The LPL Spring Split playoffs are about to begin. Since the start of this year's Spring Split, many viewers have felt that the popularity is not as good as in previous years, and the popularity has dropped seriously. This has been confirmed again recently, because after the sprin


lpl Spring Split playoffs are about to begin. Since the start of this year's Spring Split, many viewers have felt that the popularity is not as good as in previous years, and the popularity has dropped seriously. This has been confirmed again recently, because after the spring regular season has ended, tickets for the playoffs have been sold for several days. Some attentive viewers have discovered that tickets for this year’s spring playoffs cannot be sold. Many games Sales volume is less than 10%.

First, let’s take a look at the venues and tickets for the playoffs. The venue is the home stadium of JDG. The entire venue is relatively large and has more seats. Daily tickets are divided into 6 levels. From March 31 to April 5, the lowest ticket is 198 yuan and the most expensive is 688 yuan; from April 6 to April 10 in the double-elimination format, the lowest ticket is 268 yuan. , the highest is 788 yuan; the lowest is 298 yuan and the most expensive is 888 yuan on April 11 and April 14 in the winner's bracket final and loser's bracket final.

Next is the ticket sales situation as of 18:00 on the 28th. The ticket sales for the bo5 between omg and we on March 31st were bleak, with only a few tickets sold in the middle. The game will start in less than 3 days, and I feel that the scene may be awkward.

The ticket sales situation for the WBG and IG match on April 1st was similar to the first day. It was also relatively bleak. Most of the seats were empty and very few tickets were sold.

html On April 2nd, it was the winner of the game between nip and omg and we. The sales volume of this game was even worse. It was not as many as the first two bo5 tickets sold. Maybe it was because these three teams really didn’t have any popular traffic players.

html April 3rd was the winner of the competition between lng and wbg and ig. This one was slightly better. The yellow and blue positions in the middle were sold out by nearly a quarter, and the svip sofa seat was also sold a lot. The fan base of lng is still much higher than that of the previous teams.

4 April 4th is the fpx game. The sales volume of this game is similar to that of the lng game. After all, fpx is a former world champion team and it still has a good foundation. Moreover, milkyway has attracted countless fans this year and its popularity is also good.

html April 5th is a jdg game. The fan base for the home game is still good. The tickets in the middle position are basically sold out in all stalls. The svip sofa seats are also sold out. Only the seats with poor views on both sides still have tickets.

4 April 6th was a blg competition, and the sales volume was better than that of jdg. The middle seats were all sold out, and there were still some remaining tickets on both sides.

4 7th TES game, this is also the best-selling game in the playoffs so far. Except for all the middle seats sold out, there are not many remaining tickets on both sides. TES's opponents in this game may be jdg, lng, wbg Or ig, if it's jdg and lng, the remaining tickets will probably be sold out soon. The attendance of this game is the least to worry about.

There are many reasons for the poor ticket sales. One is that the ticket price is too expensive, which has increased a lot compared with previous years. The other is that the venue is too remote. JDG’s home stadium is in Yizhuang, and it is not convenient to get there from downtown Beijing. There is also another The reason is that most of the games are on weekdays, and the game starts at 6pm. If the game is full, it will be 11pm, and it will take at least an hour to go back. It is really inconvenient for spectators who have to go to work or go to school the next day. Of course, the main reason is that the popularity has dropped. The attendance rate in the regular season is much lower than in previous years. It is normal that the tickets for the playoffs are not sold well.

The team with the strongest appeal at present is tes. Although it owns jkl, it also bought meiko during the transfer period. While its strength has increased, its popularity has also become higher and higher. In addition, there are many popular players in this year's spring competition. Rest, TES is definitely the team with the most attention in the LPL right now, and their tickets are definitely the best-selling.

Secondly, blg and jdg are also okay, but there is still a gap in popularity compared to tes. If the playoff players include theshy and uzi, and the team includes rng and edg, tickets may be sold much better. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the lpl to return to the past when tickets disappeared instantly.

So, do you have anything to say about this matter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.