Recently, the 2023 Weibo Entertainment White Paper was released, divided into six major sections: "Celebrities, Movies, Drama Series, Variety Shows, Documentaries, Music and Performances", comprehensively and accurately reviewing the data, phenomena, and trends in various fields

Recently, the 2023 Weibo Entertainment White Paper was released. It is divided into six major sections: "Celebrities, Movies, TV Series, Variety Shows, Documentaries, Music and Performances". It comprehensively and accurately reviews the data, phenomena, and performance in various fields of entertainment in 2023. trends, providing important experience summaries and decision-making basis for the industry. Among them, the celebrity section mainly focuses on the three parts of celebrities' "content value, commercial value, and social value", and the social value of celebrities is worth mentioning.

Since when did celebrities no longer blindly pursue artistic value and commercial value, but began to rely on the influence of individuals and works to give full play to social value, contribute to social public undertakings, form a role model, and drive fan groups Be good to the best, promote the ecological development of the public welfare industry, and constantly radiate new vitality. The deep integration and symbiosis of entertainment and public welfare has prompted the continuous innovation and upgrading of celebrity public welfare cooperation models, helping public welfare undertakings reach a wider group of people in a more diversified and efficient way, and achieve a more profound social influence.

In 2023, the celebrity Star focuses on multiple public welfare fields such as child protection, education assistance, rural revitalization, and environmental protection, and creates and develops its own public welfare projects. For example, in August last year, the Hanhong Love Charity Foundation launched the "Hanhong Love·Hundred People Aid Longjiang" public welfare activity, which lasted for 14 days and carried out 10 large-scale free clinics spanning 3,000 kilometers. A total of 15,052 people participated in the free clinics, and pharmacies distributed medicines to 3,761 people. , the Fuming Center completed 258 cataract surgeries, and registered 78 people for follow-up treatment on site. Han Hong led the team to weave every watch with sincerity, fulfilling the oath of "protecting rural health" in the white mountains and black waters. Chen Kun’s “Power of Walking” public welfare project is back in its 13th year, re-walking the Sichuan-Tibet Gonggar Line, returning to the spiritual journey, and advocating a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle; Zhou Xun’s “Onenight for Children” project continues to carry out [Star Communication Plan ], and held a rural children's concert in Yunnan, calling on everyone to pay attention to and help vulnerable children, and give children indiscriminate love. In addition to actively initiating and promoting their own public welfare projects,

stars can also choose to establish close cooperative relationships with public welfare organizations. Become a long-term or short-term spokesperson for public welfare projects, continue to speak out for public welfare undertakings, participate in actual public welfare actions or participate in charity donations. Celebrities such as Pan Yueming, Liu Shishi, and Tan Jianci have served as long-term spokespersons for the project and have continued to work in the fields of environmental protection, nature education, rural children's education, and ocean protection respectively. Three generations of celebrities, including Chen Jianbin, Lin Zhiying, Jia Nailiang, Luo Yunxi, Ayunga, and He Ruixian, serve as short-term spokespersons for the project, speaking out for ecological environment protection, rural revitalization, care for disadvantaged groups and other public welfare directions.

Celebrity charity has formed a scale effect in social emergency and disaster relief events. In the face of heavy rains in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Jilin, and sudden earthquakes in Gansu and Qinghai in 2023, hundreds of celebrities spoke out on Weibo and showed their love through donations of money and materials, calling on fans and netizens to pay attention to the front-line disasters, and everyone contributed. Love to help people in disaster areas and help public welfare organizations carry out rescue operations on the front line. Public welfare organizations also announced the distribution status of supplies in disaster areas on Weibo in real time, responded to the concerns of netizens, and actively practiced transparent public welfare.

is not only about individual celebrities, but also deeply integrates the celebrities’ own audio-visual dramas and IP works from research and development to publicity and distribution with public welfare. Works such as the popular movie "Octagonal Cage", the variety show "Farming", and the documentary "All the Way" all cooperate with charity organizations in related fields during the creation and publicity stages. Through charity, they amplify the core of the works and spread positive social energy. , creating a closed-loop model of online communication and offline public welfare implementation. Take the popular variety show "Farming" as an example. It focuses on the direction of rural revitalization and public welfare, and truly and completely records the entire process of young people born in the 90s and 2000s participating in labor. During the broadcast of the program, Weibo Linked to multiple ecological promotions such as entertainment, government affairs, media, food, etc., the program team and all members posted live "business" blogs in real time. In the end, word-of-mouth led the circle and became popular. With 13.33 million hot discussions on the entire network, the program accumulated 213 times On Weibo hot search."Farming" uses the sincerity, youth and vitality of young people to compose a picture of a good harvest, uses a new perspective to create an illustration of rural revitalization, and sets off a new trend of "variety show + cultural tourism". When

stars have their own publicity points, they will spare no effort to recommend "charity" and guide fans to do good deeds together on Weibo. Weibo has teamed up with Li Xian Studio and the Amity Foundation padi Love Ocean Special Fund to jointly launch the #LiXianBlueBirthdaySeason theme event, taking advantage of celebrity influence and birthday hot spots, through birthday live broadcasts, super chat check-ins and other social networking The gameplay conveys the public welfare concept of protecting the ocean, and fans have supported ocean protection work by donating to the [Ocean Guardian Action] public welfare project.

