Entering March, the variety show market, which has been dormant for a long time, is bustling again. In order to boost their performance in the battle for KPIs in the first quarter, major TV stations are sharpening their skills and preparing to use their trump cards. The first one

Entering March, the variety show market, which has been dormant for a long time, is bustling again.

In order to achieve a boost in performance in the battle for KPIs in the first quarter, major TV stations are sharpening their knives and preparing to use their trump cards.

The first one to strike was the team of "variety show veteran" Wu Tong, who made a comeback with "Infinite Beyond Class 2".

Although there were constant controversies in the first season, the popularity of the topic was unparalleled among similar variety shows.

Looking at the second season again, from the lineup of instructors to the list of students, I have to say that the director team really intends to keep the popularity and topics going to the end. In addition to the two "venomous" mentors from last season, Er Dongsheng and Wu Zhenyu, the

mentor group also invited two "variety show judges", Jingping and Hao Lei .

During this battle, you can smell the strong smell of gunpowder through the screen.

Let’s look at the list of students.

Gao Haining, Jin Sha, Zhang Dongliang, Ji Lingchen, Zhu Zixiao, Yan Xujia, Xu Ruohan, Wang Qiang, Xiang Zuo, etc.

has both veteran idols who are in an awkward position, as well as newcomers with great potential. Of course, there are also "wonderful people" in the entertainment industry who have their own hot topics.

Sure enough, in the first few episodes of the show, several "wonderful" students contributed "famous performance scenes" that made people touch their toes.

For example, Yan Xujia, who acted opposite Hao Lei, used too much force.

Zhu Zixiao was embarrassed throughout the whole process and couldn't figure out his position.

Ji Lingchen, the "silly young man" who can't even resist tranquility when acting.

Xiang Zuo, who is relatively out of the circle, contributed the famous scene of "The Death of Mozart".

In such a horrific scene, several major instructors covered their mouths and couldn't comment, and contributed their best performance moments.

Just like what netizens said, after looking at these eye-catching acting skills, I urgently need to watch some good performances to wash my eyes.

Today we will take stock of famous performance scenes in film and television works to see what genuine acting skills are. (Ranked in no particular order)

01, Wan Qian - "Hello, Madman"

In 2020, Wan Qian's popularity has soared with "Sister Lang", and her acting career has reached a new peak.

Before this, Wan Qian was actually a well-known and powerful actor in the industry, and had won the Best Supporting Actress.

What I want to talk about here is Wan Qian’s extremely outstanding one-man show in the movie "Hello, Madman".

The movie itself is not highly rated, but thanks to Wan Qian's monologue performance, it has surpassed its own value.

In the film, Wan Qian plays a schizophrenic, so in this scene, she plays 7 roles, showing the different personality characteristics of the 7 characters.

5-minute long shot, Wan Qian's performance was completed in one go, clearly expressing the fear, sadness, anger and other emotions of the seven characters when they faced interrogation.

On the other hand, Wan Qian also captured the rhythm of changes in personality very accurately.

It is unimaginable that one person plays seven roles, let alone doing it in one camera.

But Wan Qian relied on her solid lines and the subtle movements of her eyebrows and expressions to break away from the shackles of the skin and become seven completely independent characters.

This clip was later called Wan Qian's "moment of becoming a god" by many netizens, and was also used as a textbook model by many variety shows.

In movies such as "The Party at Southern Station" and "Rabbit Violence", Wan Qian also used her strength to attract fans and has been promoted to a representative of the acting school of Mesozoic actresses.

02, Ding Yongdai - "Nirvana in Fire"

In recent years, veteran actor Ding Yongdai has firmly established himself as the "Nation's No. 1 Father" with his period dramas such as "South to North" and "The World". His solid acting skills have made people praise.

This is not the first time that Ding Yongdai has been out of the industry because of his acting skills.

As early as 2002, Ding Yongdai left an indelible shadow in the hearts of countless viewers with his role as the gangster Bai Baoshan in "The End".

In 2015, Ding Yongdai played the role of Emperor Liang in "Nirvana in Fire", once again proving his versatility in acting.

Especially the scene where Emperor Liang kneels down to Mei Changsu moved many viewers and even began to sympathize with this sensitive, suspicious, selfish and fragile emperor.

At the beginning of this scene, Emperor Liang was still defending his original decision. It was not until Mei Changsu said, "The world belongs to the people of the world " that Emperor Liang's psychological defense was gradually broken.

From being self-righteous at the beginning to being shaken and frustrated after being refuted, Ding Yongdai did not exert much effort. Instead, he restored the complex psychological activities of Emperor Liang with a frown and a sigh.

Until the last moment when he knelt down, Emperor Liang begged Mei Changsu for forgiveness with tears in his eyes. He recounted the past in detail with tears in his eyes. The emotional tension and rhythm were perfectly controlled.

Especially the questioning tone of "ah" at the end, this single word expresses the regret and fragility in Emperor Liang's heart.

From low to high, step by step without leaving a trace, just this one scene is enough to enlighten many actors for a lifetime.

03, Yan Bingyan - "0,000 Arrows Pierce the Heart"

In the entertainment industry, there are many actors who are good at crying scenes.

But there are not many actors who can perform crying scenes with distinct layers and make the audience immersed in it. Yan Bingyan is definitely one of them.

How awesome is Yan Bingyan’s crying scene?

I have to mention her masterpiece "A Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" here.

Here is a relatively intuitive data: Yan Bingyan won the best actress award at eight domestic and foreign film festivals including the Huabiao Award and the Tiantan Award for her role as Li Baoli in "Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart". There is a scene in the

film where Li Baoli "catches an adulterer", which can be said to show the highest level of crying scenes.

