on campus through the screening of excellent films, strengthen the construction of aesthetic education for primary and secondary school students, and empower quality education on campus.

The documentary "Snow Leopard and Her Friends" is not only a film showing the beauty of China's natural ecology, but also a profound ecological education film. The film focuses on the snow leopard, a rare wild animal, and its habitat. Through delicate images and vivid narration, it shows the audience a natural world full of fantasy and surprises. The snow leopard in the film is not only the king of the plateau, but also the guardian of ecological balance. She and her friends jointly interpret the legend of life in this ancient and mysterious land. Film director Xi Zhinong and three local Tibetan herdsmen formed a special crew to go deep into the no-man's land of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. After going through hardships, they captured precious moments of snow leopards and their ecosystems with their lenses. They had close contact with snow leopards, recorded their living habits and living conditions, and used video language to tell the story of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Voice actor Zhu Yawen gives the film a deeper emotional connotation through his voice. His voice is like the wind in the valley, blowing across the grasslands and snow-capped mountains, bringing the audience into a poetic natural world.

The site of the movie viewing event at the Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Middle School in Qinghai Province

The site of the movie viewing event at the Fourth National Senior High School in Yushu Prefecture, Qinghai Province

"Snow Leopard and Her Friends" producer Guo Yonghao interacted with the students on site

This movie viewing event The main venue was set up at Kangchuan School in Huangzhong District, Xining City, Qinghai Province, and through online video, school teacher and student representatives from the first batch of 10 boarding schools in Huangnan, Yushu, Goluo and other places in the province were connected. . At the movie viewing activities in various schools, students watched the film with great interest. The beautiful pictures and touching stories gave them a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural ecology. After watching the movie, the film's producer Guo Yonghao, director Xi Zhinong and voice actor Zhu Yawen interacted with the students through video or online. They patiently answered the students’ questions and shared the stories and experiences behind the creation of the film. In order to closely integrate film and television appreciation with course teaching, the organizer specially invited Du Juan, a teacher from the Qinghai Provincial Museum of Natural Resources, to introduce the basic characteristics and rescue process of snow leopards and other cats to the students. Through vivid explanations and examples, she allowed the students to We have a more comprehensive understanding of the snow leopard, a rare species, and we are encouraged to cherish and care for the natural environment around us. Through post-screening exchanges and special study, the students appreciated the harmonious relationship between man and nature in the charm of light and shadow. They all said that they should cherish the natural environment around them, protect wild animals, and contribute to building a harmonious and symbiotic earth home. The documentary "Snow Leopard and Her Friends" entered the Qinghai campus, not only bringing spiritual food and cultural enjoyment to teachers and students, but also a powerful dissemination of China's excellent traditional culture and the concept of ecological civilization.

China Film Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform dedicated digital movie playback server startup screen

This event is provided by China Film Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform with technical support and film and television resource docking services. Under the guidance of the Central Propaganda Film Bureau, the China Film Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform is a point-to-point digital film and television supply chain system developed and constructed by China Film Group Corporation by leveraging the advantages of the entire industry chain, specifically to empower quality education in primary and secondary schools across the country.The platform combines digital movies, copyright protection and new Internet technologies, integrates the most advanced digital movie supply chain technology concepts, and has the technical capabilities to provide point-to-point movie screening services for primary and secondary school campuses across the country; the platform has built a copyright compliance, type A rich and constantly updated film and television resource library for primary and secondary schools, including excellent films jointly recommended by the Ministry of Education and the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee to primary and secondary school students across the country, as well as hundreds of other patriotic feature films, scientific and educational films, documentaries, cartoons, etc. suitable for primary and secondary school students to watch; The platform has not only established a stable cooperative relationship with leading distribution units in the film and television industry, regularly updating the latest theatrical blockbusters suitable for primary and secondary school students, but also actively connects with CCTV, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Association for Science and Technology, State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and other departments and units to bring authoritative High-quality video products are continuously added to the classified library. At present, the China Film School Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform has launched pilot projects in hundreds of primary and secondary schools in 19 provinces and cities across the country. Among them, Beijing, Qinghai, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Shaanxi and other provinces and cities have entered the stage of large-scale pilot promotion.

Some of the films in the film library of the China Film and Television Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform

Beijing Bayi School uses the China Film and Television Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform to carry out themed movie viewing activities

Looking to the future, China Film Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform will bring together more and more excellent films and authorities High-quality and rich video resources, rapidly increasing the number of primary and secondary schools across the country, continuously improving the quality and service level of campus movie viewing, promoting joint research on supporting film and television resource teaching products for primary and secondary school textbooks, and collaborative creation of children's film and television works, providing moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and labor five We should simultaneously focus on education, improve quality and efficiency, and provide high-quality development of original children’s film and television IP to provide better services.

Zhao Yiman Red Army Primary School in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province used the China Film Campus Film and Television Public Welfare Service Platform to carry out themed movie viewing activities