relies on Weibo's annual key event "Renren Charity Festival", and has achieved remarkable results in the innovation and upgrading of celebrity charity content. Micro-philanthropy has strengthened the linkage with Weibo celebrities, charity organizations and popular TV dramas on Taiwan Network, and achieved cross-platform cooperation with Tencent Philanthropy, supplemented by hard and broad resources for support. The scale of celebrities' participation in charity projects has deepened and is quite bright.

In order to better promote the long-term development of the entertainment industry and the charity industry, Weibo has established strategic cooperation with brokerage companies and continues to develop charity cooperation projects. Focusing on the two major themes of rural revitalization and ecological civilization construction, Weibo and public welfare organizations have invited celebrities from strategic cooperation brokerage companies such as Enlight Media, Mengyan Film and Television, and Yuekai Entertainment to serve as "Beautiful Rural Lighting Officers" and "Green Waters and Green Mountains Guardian Officers" ", the stars "Yiqi" help charity.

Celebrities continue to deepen their own public welfare projects, and the popularity is rising

Based on the above multiple cooperation models for celebrity philanthropy, looking back on 2023, celebrities' own public welfare projects have heated up across the board and performed well. Huang Xiaoming's Tomorrow Love Fund has been deeply engaged in public welfare all year round. The public welfare project of "Bringing Love Home and Accompanying the Empty Nest Elderly" has achieved outstanding results. As of December 2023, it has donated more than 5.8 million yuan in donations and assisted in raising funds of more than 10 million yuan. The total number of beneficiaries has exceeded Millions of people; the project topic #LetLoveGo Home to Accompany the Empty Nesters# has received 160 million views, 1.899 million discussions, and 2.913 million interactions, arousing the attention and protection of the elderly among young netizens.

In 2023, Zhangjie@北星空爱 fund and fans will continue to delve into the field of children's music education, protect every little dream with every drop of warmth, and deliver upward energy with the power of music. As of December 2023, a total of 63 "Zhangjie Music Dream Classrooms" have been set up across the country, bringing many children the opportunity to enjoy music education. @张杰 has also visited campuses many times to communicate and interact with children, leading more with action People join the charity team and move forward for love together! #张杰MusicDreamClassroom# has 410 million topic reads, 31.858 million discussions, and 32.878 million interactions. Zhang Jie continues to illuminate the music path of countless children with his own light!

In 2018, Song Qian's studio joined hands with Bazaar Charity Fund to launch the # Song Qian Love Dance Classroom # charity project. By renovating classrooms in rural schools, providing equipment needed for dance learning, connecting professional dance teacher resources, and promoting local dance teaching in the form of dual-teacher classrooms. As of December 2023, in the fifth year of working together, the project has built 9 loving dance classrooms that meet the dance training needs of rural schools. The training teachers have completed more than 30 offline dance course field trainings, online classes and online More than 70 exchanges and studies were held, and summer dance camps were organized, benefiting more than 1,200 students. # Song Qian’s Love Dance Classroom# has a topic reading volume of 120 million, a discussion volume of 946,000, and an interaction volume of 1.425 million.

Fan Chengcheng, as the charity ambassador of the Beautiful School Project and the initiator of the Chengai Fund, has joined hands with the China Rural Development Foundation to support rural education public welfare projects for five consecutive years. On World Book Day, he launched the #giveyouabook# campaign on Weibo, through giving Children recommend books and ways to read books, calling on everyone to pay attention to the reading plight of rural children and help rural children study well. #giveyou一书# has a topic reading volume of 120 million, a discussion volume of 1.205 million, and an interaction volume of 1.443 million.

In 2023, Liu Shishi joined hands with the China Rural Development Foundation’s Cheer for the Future project to launch the “Shishi Cheer Love Plan” to help rural children develop in an all-round way.As of December 2023, the "Shishi Come on Love Plan" has supported two rural primary schools in Huize County, Yunnan Province to implement the Come on Future project, and launched Come Come Reading and Come Come Exercise courses and implementation space, benefiting 481 rural students.