After following her husband and her lover into the hotel, Li Baoli hid in the corner, her eyes full of despair and disbelief.

She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her, even though she had already preset the result that her husband had cheated on her.

This always strong woman immediately collapsed on the ground, tears pouring out of her eyes.

A series of complex emotions are intertwined, perfectly presented in Yan Bingyan's performance.

Whether it’s the panicked and helpless eyes or the sudden release of energy from the body, Yan Bingyan used enough details to make the subsequent “tears” more moving.

After getting into the taxi, Li Baoli no longer suppressed her emotions. This time she cried hoarsely. She was disappointed and angry, but also confused about her future life.

Yan Bingyan replaced various dazzling skills with life style, which also became the most exciting "moment after the movie" in the film.

04, Wang Baoqiang - "Hello, Mr. Tree"

To this day, when Wang Baoqiang's masterpiece is mentioned, "Hello, Mr. Tree" will be mentioned.

Mr. Shu, played by Wang Baoqiang, has almost no trace of polishing in his performance.

Especially the smoking scenes are included in the textbooks of Beijing Film Academy, which shows the high level.

In order to portray this character with a depressed life and inner struggle, Wang Baoqiang, who never smoked, began to force himself to learn to smoke.

When he was on the set, Wang Baoqiang smoked a lot of cigarettes every day so that he could better enter the character state.

Judging from the smoking scene in the film, Mr. Shu put one hand in his pocket and held the cigarette between two fingers of the other hand.

Behind the simple action of smoking, you can see the helplessness and confusion in his eyes, as well as the stubbornness to save face.

Wang Baoqiang’s natural and unpretentious performance integrated the character into himself, allowing many viewers to see Wang Baoqiang’s acting skills for the first time.

Even Duan Yihong, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, was impressed by Wang Baoqiang's scene. Frankly speaking, just this one action made many actors with professional backgrounds fall thousands of miles away.

05, Zhang Yi - "The Murderer"

In recent years, there have been two "powerful model workers" among middle-aged male actors.

One is Lei Jiayin and the other is Zhang Yi.

Although netizens complained about aesthetic fatigue because he has played too many police roles recently, to be fair, Zhang Yi's performance is still above the standard.

Putting aside the positive roles he has interpreted in recent years, Zhang Yi is also unique in portraying villains.

For example, Xiao Feng, the five-star killer played in "The Murderer" directed by Cao Baoping, has a high heart and a thin life. He pretends to be cool and ruthless, but always shows the embarrassment of a comedian.

For example, the scene of eating rice noodles is naturally and completely "de-performance".

Zhang Yi handled this scene very delicately. After the rice noodles were served, he first poured some vinegar into it and stirred it.

After the assassination target appeared, he wanted to grab some rice noodles and eat them quickly, but he gave up because they were too hot.

Especially when he was burned, Zhang Yi pursed his lips a few times, as if it was a subconscious action, and there was no trace of performance at all.

For a time, the tension of the scene and the embarrassment of the character collided, making the fate of this character even more absurd and bizarre.

06, Xu Zheng - "I'm Not the God of Medicine"

No matter what era it is placed in, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" can be regarded as one of the best realistic movies.

Xu Zheng, as the first starring actor in this film, gave the most high-quality performance since his debut in the film.

Especially the scene at the end of the film where thousands of people were sent away made countless viewers burst into tears. Xu Zheng’s performance pushed the emotions of the whole scene to a climax.

According to Xu Zheng, the filming process of this scene was not smooth. During the process, he had to start over several times because he couldn't cry.

In the end, it was the director who came up with a way for Xu Zheng to write a letter to the character to help him find empathy with the character.

Sure enough, in the process of writing the letter, Xu Zheng deepened his sense of empathy with the character Chen Yong, and also allowed him to truly enter the character's most authentic inner field.

During the filming on the second day, Xu Zheng's emotions were on the verge of breaking out, and tears flowed out unconsciously.

There are grievances, depression, and helplessness in this, but also the relief and joy of saving people from fire and water.

This silent cry vividly and contagiously expresses Chen Yong’s complex emotions at this moment.

It was this outstanding performance that helped Xu Zheng defeat Deng Chao, Jiang Wen and other movie stars, and win the first heavyweight performance award in his acting career.

07, Zhou Xun - "Li Mi's Conjecture"

As the first Grand Slam Best Actress in the Chinese film industry, Zhou Xun has countless famous performances.

But what convinced the audience the most was the scene in the movie "Li Mi's Conjecture" where Li Mi chases her boyfriend and wants to get to know him.

This scene requires extremely high emotional dimensions for Zhou Xun's performance, because she needs to express two extreme emotions.

On one side is the joy of meeting her boyfriend after many years, on the other side is the pain and disappointment of facing her boyfriend's cold face.

Zhou Xun found an excellent entry point in the emotional expression of Ice and Fire, that is, using letters written by her boyfriend as a medium to express her pain of lovesickness.

Li Mi chased her boyfriend, crying and reciting the content of the letter he had written to her, and couldn't help laughing when he talked about the beautiful places.

This performance, which was full of laughter and tears, was a true expression of Li Mi's true feelings. It also made the audience burst into tears, feeling sorry for this girl who sacrificed her years for love.

"Li Mi's Conjecture" can be regarded as one of the best performances in Zhou Xun's career. So many years later, when Zhou Xun looked back at the play, he also laughed and said that he "acted pretty well."

What is a good performance? This is a commonplace topic, and it is also a core issue that the current entertainment industry needs to pay attention to.

For actors, strength is always their trump card. Even if their fame fades as they age, they can still gain a foothold with their acting skills.

I wonder where the highlight moments of the above-mentioned actors stand in your hearts? (Written by Pipi Xia)