Release the power of "Starlight" role models to promote the realization of "Public Welfare for All"

In December 2023, Weibo launched the #星光CharityAward# year-end inventory event to inventory and disseminate celebrity charity events that have outstanding performance in the field of charity in 2023. Use the power of celebrity charity role models to guide fans to go with Starlight Charity and do good deeds together on Weibo. Weibo has joined hands with various public welfare organizations to share public welfare events of 115 celebrities including Xiao Zhan, Yang Zi, Wang Hedi, etc. For example, WildAid and public welfare ambassador Yang Zi launched the "World Earth Day" themed event and released "Let Travel Leave Only Beauty and No Regrets" to protect The wildlife public welfare video aims to appeal to the public not to buy ivory and other wildlife products as tourist souvenirs when traveling abroad, and to contribute to the protection of endangered wild animals through practicing civilized tourism. Xiao Zhan voiced the voice of the disabled youth film "The Palm of the Hand", using sincere narration to tell the story of a special education teacher leading caring students to give wings to move forward. He also served as a Beijing anti-fraud publicity volunteer and a charity dream ambassador for the Hangzhou Asian Games. Practical actions convey positive energy... #星光Charity Awards # star charity content has been shared a total of 2.41 million times across the Internet, and the number of new topic reads exceeds 100 million.

In the 2023 Weibo Everyone Charity Festival event, a total of more than 1,000 celebrities assisted in charity communication, of which 413 leading celebrities participated. Weibo invited 10 celebrities such as @李宇春 @李兴ing @武磊leo to serve as the opening officers of the Renren Charity Festival, launching initiatives in multiple public welfare fields such as children's health, children's education, ecological civilization construction, and ocean protection. At the same time, with the help of theme activities and product innovative gameplay, we have created many celebrity public welfare highlights such as #黄京宇thisquestionZunduis very healing#, #和father的GloryTogether Salute to the Forest Guards#, #热狠的开school电影# Cases such as the #一花一好Persimmon Painting Dream Project# theme activity jointly launched by WeGongyi and Tencent Public Welfare. Star Huang Jingyu participated deeply, sharing the organization’s charity paintings through voting, and leaving messages in the comment area detailing the heartwarming feelings behind the paintings. Stories attract a large number of fans to vote and forward. This starlight linkage not only helps public welfare content go out of the circle, but also gains netizens' attention and participation in public welfare projects. It uses the power of star examples to drive netizens to do good deeds together and promote the realization of "public welfare for everyone".

The large-scale participation of celebrities has promoted "public welfare for everyone" and is also reflected in social emergency and disaster relief events. @汉红爱philanthropic foundation@黄晓明Tomorrow Love Fund is deeply engaged in the field of emergency disaster relief. Star volunteers of Han Hong Foundation carry out emergency disaster relief work focusing on medical assistance; Huang Xiaoming Tomorrow Love Fund, together with celebrities and professional disaster relief teams, launched the "Join Hands" Plans for tomorrow”. Whenever floods or earthquakes occur, relying on the social influence of Han Hong and Huang Xiaoming and the professional disaster relief capabilities of the Charity Fund, we can quickly summon stars to participate in donations and transport relief materials to the disaster area as soon as possible. The public welfare project initiated by two influential stars relied on Weibo's unique social communication attributes and plaza effect to achieve a public welfare field where the influential stars issued a call and a large number of stars participated; in addition, local governments, public welfare organizations, and rescue teams quickly followed up. As netizens interact closely with each other, the Weibo social emergency disaster relief collaboration network continues to be consolidated, forming an efficient and powerful social rescue force.

Looking at the 2023 Weibo Entertainment White Paper, whether it is celebrities, movies, dramas or music, artists are continuing to attract fans through high-quality work performance and sincere and interesting sharing on Weibo. Celebrities who have gained attention and love are also exerting their personal influence, dedicating their own efforts to actively give back to the society, paying attention to and deeply participating in public welfare projects, and passing on warm and positive social energy. Popular movies, popular TV dramas and other literary and artistic works maximize the social value of the works, and are deeply integrated with Weibo public welfare, making people happy and moved, forming a long-term reputation, and bringing strong vitality and vitality to the entertainment industry and the public welfare industry. .

The future will be a symbiotic era full of creativity and warmth. Stars and literary and artistic works will no longer be pure entertainment symbols, but will gradually become a powerful force in promoting public welfare undertakings. The deep integration of entertainment and public welfare not only opens up a new path for industry development, but also shows that while pursuing artistic innovation and commercial value, the entertainment industry is also committed to promoting the spread of positive social energy and the development of public welfare undertakings, leading the entertainment industry Develop in a healthier and more beneficial direction.